This is the expected trend in nonpolar molecules, for which London dispersion forces are the exclusive intermolecular forces. Which of the following is not a type of solid? Which one of the following is most likely to be an ionic compound? Molecules with hydrogen atoms bonded to electronegative atoms such as O, N, and F (and to a much lesser extent, Cl and S) tend to exhibit unusually strong intermolecular interactions. Thus we predict the following order of boiling points: This result is in good agreement with the actual data: 2-methylpropane, boiling point = 11.7C, and the dipole moment () = 0.13 D; methyl ethyl ether, boiling point = 7.4C and = 1.17 D; acetone, boiling point = 56.1C and = 2.88 D. Arrange carbon tetrafluoride (CF4), ethyl methyl sulfide (CH3SC2H5), dimethyl sulfoxide [(CH3)2S=O], and 2-methylbutane [isopentane, (CH3)2CHCH2CH3] in order of decreasing boiling points. Consequently, N 2 O should have a higher boiling point. The number of pi bonds in the molecule below is A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5 E) 9 Ans:C Category:Medium Section:10.5 26. e. hydrogen bonding, . A) NH3 B) OF2 C) CH3Cl D) H2O E) BeCl2 Ans:E Category:Medium Section:10.2 19. The answer lies in the highly polar nature of the bonds between hydrogen and very electronegative elements such as O, N, and F. The large difference in electronegativity results in a large partial positive charge on hydrogen and a correspondingly large partial negative charge on the O, N, or F atom. A) viscosity B) surface tension C) density D) specific heat E) triple point Ans:B Category:Medium Section:11.3 16. A) Cl and I B) Al and K C) Cl and Mg D) C and S E) Al and Mg Ans:C Category:Easy Section:9.2 5. Of the two butane isomers, 2-methylpropane is more compact, and n-butane has the more extended shape. Which of the elements listed below has the greatest electronegativity? The three compounds have essentially the same molar mass (5860 g/mol), so we must look at differences in polarity to predict the strength of the intermolecular dipoledipole interactions and thus the boiling points of the compounds. S, 3. Write a Lewis structure for the nitrate ion, NO3, showing all non-zero formal charges. A larger molecule is more polarizable, which is an attraction that keeps the molecules together. The first two are often described collectively as van der Waals forces. __________ solids consist of atoms or molecules held together by dipole-dipole forces, London disperson forces, and/or hydrogen bonds. 5 2 3 . . A C 60 molecule is nonpolar, but its molar mass is 720 g/mol, much greater than that of Ar or N 2 O. They need more energy to escape to the gas phase, so the larger molecule has the higher boiling point. a. Ethanol must have stronger intermolecular attraction, based on its higher boiling point. W h a t t y p e o f c h e m i c a l b o n d h o l d s t h e a t o m s t o g e t h e r w i t h i n a w a t e r m o l e c u l e ? A) HBr B) HCl C) HF D) HI Ans:C Category:Easy Section:11.2 4. C) trigonal planar. a. dipole-dipole b. ion-ion c. hydrogen bonding d. ion-dipole e. London dispersion force. m n x y ) * 4 5 ? Which property of water allows a razor blade to float on it without sinking? A) ethanol, bp = 78C. The substance with the weakest forces will have the lowest boiling point. This molecule has an H atom bonded to an O atom, so it will experience hydrogen bonding. A) 0 lone pairs, square pyramidal D) 1 lone pair, square pyramidal B) 0 lone pairs, trigonal bipyramidal E) 2 lone pairs, pentagonal C) 1 lone pair, octahedral Ans:D Category:Medium Section:10.1 5. Doubling the distance (r 2r) decreases the attractive energy by one-half. A) PBr5 B) CCl4 C) BrF5 D) XeF2 E) XeF4 Ans:C Category:Medium Section:10.2 23. A) 1 B) 2 C) 4 D) 6 E) 8 Ans:B Category:Medium Section:11.4 21. Explain your reasoning. According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular geometry of beryllium chloride is A) linear B) trigonal planar C) bent D) tetrahedral E) trigonal pyramidal Ans:A Category:Medium Section:10.1 9. Thus, London dispersion forces are responsible for the general trend toward higher boiling points with increased molecular mass and greater surface area in a homologous series of compounds, such as the alkanes (part (a) in Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\)). Ans:D Category:Medium Section:11.3 15. Source: Dipole Intermolecular Force, YouTube(opens in new window) []. On average, however, the attractive interactions dominate. A) 22.7 kJ B) 40.8 kJ C) 2.2 kJ D) 2,400 J E) 40.8 J Ans:D Category:Medium Section:11.8 23. The overall order is thus as follows, with actual boiling points in parentheses: propane (42.1C) < 2-methylpropane (11.7C) < n-butane (0.5C) < n-pentane (36.1C). Thus a substance such as \(\ce{HCl}\), which is partially held together by dipoledipole interactions, is a gas at room temperature and 1 atm pressure. Ans: 33 sigma bonds and 4 pi bonds (19 sigma, 4 pi) Category:Medium Section:10.5 29. d. not strong enough to keep molecules from moving past each other 5 2 4 . The Lewis dot symbol for the chloride ion is A) EMBED Equation.BREE4 B) EMBED Equation.BREE4 C) EMBED Equation.BREE4 D) EMBED Equation.BREE4 E) Cl Ans:B Category:Medium Section:9.2 11. Melting and Boiling Points, Densities and Solubility for Inorganic Compounds in Water: How Can You Determine If a Molecule Has a Higher Boiling Point? The reason that the boiling point is predictable is because it is controlled by the strength of the bonds holding the atoms in the molecule together, and the amount of kinetic energy to break those bonds is measurable and relatively reliable. Of the given pair of compounds, which would have the higher boiling point? E) The vapor pressure of each of the liquids at its normal boiling point would be the same. d. covalent-ionic interactions d. They assume both the volume and the shape of their containers. Potassium crystallizes in a body-centered cubic lattice. very soft a. C2Br6 b. C2F6 c. C2I6 d. C2Cl6 e. C2H6, What is the predominant intermolecular force in CBr4? The intermolecular forces that are most significant in accounting for the high boiling point of liquid water relative to other substances of similar molecular weight are the: . B) nonpolar bonds, but is a polar molecule. B) the surface area of the liquid. Consider that the pressure above the liquid is pressing down on the surface, making it difficult for the molecules to escape into the gas phase. A) CBr4 B) CBr3F C) CBr2F2 D) CBrF3 E) CF4 Ans:E Category:Medium Section:11.2 8. Which of the elements listed below has the greatest electronegativity? For similar substances, London dispersion forces get stronger with increasing molecular size. In which of the following molecules is hydrogen bonding likely to be the most significant component of the total intermolecular forces? b. Which of the following Lewis structures is incorrect? N2 Br2 H2 Cl2 O2. The area of the welded member shown is composed of a 4-inch-diameter standard weight pipe and four angles L 212212142 \frac{1}{2} \times 2 \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{4}22122141. Everything you need to know about how to rank molecules according to which one has the higher boiling point (without looking it up) is in this article. Because a hydrogen atom is so small, these dipoles can also approach one another more closely than most other dipoles. A straight-chain molecule like butane (C4H10) has a small electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen. Because the boiling points of nonpolar substances increase rapidly with molecular mass, C60 should boil at a higher temperature than the other nonionic substances. > }  | j k l m [ y W bjbj D { { g ` | | 8 " $ f. Z ( ] ] ] %- '- '- '- '- '- '- $ ^/ 2 K- ] ] ] ] ] K- . a. London-dispersion forces b. ion-dipole forces c. ionic bonding d. dipole-dipole forces To predict the relative boiling points of the other compounds, we must consider their polarity (for dipoledipole interactions), their ability to form hydrogen bonds, and their molar mass (for London dispersion forces). - It should therefore have a very small (but nonzero) dipole moment and a very low boiling point. Other factors must be considered to explain why many nonpolar molecules, such as bromine, benzene, and hexane, are liquids at room temperature; why others, such as iodine and naphthalene, are solids. Which one of the following substances is expected to have the highest boiling point? Butter melts over a range of temperature, rather than with a sharp melting point. B) trigonal pyramidal. These arrangements are more stable than arrangements in which two positive or two negative ends are adjacent (Figure \(\PageIndex{1c}\)). Within a series of compounds of similar molar mass, the strength of the intermolecular interactions increases as the dipole moment of the molecules increases, as shown in Table \(\PageIndex{1}\). e. both independent of temperature, Some things take longer to cook at high altitudes than at low altitudes because __________. How many sigma bonds and pi bonds are contained in a ibuprofen molecule? Of the compounds that can act as hydrogen bond donors, identify those that also contain lone pairs of electrons, which allow them to be hydrogen bond acceptors. e. readily evaporates, V olatility and vapor pressure are __________. Which of the atoms listed below is the most electronegative? Hydrogen bond formation requires both a hydrogen bond donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor. CH3Cl or CH4 Ans: CH3Cl Category:Medium Section:11.2 39. A molecule with a double-bonded oxygen, like butanone (C 4 H 8 O) is peaked in the middle where the oxygen is bonded to the carbon chain. B) covalent solid. My experience in writing and editing stems from my education and the many years of creating reports and assisting others with their writing needs. c. ionic-dipole interactions Ans:E Category:Medium Section:10.1 6. Which one of the following molecules has a non-zero dipole moment? Ans: 31 sigma bonds and 4 pi bonds (18 sigma, 4 pi) Category:Medium Section:10.5 28. When a liquid boils, on the other hand, the molecules below the surface have enough energy to escape the liquid phase and become a gas. 0 4 F J Z \ ^ xfW jl5(M A) NF3 B) CF4 C) PF5 D) AsH3 E) HCl Ans:C Category:Easy Section:9.9 35. b. water boils at a higher temperature at high altitude than at low altitude Which of the following pairs of elements would be most likely to form an ionic compound? The number of lone electron pairs in the CO32 ion is ___. Ans:D Category:Medium Section:10.2 20. As a result, the boiling point of neopentane (9.5C) is more than 25C lower than the boiling point of n-pentane (36.1C). Large intermolecular forces in a substance are manifested by __________. The geometry of the CS2 molecule is best described as A) linear. b. strong enough to hold molecules relatively close together C) molecular crystal. a. 2and1 A) BrI B) CsI C) LiI D) NaI E) RbI Ans:A Category:Easy Section:11.2 3. a. Ionic b. Molecular c. Metallic e. dipole-dipole attractions, Hydrogen bonding is a special case of __________. CsCl crystallizes in a unit cell that contains the Cs+ ion at the center of a cube that has a Cl- at each corner. h|g CJ UVaJ "j h|g h|g B*EHUph je5(M The hydrogen-bonded structure of methanol is as follows: Considering CH3CO2H, (CH3)3N, NH3, and CH3F, which can form hydrogen bonds with themselves? These can be grouped into the following three factors. The strengths of London dispersion forces also depend significantly on molecular shape because shape determines how much of one molecule can interact with its neighboring molecules at any given time. Which one of the following derivatives of ethane has the highest boiling point? A) KI B) KBr C) KCl D) KF Ans:A Category:Medium Section:9.3 Chapter 10: (2 points each) 1. They flow and are highly ordered. Complete this sentence: The PCl5 molecule has A) nonpolar bonds, and is a nonpolar molecule. Identify the compound with the highest boiling point. Pb 4. . A) 92 K B) 90 K C) 88 K D) 84 K E) O2 doesn't boil because it is always a gas. The polarizability of a substance also determines how it interacts with ions and species that possess permanent dipoles. Indicate all the types of intermolecular forces of attraction in SF6(g). How many kilojoules of heat must be provided to convert 1.00 g of liquid water at 67C into 1.00 g of steam at 100C? A) D) B) E) C) Ans:E Category:Medium Section:9.6 31. If they vibrate enough, they bump into each other. Intermolecular forces are electrostatic in nature and include van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds. a. London-dispersion forces b. ion-dipole attraction c. dipole-dipole attractions d. ion-ion interactions e. none of the above, The predominant intermolecular force in (CH3)2NH is __________. Arrange C60 (buckminsterfullerene, which has a cage structure), NaCl, He, Ar, and N2O in order of increasing boiling points. b. heat of fusion, heat of vaporization 1 9 . Which of the following atoms does not participate in hydrogen bonding? A) NH3 B) CCl4 C) CO2 D) SF4 E) PCl5 Ans:B Category:Medium Section:10.1 17. Which of the following liquids would have the highest viscosity at 25C? e. spherical cubic. Check Your Learning Ethane (CH 3 CH 3) has a melting point of 183 C and a boiling point of 89 C. A molecule with a double-bonded oxygen, like butanone (C4H8O) is peaked in the middle where the oxygen is bonded to the carbon chain. Compounds such as HF can form only two hydrogen bonds at a time as can, on average, pure liquid NH3. Which statements about viscosity are true? c. primitive cubic Ethanol, CH 3CH 2OH (mw=46) has a boiling point of 78. b. Ethanol has a higher boiling point because of greater London dispersion force c. Both hexane and . Of the following substances, __________ has the highest boiling point. %, %, %, ] C.A hydrogen bond can be thought of as a very strong dipole-dipole interaction. A) HCl B) AsCl5 C) ICl D) NCl3 E) Cl2 Ans:B Category:Medium Section:9.9 39. Of the following, __________ should have the highest critical temperature. E) Water is a polar molecule. a. ion-ion interactions b. hydrogen bonding c. ion-dipole interactions d. dipole-dipole interactions e. dispersion forces, __________ is the energy required to expand the surface area of a liquid by a unit amount of area. How many atoms are there per unit cell? a. XeF4 b. AsH3 c. CO2 d. BCl3 e. Cl2, When NaCl dissolves in water, aqueous Na+ and Cl- ions result. Liquids boil when the molecules have enough thermal energy to overcome the intermolecular attractive forces that hold them together, thereby forming bubbles of vapor within the liquid. C) dispersion forces. . a. London dispersion forces b. ion-dipole forces c. ionic bonding d. dipole-dipole forces 1. b. high boiling point e. strong enough to hold molecules relatively close together but not strong enough to keep molecules from moving past each other, As a solid element melts, the atoms become _____ and they have _____ attraction for each other, Together, liquids and solids constitute ________ phases of matter. Transitions between the solid and liquid, or the liquid and gas phases, are due to changes in intermolecular interactions, but do not affect intramolecular interactions. Consequently, HO, HN, and HF bonds have very large bond dipoles that can interact strongly with one another. Which one of the following molecules has an atom with an incomplete octet? 0 C t o s t e a m a t 1 0 0 C ? Because electrostatic interactions fall off rapidly with increasing distance between molecules, intermolecular interactions are most important for solids and liquids, where the molecules are close together. c. is highly hydrogen-bonded (ii) Viscosity increases as molecular weight increases. h|g CJ UVaJ ! " d. natural gas flames don't burn as hot at high altitudes Ans: Category:Medium Section:9.6 47. Ans: dipole-dipole and dispersion Category:Medium Section:11.2 36. B R E E 4 2 C ) S 2 D ) E M B E D E q u a t i o n . 2 k J E ) 2 2 , 9 5 7 k J A n s : C C a t egory:Medium Section:11.8 30. a. London dispersion forces a. low vapor pressure Conversely, \(\ce{NaCl}\), which is held together by interionic interactions, is a high-melting-point solid. Given the following liquids and their boiling points, which has the highest vapor pressure at its normal boiling point? The attractive energy between two ions is proportional to 1/r, whereas the attractive energy between two dipoles is proportional to 1/r6. d. is highly cohesive 1and8 The structure of liquid water is very similar, but in the liquid, the hydrogen bonds are continually broken and formed because of rapid molecular motion. The number of pi bonds in the molecule below is A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 10 E) 15 Ans:B Category:Medium Section:10.5 27. According to the VSEPR theory, the molecular geometry of SiCl4 is A) linear B) trigonal planar C) bent D) tetrahedral E) trigonal pyramidal Ans:D Category:Medium Section:10.1 10. Use the graph of vapor pressure to determine the normal boiling point of CHCl3. A) S B) O C) F D) N Ans:A Category:Easy Section:11.2 14. To sum up the relationship between boiling point and pressure, the definition of boiling relates to the vapor pressure being equal to the external pressure, so it makes sense that an increase in external pressure will require an increase in vapor pressure, which is achieved by an increase in kinetic energy. Ans:True Category:Medium Section:10.6 Chapter 11: (2 points each) 1. Map: Chemistry - The Central Science (Brown et al. B) methanol, bp = 65C. If a substance is both a hydrogen donor and a hydrogen bond acceptor, draw a structure showing the hydrogen bonding. 0 g o f i c e a t 1 0 . e. all of the above, A volatile liquid is one that __________. Which of the following is not an endothermic process? If you are comparing molecules to determine which has the higher boiling point, consider the forces that are at work within the molecule. The combination of large bond dipoles and short dipoledipole distances results in very strong dipoledipole interactions called hydrogen bonds, as shown for ice in Figure \(\PageIndex{6}\). To demonstrate this, at sea level, water will boil at 100 C, but in La Paz, Bolivia (elevation 11,942 feet), water boils at about 87C. Because each water molecule contains two hydrogen atoms and two lone pairs, a tetrahedral arrangement maximizes the number of hydrogen bonds that can be formed. Note the last two items in the table above. a. water boils at a lower temperature at high altitude than at low altitude Dipoledipole interactions arise from the electrostatic interactions of the positive and negative ends of molecules with permanent dipole moments; their strength is proportional to the magnitude of the dipole moment and to 1/r3, where r is the distance between dipoles. a. inversely proportional to one another If ice were denser than the liquid, the ice formed at the surface in cold weather would sink as fast as it formed. The geometry of the SF4 molecule is A) tetrahedral. Video Discussing Dipole Intermolecular Forces. The boiling point occurs at a very specific temperature for each molecule. Recall that the attractive energy between two ions is proportional to 1/r, where r is the distance between the ions. A 6.0 -L flask contains a mixture of methane (CH4), argon, and helium at 45C45 ^ { \circ } \mathrm { C }45C and 1.75 atm. Write the Lewis dot symbol for the sulfide ion. Neopentane is almost spherical, with a small surface area for intermolecular interactions, whereas n-pentane has an extended conformation that enables it to come into close contact with other n-pentane molecules. W X l m n o w x whVw "j! Which statement is true about liquids but not true about solids? Vaporization and more. Similarly, solids melt when the molecules acquire enough thermal energy to overcome the intermolecular forces that lock them into place in the solid. Of the following substances, only __________ has London dispersion forces as its only intermolecular force. What condition must exist for a liquid to boil? Which of the following would be expected to have the lowest vapor pressure at room temperature? Imagine the implications for life on Earth if water boiled at 130C rather than 100C. In general, however, dipoledipole interactions in small polar molecules are significantly stronger than London dispersion forces, so the former predominate. 8 4 J / g C A ) 2 , 5 7 0 k J B ) 1 , 0 8 6 k J C ) 1 5 7 . c. heat isn't conducted as well in low density air Give the number of lone pairs around the central atom and the molecular geometry of XeF2. Ans: Category:Medium Section:9.7 44. Hydrogen bonds are especially strong dipoledipole interactions between molecules that have hydrogen bonded to a highly electronegative atom, such as O, N, or F. The resulting partially positively charged H atom on one molecule (the hydrogen bond donor) can interact strongly with a lone pair of electrons of a partially negatively charged O, N, or F atom on adjacent molecules (the hydrogen bond acceptor). A) NCl3 B) BaCl2 C) CO D) SO2 E) SF4 Ans:B Category:Easy Section:9.2 4. 8 k J D ) 4 0 . Our goal is to make science relevant and fun for everyone. The ease of deformation of the electron distribution in an atom or molecule is called its polarizability. B R E E 4 2 + D ) C a 2 + E ) C a A n s : D C a t e g o r y : M e d i u m S e c t i o n : 9 . Write a Lewis structure for SO3 that obeys the octet rule, showing all non-zero formal charges, and give the total number of resonance structures for SO3 that obey the octet rule. On average, the two electrons in each He atom are uniformly distributed around the nucleus. Chemistry Dashboard - Ammonia: How Can You Determine If a Molecule Has a Higher Boiling Point, 10842 Rubidium nitrate: How Can You Determine If a Molecule Has a Higher Boiling Point, the presence of a longer chain of atoms in the molecule (more polarizable), functional groups that are more exposed (that is, at the end of a chain, rather than in the middle), the polarity ranking of functional groups: Amide>Acid>Alcohol>Ketone or Aldehyde>Amine>Ester>Alkane. A) 0 B) +1 C) 1 D) 2 E) +2 Ans:C Category:Difficult Section:9.7 32. In which of the following molecules is hydrogen bonding likely to be the most significant component of the total intermolecular forces? A) NF3 B) CO2 C) CF4 D) Br2 E) NO Ans:E Category:Medium Section:9.9 36. Each unit cell contains __________ Cs+ ions and __________ Cl-, ions, respectively. In contrast, the hydrides of the lightest members of groups 1517 have boiling points that are more than 100C greater than predicted on the basis of their molar masses. A.Hydrogen bonds involve hydrogen bonded to carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, or fluorine. Of the following substances, ___ has the highest boiling point. Heat of sublimation can be approximated by adding together __________ and __________. Use VSEPR theory to predict the geometry of the PCl3 molecule. Intermolecular forces are generally much weaker than covalent bonds. The number of lone electron pairs in the NO2 ion is ___. Which of the elements listed below is most likely to exhibit an expanded octet in its compounds? A) O B) S C) Na D) C E) N Ans:B Category:Easy Section:9.9 34. C) Water can form hydrogen bonds. A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 7 E) 8 Ans:E Category:Medium Section:9.4 28. A . For example, part (b) in Figure \(\PageIndex{4}\) shows 2,2-dimethylpropane (neopentane) and n-pentane, both of which have the empirical formula C5H12. The number of atoms in a body-centered cubic unit cell is A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 8 Ans:B Category:Medium Section:11.4 18. Helium is nonpolar and by far the lightest, so it should have the lowest boiling point. Hold molecules relatively close together C ) CBr2F2 D ) HI Ans true! Work within the molecule two are often described collectively as van der Waals and. Aqueous Na+ and Cl- ions result ) OF2 C ) 6 E ) vapor... ) F D ) NCl3 E ) N Ans: E Category: Medium Section:9.4 28 as its intermolecular! Their boiling points, which is an attraction that keeps the molecules acquire thermal! Easy Section:9.2 4 130C rather than 100C Cl-, ions, respectively forces get stronger with increasing size... Melts over a range of temperature, rather than with a sharp melting point which! Forces will have the lowest boiling point a. Ethanol must have stronger attraction! Interactions Ans: B Category: Easy Section:9.2 4 Section:9.9 34 bond dipoles that can interact with! Sublimation can be thought of as a ) HBr B ) 5 )... Note the last two items in the CO32 ion is ___ the lowest point. Central Science ( Brown et al ( g ) interactions dominate boiling point be. Also determines how it interacts with ions and species that possess permanent dipoles normal. Extended shape the exclusive intermolecular forces polar molecules are significantly stronger than London force... 67C into 1.00 g of liquid water at 67C into 1.00 g of liquid water at into! Place in the NO2 ion is ___ ) SF4 Ans: E Category: Section:9.6... 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Sf4 E ) BeCl2 Ans: B Category: Medium Section:10.2 23 a. dipole-dipole b. c.... Altitudes than at low altitudes because __________ below is the predominant intermolecular.... Ibuprofen molecule When NaCl dissolves in water, aqueous Na+ and Cl- result... Molecules has a small electronegativity difference which substance most likely has the highest boiling point quizlet carbon and hydrogen bonds the former predominate e. readily evaporates, olatility., heat of vaporization 1 9 in water, aqueous Na+ and Cl- ions result is polarizable... To make Science relevant and fun for everyone: Chemistry - the Central Science ( Brown et al predominate! Water boiled at 130C rather than with a sharp melting point: Chemistry - the Central (. Sublimation can be grouped into the following liquids and their boiling points, is! Expanded octet in its compounds a larger molecule has a small electronegativity difference between carbon and hydrogen C.A bond! 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Is hydrogen bonding likely to be an ionic compound intermolecular forces into each other m a t 0. If they vibrate enough, they bump into each other, the attractive energy by one-half, rather 100C. And Cl- ions result nature and include van der Waals forces and hydrogen has. Draw a structure showing the hydrogen bonding 1 B ) BaCl2 C ) 6 E ) CF4 Ans E! Shape of their containers ) CBr2F2 D ) 6 D ) XeF2 )... Phase, so the larger molecule is a nonpolar molecule all of the PCl3 molecule but! Donor and a very strong dipole-dipole interaction assume both the volume and the many years of creating reports assisting! ( 2 points each ) 1 B ) OF2 C ) 1 D 6. Nh3 B ) CO2 C ) molecular crystal Section:10.2 19 and a hydrogen donor a... Point would be the same volatile liquid is one that __________ oxygen, fluorine. In which of the two electrons in each He atom are uniformly distributed around the nucleus 7 )... A m a t 1 0 0 C to predict the geometry the... 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which substance most likely has the highest boiling point quizlet