The staff was extremely attentive and it was very busy. All rights reserved. she exclaimed, "I hope it is not a drake, for then I shall have some duck's eggs. Short, bright flowers popped up from the ground. Near here, in another moor, there are a few sweet lovely wild geese, all unmarried, and all able to say Rap! Youve a chance of making your fortune, ugly as you are.. "Kill me," said the poor bird; and he bent his head down to the surface of the water, and awaited death. First Collection, with three other tales by Andersen in Copenhagen, Denmark to great critical acclaim. Watch and find out! He advanced one of the goslings who looked even larger and greyer than him. People should know that you cant judge a book by its cover, it is all about the inside. So he learned to never give up and that he is beautiful. Piff! Unlike fairytales that feature magic, 'The Ugly Duckling' shows that simply acceptance and self-discovery can lead to personal transformation. One by one, yellow ducklings stepped out of their shells. The most important lesson the Ugly Duckling learns is to not to treat others poorly just because of what they look like. His brothers and sisters all tease him, calling him an ugly duckling and insisting that he isn't a real duck because he is plain and white and not yellow and fluffy like they are. He looked overhead and could not believe what he saw. The ugly duckling is very cold and unhappy.Spring comes once again. said the hen, "why you must be crazy! Still be friends with them whether they are ugly or normal. It is a chance for you to get a wife; you may be lucky, ugly as you are.". Could he ever forget those beautiful, happy birds; and when at last they were out of his sight, he dived under the water, and rose again almost beside himself with excitement. We are a liquidation company. When it hatched it was very ugly and everyone was afraid of it. With this, the family of geese turned and stared at the . Once you are finished, you should be able to: For this activity, you will be writing a theme analysis essay based on one of the major themes from Hans Christian Andersen's story, The Ugly Duckling. The little duckling looks and looks at them. At last one egg-shell after another burst open. Dont care what people say, just be yourself, not everything is the same even if you want it to be the same. They quickly flew up in the air, and their feathers fell down on the ground. It was not long since each had crept out of an egg, and thats why they were so saucy. Yes, that is a turkey's egg; take my advice, leave it where it is and teach the other children to swim. The staff/owners here went above and beyond to accommodate their guests. That said, Andersen himself was by all accounts an ungainly child who was abused at school. He should of gloated in front of the ducks, never judge a book by its cover, that goes the same with humans ? However, like the Ugly Duckling's transformation from plain to beautiful, Anderson grew up to be a world-famous author. Then the Duckling noticed that one of the hinges of the door had given way, and the door hung so slanting that the Duckling could slip through the crack into the room; and that is what it did. The Ugly Duckling. Except for Clara. Question 1: I never really felt like I didnt belong with others my age because everyone is so different where none of us are really the same. We should not hurt others feelings. [1], Speculation suggests that Andersen was the illegitimate son of Prince Christian Frederik (later King Christian VIII of Denmark), and found this out some time before he wrote the book, and then that being a swan in the story was a metaphor not just for inner beauty and talent but also for secret royal lineage. They yelled, Go away! she continued, rising; "No, I declare, the largest egg lies there still. The next day, the big egg started to hatch. So he closed his eyes, and flew still farther, until he came out on a large moor, inhabited by wild ducks. The Ugly Duckling. This document was downloaded from Lit2Go, a free online collection of stories and poems in Mp3 (audiobook) format published by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology. He is my own child, and he is not so very ugly after all if you look at him properly. Well," said Mama Duck, "it looks like that big egg will take more time. So she had to go sit on her nest again and wait some more. One eveningthe sun was just setting in his beautythere came a whole flock of great, handsome birds out of the bushes. Having realised his beauty and found his family, this majestic swan takes flight with the flock of swans, happy at last. The story told us to treat people the same way we want to be treated . Do you think she would like to swim, or to let the water close over her head?". This is an amazing short story for kids, the ugly duckling story. Hans Christian Andersen, "The Ugly Duckling," Fairy Tales and Other Traditional Stories, Lit2Go Edition, (0), accessed April 18, 2023, Will you go with us, and become a bird of passage? Other musical versions include the song "The Ugly Duckling" composed by Frank Loesser and sung by Danny Kaye for the 1952 Charles Vidor musical film Hans Christian Andersen, and Honk!, a musical based on the tale which was produced in Britain and won an Olivier Award. Some hardships are difficult and make us feel unworthy. ? He ran over field and meadow till a storm arose, and he could hardly struggle against it. She loved the bed time story and she whould like to have copyof your awesome story, Your email address will not be published. I will go now. A mother duck was brooding on her eggs near the margin of a pond. The last of her baby birds to hatch is a larger bird than the other ducklings, and the other birds and the other animals around on the farm consider it to be ugly. We look forward to bedtime now.. For the rest of the winter, the farmer cared for the Ugly Duckling. He found out that he wasnt ugly and was a beautiful swan. 2023 Stories to Grow By, a nonprofit organization. Dont judge people by what they look like. But if one may say so, it was an odd-looking thing. It was so beautiful in the country. Oh, here it was so beautiful, such a gladness of spring! If anything, the story is an acknowledgment of the tribalism and lack of acceptance that is an inevitable feature of human society, rather than a resolution of this depressing feature. Suddenly a big hungry dog came tearing by, chasing the two ducks. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you So it went on the first day; and afterwards it became worse and worse. Then he felt quite ashamed, and hid his head under his wings, for he did not know what to do; he was so happy, and yet not at all proud. The spot was as wild as the centre of a thick wood. She jumps into it. The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen | Moral, Plot & Theme, Little Red Riding Hood by Charles Perrault | Summary & Symbolism, The Tortoise and the Hare by Aesop | Moral & Summary, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Study Guide, Hamlet by William Shakespeare Study Guide, Macbeth by William Shakespeare Study Guide, EPT: CSU English Language Arts Placement Exam, Praxis English Language Arts - Content & Analysis (5039): Practice & Study Guide, ILTS English Language Arts (207): Test Practice and Study Guide, Create an account to start this course today. One day she laid some eggs. With keen emotion and fresh vision, the acclaimed artist captures the essence of the tale's timeless appeal: The journey of the awkward little bird . The stork walking about on his long red legs chattered in the Egyptian language, which he had learnt from his mother. "He is too big," they all said, and the turkey cock, who had been born into the world with spurs, and fancied himself really an emperor, puffed himself out like a vessel in full sail, and flew at the duckling, and became quite red in the head with passion, so that the poor little thing did not know where to go, and was quite miserable because he was so ugly and laughed at by the whole farmyard. The storm ended. It beheld its own image; and, lo! Delivery & Pickup Options - 63 reviews of The Ugly Duckling "I have been looking forward to dining at the Ugly Ducking since they opened their doors. If you could purr or lay eggs, they would pass away. The story has become a classic, recognized worldwide for its themes of personal transformation, self-acceptance, and the importance of inner beauty. The real beauty is in the good Manner we have. But what does this story mean? Surely, Not I!, Never judge someone from their appearance. The tale has become a symbol and a shorthand for the spurned outsider whose virtues are ignored by the world, only for them to transform into a successful person at a later date. Get out of town. How can you say such a thing? said Mama Duck in a stern voice. It knew not the name of those birds, and knew not whither they were flying; but it loved them more than it had ever loved any one. asked an old duck, who paid her a visit. I am a boy duck., Then why are you still here? said the tomcat. Francesca M. Marinaro has a PhD in English from the University of Florida and has been teaching English composition and Literature since 2007. When I was bad at basketball on a team of good basketball players. Don't you see she has a red flag tied to her leg, which is something very grand, and a great honor for a duck; it shows that every one is anxious not to lose her, as she can be recognized both by man and beast. Why are you going so soon? said one of the beautiful birds. He sees his reflection in a lake and realizes that he has grown into a beautiful swan, too. The film was based on a fairy tale released in 1843 with the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. My kids and I enjoy these stories. Youre great on your own. The poor duckling was driven about by every one; even his brothers and sisters were unkind to him, and would say, "Ah, you ugly creature, I wish the cat would get you," and his mother said she wished he had never been born. Do the preparation task first. He waited quietly for several hours, and then, after looking carefully around him, hastened away from the moor as fast as he could. "Listen, friend," said one of them to the duckling, "you are so ugly, that we like you very well. Poor ugly creature, how gladly he would have lived even with the ducks had they only given him encouragement. Using this Super WHY! Then it came to itself again. Enter your email address to subscribe to this site and receive notifications of new posts by email. Students follow along as Princess Pea's twirls are falling flat and her dance recital is just days away. Are you not in a warm room, and in society from which you may learn something. Squawk! said the hen. ", "The others are very pretty children," said the old duck, with the rag on her leg, "all but that one; I wish his mother could improve him a little. Shake yourselvesdont turn in your toes; a well brought-up duck turns its toes quite out, just like father and motherso! "We don't understand you? I tell you disagreeable things, and by that one may always know ones true friends! The duckling thought that others might hold a different opinion on the subject, but the hen would not listen to such doubts. One of the most famous stories in the world, The Ugly Duckling is written by one of the most notable fairy tale authors - Hans Christian Andersen. That night, the Ugly Duckling flew over the farmyard fence. 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So the duckling left the cottage, and soon found water on which it could swim and dive, but was avoided by all other animals, because of its ugly appearance. The children wanted to play with it; but the Duckling thought they wanted to hurt it, and in its terror fluttered up into the milk-pan, so that the milk spurted down into the room. First Volume. All Rights Reserved. They actually built wooden walls between each table outside so we were completely separate from . copyright 2003-2023 Behind the house a mother duck is sitting on ten eggs. Watch an amazing Animated Fairy Tales playlist including Little Red Riding Hood, Three Little Pigs, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beas. He knows them. it could not forget those beautiful, happy birds; and so soon as it could see them no longer, it dived down to the very bottom, and when it came up again it was quite beside itself. Hansel & Gretel Summary & Characters | What is Hansel & Gretel About? "Hello there!" the ugly ducking happily exclaimed, greeting the gosling. It looks big and strong. How it looked then! Our goal is to give you the best price in America. They uttered a very peculiar cry, spread forth their glorious great wings, and flew away from that cold region to warmer lands, to fair open lakes. | 1 asked the mother; "Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson's field, but I have never ventured to such a distance. . They mock and vilify him, and he leaves his mother and siblings behind. Must I say it to you, I could not get them to venture in. The water closed over their heads, but they came up in an instant, and swam capitally; their legs went of themselves, and they were all in the water. Andersen, H. (0). So the duckling was allowed to remain on trial for three weeks, but there were no eggs. The Ugly Duckling is Hans Christian Andersen's own creation, and owes no debt to any other fairy tale. We should not judge a book by its cover. Ah, look at that, its a duck! She picked up the Ugly Duckling and dropped him inside her hut. Looks should not matter because god made us, and everyone is unique and different. He heard quiet splashing sounds behind him, and turned around. said the tom cat. This is not Home Depot or Lowe's. We are The Ugly Duck! It lay out on the moor among the reeds, when the sun began to shine again and the larks to sing. First, determine what you believe is the most powerful theme in the story. - says mother duck to her baby ducks and they all follow her there.The farm yard is very noisy. The largest egg still lies there. He knew not the names of these birds, nor where they had flown, but he felt towards them as he had never felt for any other bird in the world. For those not in the know, the Ugly Duckling is a story that is best summed up as follows: Duckling is found by a group of ducks. No one ever wants me, said the Ugly Duckling with a tear in his eye. Fairy Tales Told for Children. The tale was adapted to a musical by Gail Deschamps and Paul Hamilton. We buy new and distressed inventories. In the morning the strange Duckling was at once noticed, and the Cat began to purr and the Hen to cluck. This is an amazing and meaningful story . I think this story had a great lesson to it because how each place and each person or animal the duckling went to he was always welcome because he wasnt ugly he was beautiful just the way he was and so dont let people tell you ugly youre not beautiful because youre perfect just the way you are and dont let people tell you otherwise. I wonder how long this is to last, I am quite tired of it;" and she seated herself again on the nest. . quack! That he is not an ugly duckling. RKO Radio Pictures was the one who . Preparation. Ive sat so long now that I can sit a few days more.. it was no longer a clumsy dark-gray bird, ugly and hateful to look at, but aswan! Each yellow duck jumped in the river and swam behind Mama Duck. Yes, it was right glorious out in the country. Your email address will not be published. In 1956, the Soviet animation studio Soyuzmultfilm produced its own 19 minutes version of The Ugly Duckling. Days and seasons passed and the duck was sad because he was . He bowed to them, and was as polite as he could be, but he did not reply to their question. They are all like their father. In just moments, the Ugly Duckling was soaked through and through. He finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly, and once again he sets off alone. See, thats how it goes in the world! said the Mother-Duck; and she whetted her beak, for she too wanted the eels head. The poor Duckling was hunted about by every one; even its brothers and sisters were quite angry with it, and said, If the cat would only catch you, you ugly creature! And the mother said, If you were only far away! And the ducks bit it, and the chickens beat it, and the girl who had to feed the poultry kicked at it with her foot. The duckling spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over. ", "I think I will sit on it a little while longer," said the duck; "as I have sat so long already, a few days will be nothing.". He knows they are swans. It has been adapted from Hans Christian Andersen and is brought to you by Stories to Grow By. Come with me to the farm yard! When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home, but he is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. And now they were at home. It was first published on 11 November 1843 in New Fairy Tales. Suddenly the large egg cracked open, the baby bird was big, Grey and ugly. Make sure to proofread, edit, and revise! What a GREAT story. His jaws were open, his tongue hung from his mouth, and his eyes glared fearfully. You can stay here, but only if you lay eggs, she said. In the morning, the strange visitor was discovered, and the tom cat began to purr, and the hen to cluck. Listen, comrade, said one of them. At last, late in the day, all was still; but the poor Duckling did not dare to rise up; it waited several hours before it looked round, and then hastened away out of the moor as fast as it could. Everything is fresh and green.One morning the ugly duckling sees the beautiful swans again. "The Ugly Duckling" (Danish: Den grimme lling) is a Danish literary fairy tale by Danish poet and author Hans Christian Andersen (18051875). River and swam behind Mama duck the winter, the Ugly Duckling and dropped him inside hut., who paid her a visit who was abused at school oh, here was. To treat people the same even if you could purr or lay eggs, they would away!, then why are you still here story has become a bird of passage and they all follow her farm... 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the ugly duckling