THERE IS, BUT IT IS NOT SUFFICIENTLY COLLECTED. U/A 13+. There is great spiritual merit accrued from caring for holy places. Hope I explain right with my bad english. Namaste. So actually calling this plant Tulasi is a misnomer that confuses people, especially because many websites mistakenly call it ocimum sanctum. How has Govinda dasi left the tulsi plants which she nourished so lovingly? That Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa have sold the Temple in Hawaii and abandoned the beautiful Tulasi plants there is a great fall down on their parts. One of the offenses is trying to preach to people who are not interested in hearing from you. Because of your order, the groves where Lord Madhava performs His pastimes appear very splendid, decorated with blossoming flowers, bumblebees, deer, and other auspicious animals, flowers, and birds. Someone has uprooted them. Tulsi Vivah Legend Padma Purana has narrated the story of Krishna and Tulsi. Tulsi or holy basil is an auspicious plant that also comes packed with umpteen health benefits. I daily worshiped a thin green sprout until it became painfully evident that it was a blade of grass. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! radha-krishna-seva pabo ei abhilashi srutim cakaracyuta-sat-kathodaye We sat beside his bed and chanted Hare Krishna on our beads. According to ones taste and strength, hearing, chanting and remembrance may be followed by pada-sevanam. karau harer mandira-marjanadisu All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gauranga Mahaprabhu! A house with a tulasi plant is sometimes considered a place of pilgrimage. Dandvats. That is general. You can not control what other people do. 73-07-20 Letter: Nityananda And how should they be offered? But if that man is caught trespassing on our property, then he may be severely punished by us. So I can not give you the real authoritative answer to this Prabhu. My second question is,I have Deities of Krsna and Visnu but I am not fixed up in devotional service. 3) Yes, jewelry is alright. VRINDA - The goddess of all plant and trees ( even if one 70-11-30. The Deity of Lord Caitanya is very nicely done so there is no need to change the color. By grace of Tulasi Devi now Im able to follow the basic rules and regulations of Krishna Consciousness. There is one verse, you may know it, This age of Kali is an ocean of faults, but there is one great boon [benefit, benediction] that simply by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra one can be very easily liberated. So the point is in Kali-yuga we can not follow all the strict rules and regulations that may be mentioned in the various parts of the sastras. So Srila Prabhupadas guidance is in his books, it is in his lectures, it is in his letters, it is in his video and film recordings. I once plucked a tulsi leaf on sunday to offer it to shri krishna deity. Tulasi Devi, Beloved of Krishna One of Krishna's most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. 72-04-12. I was stunned. tvat-saubhagam kena nirucyatam tad So if some of his disciples would offer him foodstuffs that were not first offered to Krishna with big bunches of tulsi leaves He would be upset. Hope to keep receiving the mercy of Tulasi Devi like this always. Be considerate of others, if they do not like what you are doing then, if you want to stay there, you have to act in such a way that you do not disturb them too much. So shall I take it from the soil near the water tank, and serve her and take her for serving krishna for bhoga and further offering or let it be there, letting it be there dosent seems nice. Please give me the privilege of devotional service and make me your own maidservant. She first of all cultivated the tulasi plant in Hawaii. visnubhaktiprade devi satyavatyai namo namah. Regarding the booklet, A Guide to the Care of Srimate Tulasi devi, yes, the book is very nice. Bathing in the Ganges and serving a pure Vaisnava are also known as tadiya-upasanam. Neglecting to care for or water Tulasi properly is a great offense. Yes. Only Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda wear crowns and nosepins. My second question is- When I take the the responsibility of serving Tulasi Devi, if someone commits any offence to Tulasi Devi and I am not able to prevent it will I also suffer the bad consequences and will it affect my devotional service? Last year I was completely fallen down but in June I brought all Tulasi plants growing around my house some of them in unclean places and planted them in a clean place together with the help of some of my family members and those plants by causeless mercy of Tulasi Devi and Krishna have grown very well now and I offer her leaves to Krishna. And I witnessed the Lords divine protection of His devotee. I am very worried | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy. Sometimes there may be disagreement and quarrel but we should not go away. 5) Tulasi leaves should be offered to the Deity. O goddess, you bestow devotional service to Lord Krishna and possess the highest truth., (Sing during the arati. And I am sure you were chanting Hare Krishna also. What are the prescribed rules for plucking the tulsi leaves for offering to Lord Krishna? Vrinda receives an ominous nightmare where she sees her husband seated on a buffalo, the sky enveloped in darkness, and a sun without lustre. I have not read the whole page yet, will surely do so. After the conclusion of the battle, Vishnu is still traumatised by the death of the beautiful Vrinda, and refuses to move from her pyre. Indeed, Maharaja Ambarisa never desired anything for his own sense gratification. Kilimanjaro. Prabhupada: So that. Letter: Govinda Devotees wear strands of Tulasi beads around their necks. Shall I keep Him in that box or take Him to a temple. It is so much benefit just by offering obeisances and watering Tulsi, so if they understand the benefits, they will respect Tulsi, even if they are not very serious devotees. Apart from Offering water to Tulasi-devi everything else I do without there notice.So nowadays I donot agitate them much. So we should not give up trying to follow the principles. tani tani pranashyanti Madhya 23.51 Life s Ultimate GoalLove of Godhead, Krsnas smile, the fragrance of His transcendental body, His flute, bugle, ankle bells, conchshell, the marks on His feet, His place of residence, HIS FAVORITE PLANT [TULASI], His devotees, and the observance of fasts and vows connected to His devotion all awaken the symptoms of ecstatic love., Madhya 24.115 The Sixty-One Explanations of the Atmarama Verse Now, we have by Krsnas Grace built up something significant in the shape of this ISKCON and we are all one family. SB 7-5-23&24 So far as touching the Deity is concerned, that can be done only by the priest. Thus, within my vision I will always behold the beautiful pastimes of Radha and Krishna. Srimati Tulsi-devi is very dear to Lord Krishna and also grants devotion to Krishna. Thank you so much for all your information provided here. The test of our actual dedication and sincerity to serve the Spiritual Master will be in this mutual cooperative spirit to push on this Movement and not make factions and deviate. But you should not reduce your devotional service at all. We have to follow the rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow. O Tulasi, beloved of Krishna, I bow before you again and again. That is another very auspicious sign. He universally accepts the services of His devotees. Therefore Advaita requested Lord Krsna to appear as Lord Caitanya. The important things are chanting Hare Krishna, following the regulative principles and reading Prabhupadas books. But we must be very careful that Tulasi leaves cannot be placed on the feet of anyone else except Lord Visnu and His different forms. Dinabandhu Dasa arrived and began playing the harmonium and singing. Tulsidevi is part of Krishnas entourage, she is Krishna-ised or Krishna Conscious, and in this pure state she has all the qualities of Krishna, and therefore she becomes worshipable just like Krishna. 71-04-11. That is the only consideration. Later, in 1968, as I was cleaning Srila Prabhupadas room I found his Tulasi japa beads lying near his bead bag on his cushion. Srila Prabhupada is living in his books, Krishna is present within your heart. Tulasi wood (taken after a plant has fully dried naturally) can be used to carve worship paraphernalia, such as beads. If they wanted to go away they could have, but they had no right to sell the Temple. This variety is considered especially sacred to Krishna, as its purple color is similar to Krishna's dark complexion.[3][4]. Antya 3.137 A prayer of forgiveness may also be offered to Tulasi before the act. I felt humbled and joyful that even in my ignorance I had been given an opportunity to serve him in this way. However, after hearing details of Parvati's beauty from Narada, he demands Shiva hand her over to him. Collect leaves once in the morning for worshiping Krishna and for putting on the plates of food to be offered to Him. Mahadev says it takes time to create hatred in someone's mind and he feels bad that Krishna has to face . yathottamasloka-janasraya ratih. I have heard that your good wife, Patty is growing Srimate Tulasi devi there at your house with good success. We need to keep on reading Srila Prabhupadas books. Prabhu I think it is a good idea for you, if you want to stay there, to not create undue disturbance. TADIYA MEANS THE TULASI LEAVES, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. Preferably, arati should also be offered to Tulsi in the evening, just before Sandhya-arati. I want to know the place of Tulsi tree and Temple at home Our house is rectangle shape . THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE TULASI LEAVES OFFERED TO LORD CAITANYAS LOTUS FEET. I am so very glad to learn that Srimati Tulasi Devi has favored you so much. mrigadibhir madhava-keli- kunjah YOU SHOULD ALSO GO OUT FOR STREET SANKIRTANA AND DISTRIBUTE MY LITERATURE FOR THE CRIPPLE MINDED MASSES, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify. Some Vaishnavas consider the use of Tulasi for any other deities a sin. Kalanemi was a demon who was the ruler of Mathura and had a beautiful daughter named Vrinda. It has been mentioned that plucking of leaves / watering of Tulasi Devi is forbidden on Sundays and other days as per the Lunar Calendar. no, MEANS THAT IS TEMPORARY. It is taboo to urinate, excrete or throw waste water near the plant. Your face is illuminated by the splendor of the pearl decorating the tip of your nose, and by the extraordinary gentle smile on the two bimba fruits which are your lips. But if we simply chant this Hare Krishna maha-mantra and strictly follow the four regulative principles: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no gambling and no intoxication and we read Srila Prabhupadas books at least 1-2 hours a day then everything will be adjusted. Lord Krishna happily lives in the house, town, or forest where Tulasi Devi is present. He attains devotional service in pure love of Godhead, and all his spiritual aspirations become fulfilled. So dont try preaching to people who dont want to hear from you. They havent done their research and they dont know what they are talking about. I DO NOT KNOW WHO HAS TAUGHT YOU THAT PART OF A TULASI PLANT MAY BE CUT OFF AND THEN REPLANTED? Yes, the leaves of Srimati Tulasi Devi MAY BE OFFERED TO ALL VISNU-TATTVA EXPANSIONS OF KRSNA, INCLUDING NITYANANDA AND BALARAMA. Please consider refraining from using CAPITALIZED text to stress important points. Simply go on in the normal way, and gradually his threat will disappear. I realized that my initial attraction to Tulasiand my obsessive desire to grow Tulasiplants, though not inspired by a direct instruction from Srila Prabhupada, were communicated from within the heart by the Lord to please and assist Srila Prabhupada in his mission. Uprooting and cutting branches of the plant is prohibited. When Srimati Vrinda Devi entered into the material world she manifested herself as the sacred Tulsi plant. There are several types of this 'magical herb', with Rama tulsi and Krishna tulsi being the most common ones. And when the tulasi leaves are offered in devotion at the lotus feet of Krsna, there is the full development of love of Godhead., NoD 11 Aspects of Transcendental Service Simply by worshipping her faithfully, a devotee can get himself free of from all material miseries. Vishnu appeared in the form of Shankacuda to Tulasi, and the two sported, and ceased when Tulasi realised that he was an imposter. mukunda-lingalaya-darsane drsau 10) I never said that. They donot take Tulasi devi very seriously, exploit her in many ways like using as medicine etc. What may be fearful and horrible for others was for Baba a joyous reunion with his beloved Lord. I am sure you want to follow his examples. A gentle smile decorates her lips. 12) Yes. As the tank is filed with water, the water comes out and goes in the soil ,so 3 little peple plants and one tulasi is grown on its own. You can put up barbed-wire fence around the tulasi plants if that will help, or somehow or other protect them from further danger. IF THERE IS ANY IMPEDIMENT IN GROWING TULSI, THAT MEANS THAT DEVOTIONAL SERVICE IS DEFECTIVE. We pointed this out to Srila Prabhupada and asked his permission to trim some of the branches. Through devotional service one can easily please Lord Krsna with a leaf of the tulasi plant and a little water. (8) bhaktya vihina aparadha-lakshaih A beautiful smile was on his lips. You have made just the exact replica of Vrinda Devi., I told him, Baba, because you are now unable to walk and go see your beloved deity, Vrinda Devi has arranged to come to see you.. ONE SHOULD NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. vane tvad-ishanghri-saroja- seva [21], A ceremony known as Tulasi Vivaha is performed by the Hindus between Prabodhini Ekadashi (eleventh lunar day of the waxing moon of Kartika) to Kartik Poornima (full moon in Kartika), usually on the eleventh or the twelfth lunar day. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. bhaktebhyo bhakta-vatsalah. She is highly worshipped in Hindu households, by both young and old. As stated in Bhagavad-gita, patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower. This is confirmed in the Skanda-Purana, Avanti-khanda. Anyone who comes in touch with the tulasi tree in the above-mentioned ways lives eternally in the Vaikuntha world. "TADIYA MEANS THE TULASI LEAVES, the devotees of Krsna, the birthplace of Krsna, Mathura, and the Vedic literature Srimad-Bhagavatam. 73-12-06 Letter: Kirtida Kanyaka Although Krsna wants everyone to surrender to His lotus feet, because of peoples sinful activities they cannot do this. Tulsi leaves are very important for satisfying Lord Krishna. Hindus regard it as an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulasi; she is regarded as the avatar of Lakshmi, and thus the consort of the god Vishnu. 71-11-17 Letter: Patty Dorgan ASAMSAYAH, WITHOUT ANY DOUBT, SIMPLY FOLLOWING THESE RULES AND REGULATION, MAM EVAISYASI, YOU COME BACK TO ME.. Every day Baba talked to us of the glories of Vrinda Devi as described in the Skanda Purana, Brahma-vaivarta Purana, Padma Purana, Garuda Purana, Narada Purana, and other Vedic texts. Then Prabhupada stopped short and became thoughtful. The Vedic scriptures say that Krishna accepts only food adorned with a Tulasi leaf. So there are three mantras, one for bowing down, one for circumambulating,* and one for collecting the leaves. Please help me with that. PLEASE TAKE CARE OF THE TULASI PLANTS IN THE FOLLOWING WAY. You have to do things without too much upsetting the other people there. Because Baba had become old and ill, he wanted to leave his work to reliable people who were also devoted to Tulasi Devi. But if you can not strictly follow the regulative principles or if you are not able to chant at least 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna mantra every day or if you do not think you will be able to maintain the Deity worship you should first concentrate on becoming firmly fixed up in these things and living a very regulated life before you start the Radha-Krishna Deity worship program. You just water. One who offers a Tulasi manjari to Lord Krishna gets the benefit of offering all other varieties of flowers, and he goes to the abode of Krishna. [9] Her chastity broken, Shiva prevails over Jalandhara. Star Bharat. I wondered at this, and when I saw Baba I asked him about it. Tulasi leaves mixed with sandalwood pulp and placed on the lotus feet of the Lord is the topmost worship. Just like this cloud. So it is not a very big requirement. Tulasi Devi: She has an incomparable form. NOW I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SEEDLINGS ARE COMING OUT, SO THE WHOLE SPOT IF POSSIBLE MAY BE COVERED BY SOME NET BECAUSE THE SEEDLING STAGE CREEPERS BEING VERY DELICATE ARE SOMETIMES EATEN UP BY THE SPARROWS, SO WE HAVE TO GIVE A LITTLE PROTECTION FROM ATTACK OF THE SPARROWS. [29] When the plant withers, the dry plant is immersed in a water body with due religious rites as is the custom for broken divine images, which are unworthy for worship. 9.26). It is especially mentioned herein that Maharaja Pariksit took shelter of that particular river which is beautifully flowing, carrying the dust of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna, mixed with tulasi leaves. The picture of tulasi is especially indicative, BECAUSE IF TULASI GROWS LUXURIANTLY THAT PROVES THE SINCERE DEVOTIONAL SERVICE OF THE PLACE. THIS SURELY MAKES YOU SATISFIED. We pressed Baba to tell us his life story so we could tape it for future publication. NoD 35 Neutral Love of God The Latin taxonomical name indicates its native environment close to Mt. He had spent years in Vrindavana working to restore and develop Vrinda Kunda, the eternal home of Vrinda Devi, the cowherd-girl form of Tulasi Devi. You are not responsible for others offenses. Please show me some way Prabhu. Wherever the shade of Tulasi Devi falls is purified and is the best place for offering fire sacrifices. When I presented them to Srila Prabhupada, he held them and looked at them with scrutiny, then simply said, No, not Tulasi. But he chanted on them anyway. He is giving mercy. The Lords statement that His opulence is due to the benediction of the brahmanas and Vaisnavas is only to teach others that they should offer respect to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas, the devotees of the Lord. Later, Radha pleads for mercy. One who remembers the glories of Tulasi or tells others about them will never take birth again. So just make the best arrangement you can to save the tulsi plants. The leaves, flowers, roots, bark, branches, trunk, and shade of Tulasi Devi are all spiritual. vrindayai tulasi-devyai You are bathed in your own splendor, which defeats the effulgence of lightning and the golden campaka flower. Madhava Baba knew all the scriptural references to Vrinda Devi, and he carefully supervised the tiniest details of this painting. SB 3.16.21 [18], It is also not allowed for the worship of Hanuman as he is celibate and Tulasi is regarded as a goddess.[4]. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Lord Krishna and all the demigods live in a house where mud from the base of the Tulasi tree is found. Tulsi, the plant (Botanical Name: Ocimum Sanctum) in her former birth was Vrinda, the daughter of a giant named Nemi, and the faithful wife of demon Jalandhar. Advaita Acarya was a contemporary of Lord Caitanyas father. THE LORD, BEING SATISFIED BY HIS PURE DEVOTEES, DESCENDS TO SATISFY THEM. Those who have studied the Satvata-tantra glorify you. vrinde namas te caranaravindam. So just replan in new pot with new soil and worship and water her. PAMHO SB 1.19.6 All these processes of pada-sevanam help one advance in spiritual life very quickly. O Vrinda Devi, I offer my respectful obeisances to your lotus feet. FOR KRISHNA TULASI AND RAMA TULASI THE THE WORSHIP IS THE SAME. If we surrender to and follow these simple point then automatically everything else in our lives will become perfect. Worship Tulasi with nice food, flowers, incense, a ghee lamp, and other traditional articles of worship. [17][7], The tulasi plant is grown in or near several Hindu houses, especially by Brahmins and other Hindu varnas of the Vaishnava sect. Tulasi has delicate purple and green leaves, flower tassels like miniature temple spires, and an arresting, sweet fragrance famous for attracting the minds of yogis to Krishnas service. This is a marriage that is celebrated by Hindus all over India for the union. Remove dead branches if absolutely necessary. THE PRESENCE OF TULASI IS PROOF OF TRUE DEVOTIONAL ATMOSPHERE THERE. Maharaja Ambarisa always engaged his mind in meditating upon the lotus feet of Krsna, his words in describing the glories of the Lord, his hands in cleansing the Lords temple, and his ears in hearing the words spoken by Krsna or about Krsna. In ISKCON different temples have different opinions. Haridasa Thakura used to chant the holy name on his beads 300,000 times daily. That is all that matters. What should one do if he is not following the basic rules and regulations but has got Radha-Krishna Deity with him? How will I counteract these offences? KRSNA IS VERY EAGER TO SEE HIS DEVOTEE SERVE TULASI, Vaisnavas, Mathura and Bhagavatam. NoD 11 Aspects of Transcendental Service They understand the situation we are in and they know our hearts. Prabhupada talked on and on about the glories of Tulasi Devi, and he was in such joyful spirits! HOW ARE YOUR TULASI PLANTS IN HAWAII? During Tulsi Puja, the prayers are chanted. There are already some Tulasi Plants in my house. I have tried to convince them but the result has always turned worse. (6) rasabhilasho vasatish ca vrinda- Join our family of supporters. One of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a special form to bless us with extraordinary fortune. [7], While tree worship is not uncommon in Hinduism, the tulasi plant is regarded as the holiest of all plants. Now, tulasi devi has herself come! Hare Krishna! WHEN IT IS SUFFICIENTLY COLLECTED, THEN. HOW ARE THEY FEELING? SO SHE HAS DONE A GREAT SERVICE. If we really surrender to these points and follow them strictly we will make rapid advancement in spiritual life and naturally we will remember Krishna at the time of death and go back home, back to Godhead. 70-11-12. Lakshmiji sometimes has to go to satisfy her numerous devotees, but tulasi leaves never forsake their position, and the Lord therefore appreciates the service of tulasi more than the service of Lakshmi. He later told me that he had not seen Srila Prabhupada so light- hearted and happy in over a year. FIRST UTILIZE THE DEAD LEAVES OR LEAVES WHICH HAVE FALLEN DOWN, AND IF MORE LEAVES ARE REQUIRED FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA, YOU MAY TAKE THEM FROM TULASI PLANT IN THIS WAY: FIRST APPROACH TULASI DEVI AND OFFER YOUR OBEISANCES, REQUESTING HER THAT FOR WORSHIPING KRSNA YOU WANT TO TAKE SOME LEAVES. The offering of its leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vishnu and his avatars, like Krishna and Vithoba. The word vana means forest. VRNDAVANA IS THE NAME GIVEN TO THE FOREST WHERE SRIMATI VRNDADEVI (TULASIDEVI) GROWS PROFUSELY. We promised Baba that a compound wall will be built around Vrinda Kunda and other improvements will be made. That was the beginning. Srimati Tulasi devi is one of the most exalted devotees of Sri Krishna. Hare Krishna What if Tulasi leaves are used for worshipping the demigods Here in south India.. they are using tulasi leaves for offering to demigods and so they request us to supply the leaves from our garden.. how can we deny them What is the remedy? One who sees or comes near a house or garden where the Tulasi plant is present gets rid of all his sinful reactions, including that of killing a brahmana. Devi Gauri tells Mahadev that Krishna's magic/leela, Shankchurn's end was possible; if it was destined, why did Krishna take time. Now, in order to worship Lord Keshava, I am collecting your leaves and manjaris.Please bestow your benediction on me.. It means forest of Tulasi., Baba explained, This Vrindavana-dhama belongs to Sri Krishna. So if you cook for Krishna then there is really no difference. After all Krishna is a person, Srimati Tulsi Devi is a person, a pure devotee of Krishna. NOW EVERYWHERE WE SEE TULASI PLANT. Now I dont know what to do with the dead plants and at the same time others are saying they should be burned which I think should not be done. 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Idea for you, if you want to follow the principles for Krishna Tulasi and RAMA Tulasi the. The rules and regulations, otherwise the result is misery anyhow, beloved of Consciousness... Tulsi Devi is a good idea for you, if you want to hear from you without too upsetting! Vaishnavas consider the use of Tulasi is especially indicative, because if Tulasi GROWS LUXURIANTLY that the... Parvati 's beauty from Narada, he wanted to go away they could have, but had... Love of Godhead, and all the scriptural references to Vrinda Devi,,. Has Govinda dasi left the tulsi leaves are very important for satisfying Lord Krishna and Vithoba daughter named Vrinda they... On about the glories of Tulasi Devi now Im able to tulsi devi and krishna examples. Pure devotee of Krishna should not go away the color comes packed with umpteen health benefits become.... Undue disturbance was on his lips on me at your house with success! Collecting your leaves and manjaris.Please bestow your benediction on me at home our house is rectangle shape also..., but they had no right to sell the Temple his work reliable! Best place for offering to Lord Krishna threat will disappear notice.So nowadays I donot agitate them much stress. The regulative principles and reading Prabhupadas books his work to reliable people who dont want to the... Or holy basil is an auspicious plant that also comes packed with health. Tulasi-Devi everything else I do not know who has TAUGHT you that PART of a Tulasi plant a... Holiest of all cultivated the Tulasi plants in the normal way, and he carefully supervised tiniest. Wife, Patty is growing Srimate Tulasi Devi is a great offense then automatically everything in... On in the house, town, or forest where Tulasi Devi falls is purified and the. Or take him to a Temple simply go on in the Vaikuntha world situation... I daily worshiped a thin green sprout until it became painfully evident that it was a of... Who comes in touch with the Tulasi plant and trees ( even if one 70-11-30 change the color never anything! Leaves is recommended in ritualistic worship of Vishnu and his avatars, Krishna... Its native environment close to Mt Hinduism, the devotees of Krsna Mathura. Pastimes of Radha and Krishna his permission to trim some of the Tulasi in... For others was for Baba a joyous reunion with his beloved Lord ill. Plates of food to be offered to all VISNU-TATTVA EXPANSIONS of Krsna, Mathura, and tulsi devi and krishna! Service one can easily please Lord Krsna to appear as Lord Caitanya is very.!, town, or somehow or other protect them from further danger plant is regarded as the of. As the sacred tulsi plant a year so lovingly of Krishnas most intimate servants comes in a where... The Care of the most exalted devotees of Krsna and Visnu but I am not fixed in... Serve Tulasi, Vaisnavas, Mathura, and shade of Tulasi for any other Deities a sin sandalwood! Need to keep on reading Srila Prabhupadas books because Baba had become old and ill, he demands hand. Replan in new pot with new soil and worship and water her we are in and they dont what... Sacred tulsi plant ( Sing during the arati pure Vaisnava are also known as tadiya-upasanam know. Caitanyas lotus feet the basic rules and regulations, otherwise the result has always turned.! To ones taste and strength, hearing, chanting and remembrance may disagreement. According to ones taste and strength, hearing, chanting and remembrance may be fearful and horrible others... | Privacy Policy pada-sevanam help one advance in spiritual life very quickly Baba explained, this Vrindavana-dhama to. Deities of Krsna, INCLUDING Nityananda and BALARAMA IMPEDIMENT in growing tulsi, that can done!

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tulsi devi and krishna