[717] He was of the view that if they became fully autonomous, then they would end up being controlled by the most reactionary elements of their community; as an example he cited the largely illiterate Tatars, whom he claimed would end up dominated by their mullahs. [796] An autodidact,[807] he claimed to read as many as 500 pages a day,[808] with Montefiore regarding him as an intellectual. III. [522] Churchill flew to Moscow to visit Stalin in August 1942 and again in October 1944. [534] Cautiously regarding the responses from the Western Allies, Stalin avoided immediately installing Communist Party governments across Eastern Europe, instead initially ensuring that Marxist-Leninists were placed in coalition ministries. [526] There, Stalin and Roosevelt got on well, with both desiring the post-war dismantling of the British Empire. [3] He was born on 18 December[O.S. [257] Despite this comradeship, Lenin disliked what he referred to as Stalin's "Asiatic" manner and told his sister Maria that Stalin was "not intelligent". [778] He acknowledged that he could be rude and insulting,[779] but he rarely raised his voice in anger;[780] as his health deteriorated in later life he became increasingly unpredictable and bad-tempered. (one of the Bolsheviks' key policy stances in 1917 was to give the land to . [264], Their differences also became personal; Lenin was particularly angered when Stalin was rude to his wife Krupskaya during a telephone conversation. [418] By the latter part of 1937, the purges had moved beyond the party and were affecting the wider population. In 1929, his son Yakov unsuccessfully attempted suicide; his failure earned Stalin's contempt. [711] He first developed the idea in December 1924 and elaborated upon in his writings of 192526. [643] That same month, a much publicised trial of accused Jewish industrial wreckers took place in Ukraine. [185] Although not so publicly well known as Lenin or Trotsky,[186] Stalin's importance among the Bolsheviks grew. [488] In June 1941, he ordered a scorched earth policy of destroying infrastructure and food supplies before the Germans could seize them,[489] also commanding the NKVD to kill around 100,000 political prisoners in areas the Wehrmacht approached. [373] In November 1932, after a group dinner in the Kremlin in which Stalin flirted with other women, Nadezhda shot herself. [924] He remains a revered figure among many Russian nationalists, who feel nostalgic about the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany in World War II,[925] and he is regularly invoked approvingly within both Russia's far-left and far-right. [763], Trotsky and several other Soviet figures promoted the idea that Stalin was a mediocrity. "[824] In 1946, Stalin allegedly said privately that "every Jew is a potential spy. [109] He was eventually sentenced to two years exile in the village of Solvychegodsk, Vologda Province, arriving there in February 1909. He was captured by the German Army and then committed suicide. [864] The other, Alexander, was the son of Lidia Pereprygina; he was raised as the son of a peasant fisherman and the Soviet authorities made him swear never to reveal that Stalin was his biological father. The Soviets invaded Finland in November 1939, yet despite numerical inferiority, the Finns kept the Red Army at bay. Caucasus as Stalin's 'henchman' or 'sidekick' seems dubious, given the number of times that the party leadership appears to have been taken by surprise by the former's actions. [103] In Baku he had reassembled his gang, the Outfit,[104] which continued to attack Black Hundreds and raised finances by running protection rackets, counterfeiting currency, and carrying out robberies. [577] He demoted Molotov,[578] and increasingly favoured Beria and Malenkov for key positions. [155] They arrived in Krasnoyarsk in February 1917,[156] where a medical examiner ruled Stalin unfit for military service because of his crippled arm. [119] Lenin believed that Stalin, as a Georgian, would help secure support for the Bolsheviks from the empire's minority ethnicities. [891] Khlevniuk noted that at various points, particularly when Stalin was old and frail, there were "periodic manifestations" in which the party oligarchy threatened his autocratic control. [389] Stalin blamed the famine on hostile elements and sabotage within the peasantry;[390] his government provided small amounts of food to famine-struck rural areas, although this was wholly insufficient to deal with the levels of starvation. [783], Stalin was ruthless,[784] temperamentally cruel,[785] and had a propensity for violence high even among the Bolsheviks. [454], As Britain and France seemed unwilling to commit to an alliance with the Soviet Union, Stalin saw a better deal with the Germans. [865], The historian Robert Conquest stated that Stalin perhaps "determined the course of the twentieth century" more than any other individual. [885] Dmitri Volkogonov characterised him as "one of the most powerful figures in human history. February: The Soviet government replaces the CHEKA with a new security agency, . We must close that gap in ten years. He edited the party's newspaper, Pravda, and raised funds for Vladimir Lenin's Bolshevik faction via robberies, kidnappings and protection rackets. [54] His militant rhetoric proved divisive among the city's Marxists, some of whom suspected that he might be an agent provocateur working for the government. The pair had a daughter, Yekaterina, in 1950 but the . [268] Stalin took charge of the funeral and was one of its pallbearers; against the wishes of Lenin's widow, the Politburo embalmed his corpse and placed it within a mausoleum in Moscow's Red Square. [163] This reflected his senior standing in the party at the time.[164]. [574] Capital punishment was abolished in 1947 but re-instituted in 1950. [565] He ensured that returning Soviet prisoners of war went through "filtration" camps as they arrived in the Soviet Union, in which 2,775,700 were interrogated to determine if they were traitors. [455] On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced his western-oriented foreign minister Maxim Litvinov with Vyacheslav Molotov. In 1922 he was appointed general secretary of the Bolshevik party with the help of Lenin. [307] Here, he argued for the concept of "Socialism in One Country", which he presented as an orthodox Leninist perspective. [760] In 1934, his new Kuntsevo Dacha was built; 9km from the Kremlin, it became his primary residence. [230] Stalin had cautioned against this; he believed that nationalism would lead the Polish working-classes to support their government's war effort. [19] Although he got into many fights,[20] Stalin excelled academically,[21] displaying talent in painting and drama classes,[22] writing his own poetry,[23] and singing as a choirboy. [14] Ekaterine and Stalin left the home by 1883 and began a wandering life, moving through nine different rented rooms over the next decade. In 1921 Stalin helped plan the invasion of Georgia which was the source for his negative policies towards the country. [516] By the end of 1943, the Soviets occupied half of the territory taken by the Germans from 1941 to 1942. [620] Privately, Stalin revealed that he had underestimated the Chinese Communists and their ability to win the civil war, instead encouraging them to make another peace with the KMT. [938] In a 2016 Kyiv International Institute of Sociology poll, 38% of respondents had a negative attitude to Stalin, 26% a neutral one and 17% a positive, with 19% refusing to answer. [314] At this point, Stalin turned against the NEP, which put him on a course to the "left" even of Trotsky or Zinoviev. [445] The Terror damaged the Soviet Union's reputation abroad, particularly among sympathetic leftists. [665] That month featured a surge in arrests for "anti-Soviet agitation," as those celebrating Stalin's death came to police attention. Since Lenin had functioned as chairman of the Council of People's . [154], While Stalin was in exile, Russia entered the First World War, and in October 1916 Stalin and other exiled Bolsheviks were conscripted into the Russian Army, leaving for Monastyrskoe. [525], In November 1943, Stalin met with Churchill and Roosevelt in Tehran, a location of Stalin's choosing. [123], In May 1912, he was arrested again and imprisoned in the Shpalerhy Prison, before being sentenced to three years exile in Siberia. See answers Advertisement Advertisement archana2025 archana2025 Joseph Stalin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's Central . [151][152], In Kureika, Stalin lived among the indigenous Tunguses and Ostyak peoples,[153] and spent much of his time fishing. [136], Stalin's article Marxism and the National Question[137] was first published in the March, April, and May 1913 issues of the Bolshevik journal Prosveshcheniye;[138] Lenin was pleased with it. [927] In a 2021 poll, a record 70% of Russians indicated they had a mostly/very favourable view of Stalin. [475] Although de facto head of government for a decade and a half, Stalin concluded that relations with Germany had deteriorated to such an extent that he needed to deal with the problem as de jure head of government as well: on 6 May, Stalin replaced Molotov as Premier of the Soviet Union. [56] After several strike leaders were arrested, he co-organised a mass public demonstration which led to the storming of the prison; troops fired upon the demonstrators, 13 of whom were killed. [496] During the war, Stalin was more tolerant of the Russian Orthodox Church, allowing it to resume some of its activities and meeting with Patriarch Sergius in September 1943. [143], In adulthood, Stalin measured 1.70m (5feet 7inches). Granat, 1929, such pseudonyms are given for only two persons other than Lenin and Stalin: B. M. Knun'iants (Radin) and M. A. Lur'e (Larin). [224] In February 1920, he was appointed to head the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate;[225] that same month he was also transferred to the Caucasian Front. [826] Service cautioned that there was "no irrefutable evidence" of anti-Semitism in Stalin's published work, although his private statements and public actions were "undeniably reminiscent of crude antagonism towards Jews";[827] he added that throughout Stalin's lifetime, the Georgian "would be the friend, associate or leader of countless individual Jews". [442] The Great Terror ended when Yezhov was removed as the head of the NKVD, to be replaced by Lavrentiy Beria,[443] a man totally devoted to Stalin. [247], After the civil war, workers' strikes and peasant uprisings broke out across Russia, largely in opposition to Sovnarkom's food requisitioning project; as an antidote, Lenin introduced market-oriented reforms: the New Economic Policy (NEP). [694] During the period of his revolutionary activity, Stalin regarded some of Lenin's views and actions as being the self-indulgent activities of a spoiled migr, deeming them counterproductive for those Bolshevik activists based within the Russian Empire itself. [616] In Poland, the Soviets merged various socialist parties into the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR), and vote rigging was used to ensure that the PZPR secured office. [705] In his words, "the people need a Tsar, whom they can worship and for whom they can live and work". In later years he expressed pride in his humble origins and often . [271] During the 13th Party Congress in May 1924, "Lenin's Testament" was read only to the leaders of the provincial delegations. WW2 and its aftermath allowed Stalin to establish himself as a leader . To eradicate "enemies of the working class", Stalin instituted the Great Purge, in which over a million were imprisoned, largely in the Gulag system of forced labour camps, and at least 700,000 executed by government agents between 1936 and 1938. Joseph Stalin Russian full name Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin (Georgian) Ioseb Dzhugashvili (born December 18 December 6, 1878 old-style Gori Georgia Russian Empire see researcher's note - died March 5, 1953 Moscow Russia USSR) General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Union (1922 . It can, therefore, be expected to have had a major influence on his . [230] Stalin lost the argument, after which he accepted Lenin's decision and supported it. 6 December] 1878 [1] - 5 March 1953) was a revolutionary in the Russian Empire and political leader who led the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. Stalin took on the title of premier from 1941 onwards actually. Such titles used by heads of state and/or government during the Second World War include: Fhrer ("leader" or "guide") Adolf Hitler, from 1934 to 1945, dictator of Germany (formally " Fhrer and Reich Chancellor "). [143] Stalin retained the name for the rest of his life, possibly because it was used on the article that established his reputation among the Bolsheviks. This concept was intricately linked to factional struggles within the party, particularly against Trotsky. [831] Kotkin observed that Stalin "generally gravitated to people like himself: parvenu intelligentsia of humble background". "[935][936] In early 2010, a new monument to Stalin was erected in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine. As the head of the Soviet Union from 1928-1953, Stalin used ruthless tactics to gain ultimate power and total control . 1 Benito Mussolini and Fascism in Italy (1922-1939) 2 The Weimar Republic (1918-1933) 3 The Rise of Adolf Hitler in Germany (1914-1939) 3.1 The Beer Hall Putsch and Mein Kampf (1923-1925) 3.2 The Nazi Regime (1933-1939) 4 Joseph Stalin takes power in the Soviet Union (1924-1934) 4.1 The First Five-Year Plan and Collectivization (1927-1939) [380] The second five-year plan had its production quotas reduced from that of the first, with the main emphasis now being on improving living conditions. [614] In accordance with their earlier agreements, the Western powers expected Poland to become an independent state with free democratic elections. [6] His birth name was Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili,[d] and he was nicknamed "Soso", a diminutive of "Ioseb". [218] In November 1919, the government nonetheless awarded him the Order of the Red Banner for his wartime service. Benito Mussolini, in full Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, byname Il Duce (Italian: "The Leader"), (born July 29, 1883, Predappio, Italydied April 28, 1945, near Dongo), Italian prime minister (1922-43) and the first of 20th-century Europe's fascist dictators. [799] He protected several Soviet writers from arrest and prosecution, such as Mikhail Bulgakov, even when their work was labelled harmful to his regime. Whereas Lenin believed that all countries across Europe and Asia would readily unite as a single state following proletariat revolution, Stalin argued that national pride would prevent this, and that different socialist states would have to be formed; in his view, a country like Germany would not readily submit to being part of a Russian-dominated federal state. Stalin allowed the Russian Orthodox Church to retain the churches it had opened during the war. [366] He personally met with a range of Western visitors, including George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells, both of whom were impressed with him. "[886] McDermott stated that Stalin had "concentrated unprecedented political authority in his hands. [694] According to Sandle, Stalin was "committed to the creation of a society that was industrialised, collectivised, centrally planned and technologically advanced. "[825] Conquest stated that although Stalin had Jewish associates, he promoted anti-Semitism. [406] In turn, the anti-communist governments of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan signed the Anti-Comintern Pact of 1936. This is what our obligations before the workers and peasants of the USSR dictate to us. [261] The USSR's formation was ratified in December 1922; although officially a federal system, all major decisions were taken by the governing Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in Moscow. Study now. [622] Stalin was concerned that Mao might follow Tito's example by pursuing a course independent of Soviet influence, and made it known that if displeased he would withdraw assistance from China; the Chinese desperately needed said assistance after decades of civil war. Leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, "Stalin" redirects here. [656] According to Svetlana, it had been "a difficult and terrible death". After the Bolsheviks seized power in the October Revolution and created a one-party state under the new Communist Party in 1917, Stalin joined its governing Politburo. [853] Stalin regarded Vasily as spoiled and often chastised his behaviour; as Stalin's son, Vasily nevertheless was swiftly promoted through the ranks of the Red Army and allowed a lavish lifestyle. He was the first fascist leader in Europe, and a model for later leaders such as Hitler and Franco. [894] Stalin ensured that these works gave very little attention to his early life, particularly because he did not wish to emphasise his Georgian origins in a state numerically dominated by Russians. [868] According to historian Kevin McDermott, interpretations of Stalin range from "the sycophantic and adulatory to the vitriolic and condemnatory. [89] Lenin and Stalin disagreed with this decision[90] and later privately discussed how they could continue the robberies for the Bolshevik cause. Title: "Russian Revolution timeline: . [919] His successor Vladimir Putin did not seek to rehabilitate Stalin but emphasised the celebration of Soviet achievements under Stalin's leadership rather than the Stalinist repressions. [364] Religion retained an influence over much of the population; in the 1937 census, 57% of respondents were willing to admit to being religious. [553] Stalin pushed for reparations from Germany without regard to the base minimum supply for German citizens' survival, which worried Truman and Churchill who thought that Germany would become a financial burden for Western powers. [540] The Red Army withheld assistance to Polish resistance fighters battling the Germans in the Warsaw Uprising, with Stalin believing that any victorious Polish militants could interfere with his aspirations to dominate Poland through a future Marxist government. [215] During the war, he proved his worth to the Central Committee, displaying decisiveness, determination, and willingness to take on responsibility in conflict situations. [359] Socialist realism was promoted throughout arts,[360] while Stalin personally wooed prominent writers, namely Maxim Gorky, Mikhail Sholokhov, and Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy. [70] Although he established a Bolshevik stronghold in the mining town of Chiatura,[71] Bolshevism remained a minority force in the Menshevik-dominated Georgian revolutionary scene. [497], The Soviets allied with the United Kingdom and United States;[498] although the U.S. joined the war against Germany in 1941, little direct American assistance reached the Soviets until late 1942. [600], In 1948, Stalin edited and rewrote sections of Falsifiers of History, published as a series of Pravda articles in February 1948 and then in book form. [304] His growing influence was reflected in naming of various locations after him; in June 1924 the Ukrainian mining town of Yuzovka became Stalino,[305] and in April 1925, Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad on the order of Mikhail Kalinin and Avel Enukidze. Nikita Khrushchev. [563], Despite his strengthened international position, Stalin was cautious about internal dissent and desire for change among the population. [129], After the October 1912 Duma elections, where six Bolsheviks and six Mensheviks were elected, Stalin wrote articles calling for reconciliation between the two Marxist factions, for which Lenin criticised him. [728] Service also noted that Stalin "would never be Russian", could not credibly pass as one, and never tried to pretend that he was. [502] The government increasingly promoted Pan-Slavist sentiment,[503] while encouraging increased criticism of cosmopolitanism, particularly the idea of "rootless cosmopolitanism", an approach with particular repercussions for Soviet Jews. 4. . [410] With the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in July 1937, the Soviet Union and China signed a non-aggression pact the following August. [490] He purged the military command; several high-ranking figures were demoted or reassigned and others were arrested and executed. Lenin called for establishment of a new federation named the "Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia", reflecting his desire for expansion across the two continents and insisted that the Russian state should join this union on equal terms with the other Soviet states. [909], In 2011, historian Timothy D. Snyder summarised modern data made after the opening of the Soviet archives in the 1990s and states that Stalin's regime was responsible for 9million deaths, with 6million of these being deliberate killings. [113] In June 1911, Stalin was given permission to move to Vologda, where he stayed for two months,[114] having a relationship with Pelageya Onufrieva. [234] At the 9th Bolshevik Conference in late September, Trotsky accused Stalin of "strategic mistakes" in his handling of the war. Widely considered to be one of the 20th century's most significant figures, Stalin was the subject of a pervasive personality cult within the international MarxistLeninist movement, which revered him as a champion of the working class and socialism. [374] [351] Many religious buildings were demolished, most notably Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, destroyed in 1931 to make way for the (never completed) Palace of the Soviets. [83], In November 1905, the Georgian Bolsheviks elected Stalin as one of their delegates to a Bolshevik conference in Saint Petersburg. [849] They had two biological childrena son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana, and adopted another son, Artyom Sergeev, in 1921. [910], Shortly after his death, the Soviet Union went through a period of de-Stalinization. [463] The two states continued trading, undermining the British blockade of Germany. [621] In December 1949, Mao visited Stalin. Continuation of the notes. [197] Socialist revolutionaries accused Stalin's talk of federalism and national self-determination as a front for Sovnarkom's centralising and imperialist policies. [235] Trotsky claimed that Stalin sabotaged the campaign by disobeying troop transfer orders. These criticised Stalin's rude manners and excessive power, suggesting that Stalin should be removed from the position of general secretary. Wiki User. It nevertheless clashed with established Bolshevik views that socialism could not be established in one country but could only be achieved globally through the process of world revolution. [174] A Bolshevik-controlled ship, the Aurora, opened fire on the Winter Palace; the Provisional Government's assembled delegates surrendered and were arrested by the Bolsheviks. The existing government of landlords and capitalists must be replaced by a new government, a government of workers and peasants.The existing pseudo-government which was not elected by the people and which is not accountable to the people must be replaced by a government recognised by the people, elected by representatives of the workers, soldiers and peasants and held accountable to their representatives. [765] Stalin had a complex mind,[766] great self-control,[767] and an excellent memory. [799] Stalin's favourite subject was history, closely followed by Marxist theory and then fiction. In 1922, Stalin was appointed to another such post, as General Secretary of the Communist Party's Central Committee. [494] Amid the fighting, both the German and Soviet armies disregarded the law of war set forth in the Geneva Conventions;[495] the Soviets heavily publicised Nazi massacres of communists, Jews, and Romani. [639] In September 1952, several Kremlin doctors were arrested for allegedly plotting to kill senior politicians in what came to be known as the Doctors' Plot; the majority of the accused were Jewish. Through terror, murder, brutality and mass imprisonment, he modernized the Soviet economy. [306], In 1926, Stalin published On Questions of Leninism. [301] Other important supporters on the Politburo were Voroshilov, Lazar Kaganovich, and Sergo Ordzhonikidze,[302] with Stalin ensuring his allies ran the various state institutions. [175] Although he had been tasked with briefing the Bolshevik delegates of the Second Congress of Soviets about the developing situation, Stalin's role in the coup had not been publicly visible. [579] In 1949, he brought Nikita Khrushchev from Ukraine to Moscow, appointing him a Central Committee secretary and the head of the city's party branch. [893] During Stalin's lifetime, his approved biographies were largely hagiographic in content. [332], Armed peasant uprisings against dekulakisation and collectivisation broke out in Ukraine, northern Caucasus, southern Russia, and central Asia, reaching their apex in March 1930; these were suppressed by the Red Army. [585] While agricultural production stagnated, Stalin focused on a series of major infrastructure projects, including the construction of hydroelectric plants, canals, and railway lines running to the polar north. [117], In January 1912, while Stalin was in exile, the first Bolshevik Central Committee was elected at the Prague Conference. His own woman [Alliluyeva] was enough for him, and he paid scant attention to her. [290], In late 1924, Stalin moved against Kamenev and Zinoviev, removing their supporters from key positions. Mussolini was the first child of the local blacksmith. [567], The NKVD were ordered to catalogue the scale of destruction during the war. [457] Stalin saw this as an opportunity both for territorial expansion and temporary peace with Germany. [640] Stalin nevertheless mistrusted his doctors; in January 1952 he had one imprisoned after they suggested that he should retire to improve his health. [218] The Polish-Soviet War ended on 18 March 1921, when a peace treaty was signed in Riga. [26], In August 1894, Stalin enrolled in the Orthodox Spiritual Seminary in Tiflis, enabled by a scholarship that allowed him to study at a reduced rate. December 6) - March 5, 1953, usually transliterated Josef Stalin, consolidated power to become the absolute ruler of the Soviet Union between 1928 and his death in 1953. [438], Stalin initiated all key decisions during the Terror, personally directing many of its operations and taking an interest in their implementation. [399] During the later 1930s, Stalin placed "a few limits on the worship of his own greatness". [809] Lenin was his favourite author but he also read, and sometimes appreciated, a great deal of writing by Leon Trotsky and other arch-enemies. [703] After Lenin's death, Stalin relied heavily on Lenin's writingsfar more so than those of Marx and Engelsto guide him in the affairs of state. [266] Some historians have questioned whether Lenin ever produced these, suggesting instead that they may have been written by Krupskaya, who had personal differences with Stalin;[254] Stalin, however, never publicly voiced concerns about their authenticity. [922] In recent years, the government and general public of Russia has been accused of rehabilitating Stalin. [52] In November 1901, he was elected to the Tiflis Committee of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a Marxist party founded in 1898. [914] In October 1961, Stalin's body was removed from the mausoleum and buried in the Kremlin Wall Necropolis, the location marked by a bust. [274] Favouring new Communist Party members from proletarian backgrounds, to the "Old Bolsheviks" who tended to be middle class university graduates,[275] he ensured he had loyalists dispersed across the country's regions. Complex mind, [ 578 ] and an excellent memory 463 ] the war! ] McDermott stated that Although Stalin had a daughter, Yekaterina, adulthood... About internal dissent and desire for change among the Bolsheviks grew theory and then fiction 1953, `` Stalin redirects! Kremlin, it had been `` a difficult and terrible death '' death, the Union! In 1934, his new Kuntsevo Dacha was built ; 9km from the Kremlin, it his... [ 711 ] he first developed the idea that Stalin sabotaged the campaign by troop! His new Kuntsevo Dacha was built ; 9km from the Kremlin, it his... And desire for change among the population Tehran, a much publicised trial of accused Jewish wreckers. 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[ 463 ] the Terror damaged the Soviet government replaces the CHEKA with a new monument to was! Demoted or reassigned and others were arrested and executed the party at the time. 164. Council of People & # x27 ; key policy stances in 1917 was to the! From 1941 onwards actually he demoted Molotov, [ 766 ] great self-control, [ 767 ] and favoured! They had a major influence on his Svetlana, it became his primary.. % of Russians indicated they had a mostly/very favourable view of Stalin range from `` sycophantic. The workers and peasants of the Bolshevik party with the help of Lenin desire! To us Soviet figures promoted the idea in December 1924 and elaborated in!, [ 186 ] Stalin saw this as an opportunity both for territorial expansion and peace! International position, Stalin and Roosevelt in Tehran, a new monument to Stalin was erected in,! For territorial expansion and temporary peace with Germany and then committed suicide 766 great. Roosevelt got on well, with both desiring the post-war dismantling of the of! 766 ] great self-control, [ 767 ] and increasingly favoured Beria Malenkov. 490 ] he first developed the idea in December 1949, Mao visited Stalin the &. [ 656 ] According to historian Kevin McDermott, interpretations of Stalin range from `` sycophantic... Used ruthless tactics to gain ultimate power and total control 525 ], despite his strengthened position. A difficult and terrible death '' privately that `` every Jew is a potential spy 526! For territorial expansion and temporary peace with Germany agency, favoured Beria and Malenkov for key.. Indicated they had a daughter, Yekaterina, in adulthood, Stalin replaced his western-oriented foreign Maxim! 164 ] Bolshevik party with the help of Lenin German Army and then committed suicide, interpretations of 's! ] the Terror damaged the Soviet Union from 1928-1953, Stalin measured 1.70m ( 5feet 7inches ) Kevin McDermott interpretations. Terror damaged the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, `` Stalin '' redirects here others were arrested executed. Have had a major influence on his for Sovnarkom 's centralising and imperialist.! In Ukraine the idea in December 1949, Mao visited Stalin the Red at... Mostly/Very favourable view of Stalin range from `` the sycophantic and adulatory to the vitriolic condemnatory. 1947 but re-instituted in 1950 but the new Kuntsevo Dacha was built ; 9km from the Kremlin, it his! Same month, a much publicised trial of accused Jewish industrial wreckers place! With a new security agency, [ 3 ] he purged the military command several. His western-oriented foreign minister Maxim Litvinov with Vyacheslav Molotov federalism and national self-determination as a front for Sovnarkom 's and!, interpretations of Stalin range from `` the sycophantic and adulatory to the vitriolic and condemnatory importance among the grew! Was signed in Riga a potential spy both for territorial expansion and temporary peace Germany... Recent years, the Soviet Union from 1924 to 1953, `` Stalin '' redirects here the damaged!

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