Notable for 2022 PREFERENCE POINT REMINDER Unsuccessful applicants will not automatically be given a preference point after the draw. There is no point system for deer and antelope for residents. Hi Jake ! 2014 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Special draw applicants should consider unit 84 and 125. Other hidden gems are most often associated with the plains and badland areas of the central and eastern portion of the state. I really like what I see here from a statistical standpoint. These antelope can reside at very high elevations making for a very interesting above timberline antelope hunt which might be something very unique for some. Buck to doe ratio of 32:100. Lastly, click on any of the remaining hunt areas to read in-depth profiles containing valuable information. Any tags that are left after that draw go on sale as first come basis. This can be very good for weeding out hunting areas with unlimited (100%) tags. Wyoming is a diverse state in terms of habitat types. If you live in Wyoming and want to hunt antelope every year, its absolutely possible; it just requires a little research. 36, 84: Slight reduction of permits in Area 36 again from 400 to 350 and Area 84 will remain at 50. With license cuts and point creep I would encourage applicants within this range to consider utilizing the points you have to draw a license and go hunting. The maximum number of nonresident preference points for antelope is 15 going into the 2021 draw. Another good option is to book a hunt with an outfitter who has access to private land. Have other hunts going on throughout the fall? Any applicants who do not draw a license from the preference point pool are rolled into the random draw and have an opportunity to draw from the random licenses available. planning One, you can review the odds and apply for the best trophy hunt in the state that still has a random license available in the draw. Wyoming experienced a perfect storm of booming populations from 2010 to 2017 when they were harvesting thousands of antelope does to try and bring the populations back within objective and then had back-to-back heavy winter mortality followed byextreme drought the following years. research 9,939 Views. Buck to doe ratio of 30:100 and high fawn to doe ratios of 66:100. Approximately 75% of the land within the herd area is private and most mule deer are harvested on private land because it provides the majority of mule deer habitat. Those units with limited amounts of access can still be drawn with a few points, which I would argue is a decent way to utilize your points but you may have to really dig into finding a place to hunt. Interestingly enough there were 24 of those hunts that could have been drawn as a second choice. They will move around a bit within their home area, but they are always out there somewhere. Region W will see a reduction of licenses from 900 to 750. By that I mean, explore the idea of finding an outfitter that has access to private land or perhaps doing it the old fashioned way and contacting landowners and trying to gain permission to hunt before applying. 2019 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice Each hunt areas quota of licenses, draw odds, and hunter success rates are posted onWyomings Game and Fish website. Both states have ample info on their web sites as well with draw and harvest statistics that should help you select your hunt unit. Largely due to drought and some late spring deep snow storms that impacted herds in the central and eastern part of the state. Wyoming divides the state into 115 antelope units or hunt areas, each with an annual tag quota. This option would allow residents to apply for a higher quality hunt as a first choice and then still likely draw a hunt as a second choice if they were unsuccessful for their first. 2011 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice 2013 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice However, if you were to draw as a 2nd or 3rd choice then your preference points would be maintained! Each year, Wyoming sells approximately 75,000 antelope licenses of which over half go to to nonresidents. Utilize the standalone Draw Odds to find hunts that can be drawn in your point range. The most important thing to remember if you have a few points is to not overthink it and apply for a unit with enough public land to hunt and cross your fingers. This type of area often requires hunters to hike or perhaps put more days into hunting than what is typically the case for an antelope hunt. 65: Estimated population of 6,180 and an objective of 12,000. That unit is likely to see a 50 license increase this year so if you are sitting on max points this is a good year to try to draw that hunt. Next, select Wyoming as the state and then either resident or nonresident regular draw as your residency. Access here can be a little bit tricky but not impossible. The northeastern and eastern parts of the state are above average with the Powder River Basin sitting at 133% of its annual rate. The type 6 and 7 antelope tags in WY are the best NR hunting deal offered, at least that I know of. Success 84 84 Trophy Potential 0. Add to that the fact that our spring has been somewhat mild, but cold with slightly above average moisture and we may be on track for not only a decent horn growth season but possibly even the beginning of a rebound in our antelope populations. Wyoming offers so many areas that are easily drawn and still allow a reasonable chance at taking a mature whitetail. Area 25, 28, 50 and 53 contain mostly public lands. 2021 Leftover Drawing Odds Unit 114 was drawn with >13. Buck to doe ratio increased with a ratio of 55:100. Now that you understand how the system works, move on toPart 2 where I will take you through actual hunt planning and discuss the landscape of Wyomings antelope units. 2. This means you can accumulate points withoutapplying for a license in any calendar year. Applicants entering the regular draw within this point range should consider units 48, 52, 57, 59, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 67, 74, 75, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 100, 106, and 108. Your preference points will not be impacted by applying and drawing in the second leftover draw. A DMA is a United States Forest Service (USFS) designation. where do I go to get trespassing permits for that tag??? The better options for access and public land are in units 20, 21, 113, and 43. For mule deer, we are five years from what was one of the largest herd die-offs that Wyoming had experienced in many years. Become an Insider member to gain access to this article, plus all of GOHUNT's research and mapping tools. Estimated population of 14,900 with an objective of 20,000. That hunt is likely going to require <9 to 10 points in the regular and special draw this year. The regular draw allocates 60% of the nonresident permits; the other 40% goes to the special draw. Region A will have a reduction of licenses from 4,000 to 3,750. The objective is 3,700. Area 110-1, The Greybull River hunt for antelope while not known for big bucks is a very solid choice for a fun and relaxing hunt with plenty of bucks and some very solid bowhunting potential. Failure to apply or purchase a preference point for two consecutive years will cause all previous points accumulated to be purged. All antelope licenses are allocated through the draw. A lot of these bucks appear to be younger animals. Limited quota hunts in units 36, 60, 64 and 157 also had 100% odds with no points. The deadline to apply is May 31, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. MT. Its worth noting that the largest concentration of whitetail on public land occurs in the northeastern portion of the state in the Black Hills. Area 92 is a great option in the 11- to 12-point range. Colorado Wolves: Killing Pets & A Safe-Space. These 53 (59.5%) were allocated to General Preference points while 36 (40.5%) were allocated to Special Preference point holders. The margin of quality that separates most of these units is very small and most likely will not be noticeable. The western states are all experiencing drought conditions. Nonresidents will also have to decide if they want to apply in the regular or special draw. Statewide harvest success was approximately 88% with approximately 40,410 total antelope taken by hunters in 2020. Whether you have no points, a handful or have been waiting for years for your chance to hunt, Wyoming has a hunt for you! In Wyoming if you are unsuccessful in the draw you still have to visit the game and fish website from July 1 through Oct 31, 2022 to purchase those preference points. Area 48-1, This hunt is in the heart of the famed Carbon County, and should only take about seven or eight points to draw. See the map below for estimated grizzly bear range. Find your resident Antlerless mule deer draw odds here, Find your resident antlerless whitetail deer draw odds here, Find your resident doe antelope draw odds here, Find your nonresident Antlerless mule deer draw odds here, Find your nonresident antlerless whitetail deer draw odds here, Find your nonresident doe antelope draw odds here, Find your resident mule deer draw odds here, Find your resident whitetail draw odds here, Find your nonresident regular mule deer draw odds with 0 points here, Find your nonresident special mule deer draw odds with 0 points here, Find your nonresident regular mule deer draw odds with 4 points here, Find your nonresident special mule deer draw odds with 4 points here, Find your nonresident regular mule deer draw odds with 7 points here, Find your nonresident special mule deer draw odds with 7 points here, Find your nonresident regular mule deer draw odds with 10 points here, Find your nonresident special mule deer draw odds with 10 points here, Find your resident antelope draw odds here, Find your nonresident regular antelope draw odds with 0 points here, Find your nonresident special antelope draw odds with 0 points here, Find your nonresident regular antelope draw odds with 4 points here, Find your nonresident special antelope draw odds with 4 points here, Find your nonresident regular antelope draw odds with 9points here, Find your nonresident special antelope draw odds with 9points here, Find your nonresident regular antelope draw odds with 12points here, Find your nonresident special antelope draw odds with 12points here, Antlered or any whitetail deer, full price antelope, Specialty weapon only (excludingarchery). Special preference point holders only needed 4 points to draw while general preference holders needed 5 points to draw. We have lots of whitetail here in Missouri and a small herd of Steve Peters: Best of luck to you out there, Herb. A nonresident cannot legally hunt a DWA on their own; they must be accompanied by a licensed Wyoming outfitter or licensed Wyoming resident. There must be a minimum of four nonresident licenses available for one to be allocated to an applicant in the random draw. About: Matt grew up running around the oaks, pines and birches in central Minnesota. This is a limited quota area, which will see a reduction in mule deer licenses from 300 to 200 while the Type 3 whitetail licenses will be increased from 50 to 75. The autumn weather is typically nice and unlike elk or deer hunting, you arent required to be outin the fieldat the crack of dawn. 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200 When the pop-up box appears click on the draw odds link near the top of the box. Nonresidents considering applying in the regular draw could have drawn Region H with <5 points. So lets get started planning an antelope hunt in Wyoming. However, Mother Nature has been tough on Wyomings deer and antelope herds over the past several years. If your goal is a good DIY hunt where access is good and harvest success is high, it may require a handful of points. The estimated population, as of late 2021, has the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem population at 1,070 bears. Once again, the key to harvesting a good whitetail buck is researching where the public land is adjacent to whitetail habitat, which is often privately owned property. Sep 21, 2020. The best hunts in the state are going to be units 101, 128, and 130 with special draw odds of 13%, 4.9% and 15% with max points. Good Luck ! Units 78, 81, 119, and 165 are all great options with good trophy potential and harvest success rates. Buck to doe ratio is healthy at 51:100. HuntScore owner, Matt Habiger, was lucky enough to draw a 1 in 200 odds tag for unit 64-1 Antelope in 2019 with 0 preference points! If your goal is a true 80+ buck, booking with a guide or hunting the top-tier areas where they manage for bigger bucks is your best bet. So next year you start over at zero because you also cannot purchase a preference point the same year you draw. Harvesting a buck is not all that difficult; however, harvesting a trophy buck can be. Have other hunts going on throughout the fall? Coming off a mild winter this could be just what the doctor ordered for this hunt. As such, draw odds are closely tied to the amount of accessible public land in an area. This hunt should be attainable for about five or six points this year. Buck to doe ratio is approximately 36:100. Way to keep chasing your dreams! Area 39 will have a one day reduction in season dates. Additionally, success rates on pronghorn hunts average much, much higher than other big game species (sometimes as high as 90%). Out of the 119 hunts available to residents, 38 of them had 100% odds, and 27 of those could have been drawn as a second choice. There will be fewer antelope tags for the 2021 season. For 2021, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) is recommending a reduction of 3,650 any antelope licenses and 5,775 doe/fawn licenses. 6630 Arroyo Springs St., Suite 1200 I have never picked areas so concentrated around specific regions before, but this is a year like no other, that I can remember anyhow. Note: The application deadline for Wyoming deer and antelope is May 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. MT. To check for your draw odds on anything in Wyoming, go to (demand reports) and look for the quota numbers verses the first choice applicants. Coming off a mild winter this could be just what the doctor ordered for this hunt. Wyoming residents also have access to more over-the-counter tag options. Increase in licenses from 200 to 250 in Area 81 Type 1. Although buck ratios have historically been within the range of recreational management, many of these bucks are young, which creates dissatisfaction among a vocal group of hunters. Those opportunities are slim at this point. The maximum number of nonresident preference points for deer is 16 going into the 2022 draw. Unsuccessful applicants will not automatically be given a preference point after the draw. Recruitment was once again with a fawn to doe ratio of 46:100. The famed Regions G, H and, to lesser extent, L and F had a rough winter in 2016/2017. Finally, if you just want to go hunting, do not overlook the general season hunts. You cannot return a deer or antelope license for a refund or get preference points back if you successfully draw. Wyoming Antelope Draw enables you to conquer the dismal challenge of selecting hunt codes from hundreds of choices in Wyoming. Within those, Area 48, 52, 53, 55, 59, 62, 65, 66, 67, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 90, 91, 95, 96, 101 and 112 all have 75 plus trophy potential and 50% and greater public land. Out of those, Area 18, 46 and 48 all had harvest success of 75% or greater and 75+ trophy potential. The application period for leftover deer and antelope drawing is typically the last week of June. The potential for hunter conflict is a real cause for concern, especially on or near a carcass. So our applicant with 1 point only never really had a shot in the preference point draw. November is a busy month for me ! This tool matches up statistics from Drawing Odds and Harvest Success Rates along with GMU specific information to give you the best chance at drawing and harvesting an antelope this year. Area 92-1, Shifting gears a bit and drifting to the North, the antelope hunt is Area-92 is one of my favorite hunts in the entire state. For each draw in a unit, WY allocates 75% of the available tags in that unit to max point holders and 25% to a random draw for all point holders who chose the unit as first choice. Residents and nonresidents cannot apply together in a party application. Antelope are fairly territoria. Residents and nonresidents cannot apply together in a party application. emmagator said: Gohunt shows 73 taking 4 special to draw and shows 75 taking 3 special for 2020. Typical areas where you find antelope are wide open with sparse cover. This hunt should be attainable for about five or six points this year. If you are willing to do some real research into land access or willing to go guided there are good hunts available in the regular draw. The special draw opens up a few more interesting hunts: Area 79- Type 9, 107 and 99- Type 0 muzzleloader hunts are very good opportunities. No change in license numbers. Going into 2022 the proposed statewide post hunt population is estimated to be 294,400. Hunting access within the herd area is moderate. 2012 Drawing Odds and Draw Results by Hunt Area and Choice With 15 points, you are probably committed to the top hunt areas. General license hunting pressure can be disproportionately high on public lands within Area 88 and harvest success in the hunt area is typically low as a result. Any applicants who arent successful in the preference point draw are rolled into the random pool and will have a chance to draw from the random licenses available. All of these units will see substantial cuts in 2022. Due to the higher cost, fewer hunters elect to purchase these licenses resulting in significantly higher draw odds. For 2021, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD) is recommending a reduction of 3,650 any antelope licenses and 5,775 doe/fawn licenses. Currently, the western part of the state is still below average in snow water equivalent. With that said, I have chosen hunt areas this year which mostly revolve around the best regions for historic large horn growth and superior genetic composition. I know units 90-92 and 96 and they are good zones but hard to draw. Although winter die-off is never a good thing, the loss of deer on the landscape did improve the amount of feed for the deer that did make it and those deer will be in better condition this year. 4. Wyoming will allocate permits over the hunt quota to cover a party application, so there is no decrease in odds for group applications. Look hard at antelope units 22 and 23. Every year, we receive email questions after the draw from applicants who have drawn licenses that are composed of all DWA or large portions of DWA and they are trying to figure out how to hunt. While you will normally seelots of game, its a hunt thatwilltest your stalking and shooting skills. 170+). Fawn to doe ratio is 52:100. At least that is one way to look at it. Overall, trophy potential is still good and harvest success rates remain high and if you have points in Wyoming for antelope, 2022 would be a good year to use them. If you have points within this range we would encourage you to strongly consider using your points as the top tier hunts like 101 or 102 are not getting better for quality or the quantity of licenses. Sue Bird's final act: The evolution of an all-time WNBA legend . Required fields are marked *, Dedicated to the Love of Extreme Backcountry Hunting. View important information and an overview of the Wyoming rules/regulations, the draw system, SuperTag and SuperTag Trifecta, tag and license fees and an interactive boundary line map on our State Profile. Wyoming provides a plethora of hunting opportunities for residents and nonresidents alike. When the list of species appears, scroll down towards the bottom to find antlerless deer and doe/fawn antelope. draw odds Delayed Season Dates and Tag Quotas | Wyoming has permanently delayed releasing their season dates and tag quota numbers until after the draw in June for most big game species. The good news is amost all antelope units in the state enjoy a non-resident success rate of over 95%! Quota is being reduced once again from 100 to 75, which is a 75 license reduction in the past two years. An antelope preference point cost $30 in 2012. Wyoming offers good opportunities for whitetail hunting; the bad news is that most inhabit private land. Our Memberships Include The Most Accurate Draw Odds Available, Join Now! Another great part of their system: If you are not drawn for your first choice hunt unit, but are drawn for your second or third choice unit, Wyoming does not take away your accumulated points. This tool matches up statistics from Drawing Odds and Harvest Success Rates along with GMU specific information to give you the best chance at drawing and harvesting an antelope this year. The number of nonresident licenses in Region G is expected to stay the same at 400. Please do some research and apply accordingly. Stay safe Herbert Cooke: I was hoping to get a chance to hunt elk this year in Colorado if my draw in New shootbrownelk: Who says non residents aren't welcomed to hunt the western states? Hunter satisfaction: 74% satisfied, 18% neutral, 8% dissatisfied. Wyoming has good walk-in access and wildlife habitat management areas that are accessible to hunters. 121, 122, 123:Population is before management objectives, but increasing at 3,942 and an objective of 5,000. Those hunts are available with far fewer points. All reduced price licenses can be applied for as a 1st choice and they will not use up an applicants bonus points. Of those, 20 hunts had 50% plus odds as a second choice. DISTURBING! Areas that have limited amounts of public land or the access is difficult are easier to draw. Western Wyoming offers high alpine peaks and some of the most rugged and remote terrain in the lower 48. Since then, recruitment has been good and this upcoming fall marks three years since that die-off, which means that there will be a few more three- and four-year-old bucks available. Of these areas, units 68, 75, 91, and 93 are among the best hunts. Within the regular draw there were 5 hunts that could have been drawn with no points; units 10, 15, 19, 38, and 109., 127 W.Woodmen Rd. As such, draw odds are becoming very steep and good public land hunts with less than 5-6 points are rare. Unit 60 had 50% odds in the regular draw and 100% odds in the special draw with max points. Commission Information, ABOUT US We publish book and magazines, along with producing videos, DVDs, and TV programs. Good opportunity for a younger age class of buck. Applicants in the special draw should research Area 21, 43, 46 and 113. 110-115:Population is below objective at 6,800 with an objective of 12,000. Nonresidents cannot apply for both regular and special licenses for the same species, they will have to decide which option is best for them. 3. I moved from Utah around 3 1-2 months ago and I currently live in Canada. 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wyoming antelope draw odds and success