To encourage thoughtful and respectful conversations, first and last names will appear with each submission to CBC/Radio-Canada's online communities (except in children and youth-oriented communities). As commander in chief, the president is allowed to do which of the following? It happened in2016, whenTrump won a majority of electoral college votes despite falling short of Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in the popular vote by nearly three million. Has a candidate lost the public vote but become president? See answers Advertisement anthougo Closed Captioning and Described Video is available for many CBC shows offered on CBC Gem. 5 contains a principle of federal law that would assure finality of the State's determination if made pursuant to a state law in effect before the election, a legislative wish [by a state court] to take advantage of the safe harbor would counsel against any construction of the [states] Election Codethat Congress might deem to be a change in the law.Id. We strive for accuracy and fairness. When the US constitution was being drawn up in 1787, a national popular vote to elect a president was practically impossible. Here is a look at what the electoral college is and how it works. [7] [8] [9], According to Alexander Hamilton, the Electoral College is if not perfect, it is at least excellent, because it ensured that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications. [7], Democratic Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak vetoed a measure in 2019 that would add the state to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would have obligated the states electors to vote for the popular vote winner. Which of the following statements expresses a fact about the Electoral College? when nominated by the political party. What do you want to know about the U.S. election? From the Middle Ages until 1792, leaders of the Holy Roman Empire were elected by a college of prince-electors from various German states. The college has a significant influence on where candidates focus their campaign spending,said political scientist Renan Levine, who is a professor at the University of Toronto. If you would not change the voting process, make a list of reforms and why you would not choose to enact them. Smaller states favoured the system as it gave them more of a voice than a nationwide popular vote to decide the president. And it's because slave owners didn't want there to be direct majority rule and it's because a lot of Northerners as well didn't want direct majority rule.". The show received poor reviews, except for the mention by one . Then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi preside over a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to certify the 2020 Electoral College results after a pro-Trump mob stormed the. And that would be a bad thing for Republicans, because they depend on the Electoral College. Copy the following ratios. due process is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. annual reports of PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, including the notes to the financial statements, are also provided in Appendices B and C, respectively. Woman shot dead after pulling into wrong driveway, Man charged with shooting boy who rang wrong doorbell, Bear captured after killing Alpine jogger, Russian court rejects detained US journalist appeal, US accuses Brazil's Lula of parroting war propaganda, DeSantis floats idea of state prison near Disney park. In 1996, President Clinton won 49% of the popular vote, Republican challenger Bob Dole received 41%, and Ross Perot received 8%. The electoral college meets every four years, a few weeks after election day, to carry out that task. Nebraska and Maine are the only states that do not automatically award all of their electors to the winner of the state popular vote. answer choices. All Rights Reserved. Four years later, though, the collegeenabled Trump to secure power while losing the popular vote. Once that happens, those states' electors would vote for the candidate who wins the national popular voteinstead of voting for the candidate who wins their state. This is because the president is not chosen directly by the voters, but what's known as the electoral college. This procedure, outlined in the 12th amendment to the Constitution, was established following the elections of 1796 and 1800. Still, we are faced with a seminal legal question. [7] [8] [9], The Electoral College was also intended to prevent states with larger populations from having undue influence, and to compromise between electing the president by popular vote and letting Congress choose the president. 1. They have the votes to pass ballot restrictions, and in some cases they have never held public hearings. There are only two states (Maine and Nebraska) which divide up their electoral college votes according to the proportion of votes each candidate receives. During primaries, candidates often focus on. In some states, electors could vote for whichever candidate they prefer, regardless of who voters backed. Rank choice voting? issues affecting the regions they campaign in. There are policy implications associated with that, he added. Please note that CBC does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments. Our oath, nonetheless,is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same.Taking this action today will not undermine our beleaguered institutions, as some critics charge, but rather reinforce and defend them. true or false: Third-party candidates running for president must gather voter signatures to be placed on the ballot in each state. Opal said the Constitution doesn't clearly state whether it's the newly elected Congress that votes, orthe Congress that was sitting at the time of the election. It's therefore possible for a candidate to become president by winning a number of tight races in certain states, despite having fewer votes across the country. A positive effect of justices' lifetime appointments is, The Framers of the Constitution established the Electoral College because they. "In the founding period, it was hard to imagine the American people as a single political entity. You know, you get 100 million votes and somebody else gets 90 million votes and you win. Just as in 2000 when George W. Bush received fewer nationwide popular votes than Al Gore, Donald Trump served as the President of the United States despite being supported by fewer Americans than his opponent. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which statement is NOT true of the Electoral College?, Typically, the wrench in the gears of the electoral college that causes the election to be thrown into the House is, Which of the following is one way in which electors are chosen? A life sentence might be most unfair to a three-time offender whose last crime was. 2. Comments are welcome while open. b. A. Of the 538 Electoral College votes available, Donald J. Trump received 304 votes, Hillary Clinton received 227 votes, and seven votes went to others: three for Colin Powell, one for Faith Spotted Eagle, one for John Kasich, one for Ron Paul, and one for Bernie Sanders). One reason that the justices take a preliminary vote is to. Governor Sisolak stated, the compact could diminish the role of smaller states like Nevada in national electoral contests and force Nevadas electors to side with whoever wins the nationwide popular vote, rather than the candidate Nevadans choose. [31], Hans von Spakovsky, Senior Legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former commissioner for the FEC, explained, The Framers fears of a tyranny of the majority is still very relevant today. hide caption. Although the phrase "Electoral College" does not appear in the U.S. Constitution, it is how we refer to the procedure by which the United States elects the President. The European Parliament (EP) is one of the legislative bodies of the European Union and one of its seven institutions.Together with the Council of the European Union (known as the Council and informally as the Council of Ministers), it adopts European legislation, following a proposal by the European Commission.The Parliament is composed of 705 members (MEPs). Each presidential candidate has a slate of electors chosen by the candidate's party in each state. In Nebraska and Maine, the candidate that wins the states overall popular vote receives two electors, and one elector from each congressional district is apportioned to the popular vote winner in that district. In 1876 Samuel Tilden earned a majority of popular votes, but Rutherford B. Hayes won by a single electoral vote. "In 2020, despite the 7 million-vote victory that Joe Biden won in the popular vote, people overlook the fact that 45,000 votes switch in the three key battleground states, and you're looking at a second term of Donald Trump," he said. Certification of the election results is done on a state-by-state basissince the results of each state's popular vote inform how the electoral college votes. B. Voter ID laws? Republicans say their goal is to fight future election fraud. In 1992, Ross Perot received 19% of the popular vote but 0 electoral votes. Article II of the Constitution and the 12th Amendment solely refer to electors. The phrase Electoral College did not appear in federal law until 1845. Question 12. Not a physical college, the electoral college isa process for electing the U.S. president. D. It works without controversy in most elections. A vice president can become president through presidential disability, the death of the president, or. As of December 2012, the bill had been enacted by eight states and the District of Columbia, which together possess a total of 132 electoral votes. The electoral college was selected as the process of electing a president during the Constitutional Convention of 1787 in Philadelphia. [29] [30], There are over an estimated 332 million people in the United States, with population estimates predicting almost 342 million by 2024, the next presidential election. Instead, Trump asked Congress to throw out the electoral votes from just a handful of battleground states. Most people feel that the person who gets the most votes should become president. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. If the election depended solely on the popular vote, then candidates could limit campaigning to heavily-populated areas or specific regions. Most states use the winner-take-all method, in which all electoral votes are awarded to the winner of the popular vote in that state. "They include states from every region of the country, and that forces candidates to try to go out and have a platform that will appeal to the huge, diverse sections of America or at least not grossly turn them off.". [3] [4] [5] [6], In each state, a group of electors is chosen by each political party. Should the Voting Age Be Lowered to 16? Proponents say teens are knowledgeable enough to vote. true or false: By specifying the powers of the federal government, the Constitution fulfills the principle of limited government. It contains amendments that prohibit states from preventing certain people from voting. The ruling leaves in place laws in 32 states and D.C. that bind electors to vote for the popular-vote winner. Republican state lawmakers in places like Georgia and Texas have advanced bills that would give new powers to legislatures to fire election officials and overturn elections. The electoral college has determined the winner of every U.S. presidential election since George Washington, butsome question whether itaccurately represents the will of American voters. We understand that our support of objections in the joint session may not be sustained by a majority of both houses of Congress. Thus, electors meet in individual state capitals to vote. "The Electoral College Top 3 Pros and Cons." WASHINGTON, D.C. 37 Republican members of Congress today issued the following statement in advance of the joint session of Congress at 1 p.m. today: In the joint session of Congress today, we will vote to sustain objections to slates of electors submitted by states we believe clearly violated the Constitution in the presidential election of 2020. What information do we collect from this quiz? If an elector votes against their state's presidential pick, they are termed "faithless". Below are the proper citations for this page according to four style manuals (in alphabetical order): the Modern Language Association Style Manual (MLA), the Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago), the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), and Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (Turabian). All rights reserved. In 2016, Donald Trump won the electoral vote despite receiving nearly three million fewer votes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton. The Constitution and federal law do not require electors to abide by the results of the popular vote in their states, so occasionally faithless electors go rogue and cast ballots for candidates other than the one to whom they are pledged. But Brad Smith, who used to be on the Federal Election Commission, disagrees. Make a list and offer support for each reform. (C) The electoral college was established by the Constitution as it was originally ratified. Opponents say would disadvantage low-income and blue collar workers. Which of the following statements about the electoral college is correct? Proponents say an election day holiday will increase voter turnout. "Nothing in the Constitution says how the electors are supposed to vote," Opal said. In July, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled states can require presidential electors to back their states' popular vote winner in the electoral college. The electors meet in their respective states, as well as in D.C., on Dec. 14 to cast their votes for president and vice-president on separate ballots. This was because of the size of the country and the difficulty of communication. The following table gives the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), NASDAQ, and the S&P 500 on the first day of trading for the years 2008 through 2010. d. It works without controversy in most elections. Which of the following statements expresses a fact about the Electoral College? Which of the following statements expresses a fact rather than an opinion? On Jan. 6, 2021, Congress held a joint session to certify the electoral college votes during which several Republican lawmakers objected to the results and pro-Trump protesters stormed the US Capitol sending Vice President Pence, lawmakers and staff to secure locations. 32129. Smith says this is something fellow Republicans should consider. In the runup to the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol, 12 House Republicans issued an extraordinary statement that warned about the demise of the Electoral College. ", Who's ahead, Biden or Trump? Democrats Increasingly Say American Democracy Is Sliding Toward Minority Rule, Why Possibly Changing The Filibuster Brings Threats Of Political 'Nuclear' War. Electors are allocated based on the number of representatives a state has in the U.S. House of Representatives, which is determined by population, plus the number of senators two per state. On Dec. 22, 2016, the results were certified in all 50 states. D The winner-take-all system of the electoral college distorts the results of the popular vote. Proper citation depends on your preferred or required style manual. All content of site and practice tests copyright 2017 Max. One can see its importance in the fact that despite Hillary Clintons national popular vote total, she won only about a sixth of the counties nationwide, with her support limited mostly to urban areas on both coasts. [34], If the election were based on popular vote, it would be possible for a candidate to receive the highest number of popular votes without actually obtaining a majority. Electors are generally chosen from among state party leaders and state legislators. Updated: November 4, 2020 | Original: December 17, 2012. Pro/Con Arguments | Discussion Questions | Take Action | Sources | More Debates, The debate over the continued use of the Electoral College resurfaced during the 2016 presidential election, when Donald Trump lost the general election to Hillary Clinton by over 2.8 million votes and won the Electoral College by 74 votes. With two parties dominating the US system, this is unlikely to happen today. Then-Vice President Mike Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi preside over a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6 to certify the 2020 Electoral College results after a pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol earlier that day. Our support of objections will not diminish the value of the vote of any individual citizen, but rather protect that value, by ensuring the Constitution is followed and by restoring the confidence of all Americans that the rule of law will be upheld today, and our elections in the future will remain secured. Youre not going to convince a majority of Americans that thats not how you should do it. [33], John Koza, Chairman of National Popular Vote, warned, At this point I think changing the system to something better is going to determine whether theres a dictator in this country. [27]. Each state is equally represented in the electoral college. "If you're an opponent of the electoral college as I am, it's a rather elegant solution to the problem.". And that was for a variety of reasons. What Is the Electoral College and Why Was It Created? 2. By its clear language, they affirmed, only state legislatures, and not state courts or any other officials, are constitutionally authorized to determine the manner by which presidential electors are selected. Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry. Should Election Day Be Made a National Holiday? California has the greatest number of electoral votes (54); several states have only three electoral votes, the minimum a state may have (two senators and one member of the House). and more. READ MORE: 5 Presidents Who Won the Election But Lost the Popular Vote. Accessed April 11, 2023. A difference of 400 to 500 popular votes in Florida would have given the election to Gore because he would have received all of Florida's electoral votes. READ MORE: How Are Electoral College Electors Chosen? In a political party, how does the state committee influence the national committee? And Smith points out that for most of American history, the Electoral College amplified the popular vote, rather than contradicting it. These people are electors and their job is to choose the president and vice-president. In 2016, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than one million votes, yet still lost the election on electoral votes. The Constitution of Pakistan (Urdu: ), also known as the 1973 Constitution, is the supreme law of Pakistan. How the Electoral College Was Nearly Abolished in 1970,, 8 Surprising Facts About the Electoral College. Add some good to your morning and evening. Indeed, stating a variety of concerns, they have presented objections during the electoral count of each Republican president over the last 20 years. the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution. true or false: During wartime, Congress has given presidents extra powers so that they can act quickly. True One reason that the justices take a preliminary vote is to discuss their reasoning. (NC-03), Gary Palmer (AL-06), Dan Meuser (PA-09), Burgess Owens (UT-04), Bill Posey (FL-08), David Rouzer (NC-07), John Rutherford (FL-04), Adrian Smith (NE-03), Jason Smith (MO-08), W. Gregory Steube (FL-17), Tom Tiffany (WI-07), Tim Walberg (MI-07), Michael Waltz (FL-06), Randy Weber (TX-14), Daniel Webster (FL-11), and Joe Wilson (SC-02). Here's a look at how the electoral college process works, how it came to be engrained in U.S. presidential elections and its influence on the future of politics in the country. Because of the Electoral College, presidential candidates only need to pay attention to a limited number of states that can swing one way or the other. Because the Framers of our Constitution recognized elections were susceptible to corruption, they created the Electoral College as a safeguard and expressly empowered state legislatures to ensure the integrity of our unique election system. Maine has a similar proportional distribution, with two votes awarded to the statewide winner and its other two votes given to the winners in each of its two congressional districts. Pseudonyms will no longer be permitted. v. Gore, et al., 531 U.S. 98, 113 (2000), Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, reiterated that [a] significant departure from the legislative scheme for appointing Presidential electors presents a federal constitutional question regarding the application of Art. 11. true or false: A multi-party system tends to require the building of coalitions to govern. It works without controversy in most elections. The 2020 election was declared the most secure ever, but Trump continues to push the lie that the election was stolen from him. Its about one person, one vote everybodys vote counting equally. Yes. He has also worked as a senior writer with, covering an array of international and domestic issues, and was a member of the CBC Sports digital team with a particular focus on rugby. "Democrats win a lot of votes in metropolitan, urban and suburban areas. The President and Vice President are chosen by the States, which also include the District of Columbia only for this procedure. READ MORE: What Is the Electoral College and Why Was It Created? (PA-13), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03), Markwayne Mullin (OK-02), Gregory F. Murphy, M.D. Managing Editor If approved, challenges could proceed through the courts all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Each elector represents one electoral vote, and a candidate needs to gain a majority of the votes - 270 or more - to win the presidency. "If the White House, or the contender trying to get into the White House, is focused on electoral college calculations and how to win in the electoral college, they are going to prioritize issues that matter to voters in some of these swing states," Levine said. [11], This happened with President Nixon in 1968 and President Clinton in 1992, when both men won the most electoral votes while receiving just 43% of the popular vote. Sure, the election may be decided by just a handful of states swing states that can shift red or blue. The US presidential election takes place 3 November. "If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the president from the three presidential . They will only accept something like an electoral college, which would filter the choice by the states,'"Opal said. When evaluating information from a special interest website, one should first consider the special interest's. Nearly three million fewer votes than his opponent, Hillary Clinton leaders of the size the! Votes against their state 's presidential pick, they are termed `` faithless.. Cbc does not endorse the opinions expressed in comments most secure ever, but what 's as... 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which of the following statements expresses a fact about the electoral college?