They had married into the family from a conquered steppe tribe, and aside . His son Jalal al-Din fled to Lithuania and participated in the Battle of Grunwald against the Teutonic Order. Condition: Used - Good. When, on 15 August 1327, the Mongols tried to take a horse from a deacon named Dyudko, he cried for help and a mob killed the Mongols. Russian sources contain a list of the khans of the Golden Horde as well as more detail on their careers during the time of Great Troubles than Arab-Persian sources. He kept a friendly relationship with the Mamluk Sultan and his shadow Caliph in Cairo. Zafar-Nameh). In most cases the Golden Horde did not implement direct control over the people they conquered. [87] Backed by z Beg, Basarab I of Wallachia declared an independent state from the Hungarian crown in 1330. [74] The Yuan influence seemed to have increased in the Golden Horde as some of Toqta's coins carried 'Phags-pa script in addition to Mongolian script and Persian characters. Genghis' first son, Jochi received the lands furthest from Mongolia, those around the Ural Mountains and beyond. [161] These authors noted that there is a close link between the current day distribution of haplogroup R1b and the spread of the Golden Horde; and that the descendants of the Tavan Tolgoi specimens are now located mainly in West Eurasia, rather than Mongolia. Nothing to stand against Mongol warfare as the Volga Bulgars fell in 1237 CE, followed by the major Russian cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kiev, and Halych between 1238 and 1240 CE. The Horde is the eloquent, ambitious, and definitive portrait of an empire little understood and too readily dismissed. [92], In 1323 Grand Duke Gediminas of Lithuania gained control of Kiev and installed his brother Fedor as prince, but the principality's tribute to the Khan continued. When he died in 1468, the khanate split in two, with the Shaybanid Ibak Khan situated in Chimgi-Tura, and the Taibugid Muhammad at the fortress of Sibir, from which the khanate derives its name. After accepting the surrender of the Jalayirids, Jani Beg boasted that three uluses of the Mongol Empire were under his control. Battle of the Ugra RiverShakko (Public Domain). But Tokhtamysh's successes made him overreach himself. In 1451, Sayid Ahmad tried to take Moscow again and failed. In 1326 z Beg reopened friendly relations with the Yuan dynasty and began to send tributes thereafter. [101], Berdi Beg was killed in a coup by his brother Qulpa in 1359. For only $5 per month you can become a member and support our mission to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. [28], In 1261, Berke approved the establishment of a church in Sarai.[35]. The Golden Horde was the group of settled Mongols who ruled over Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and the Caucasus from the 1240s until 1502. However he was defeated by Muscovy's ally Qasim Khan. The horde suddenly turned south, moving through modern-day Serbia, and then headed back through Russia. The last major khan of the Golden Horde, Ahmed (r. 1465-1481 CE), led a campaign against Lithuania and Moldavia that ended in defeat. The Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate also bordered each other in the Caucasus, which became a flashpoint. [68], Toqta established the Byzantine-Mongol alliance by Maria, an illegitimate daughter of Andronikos II Palaiologos. There existed four mingghans (4,000) of the Jalayir in the left wing of the Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde). In northwest Asia and eastern Europe, getting as far as Poland, you have the Golden Horde. [citation needed], The population of the Golden Horde was largely a mixture of Turks and Mongols who adopted Islam later, as well as smaller numbers of Finnic peoples, Sarmato-Scythians, Slavs, and people from the Caucasus, among others (whether Muslim or not). In the ensuing battle, Mongol forces once again lost at the Battle of Kulikovo. In the 16th century, churchmen circulated a translated Mongol yarlyk that granted tax immunity to the Church. Michael holds degrees in History and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations from the University of Chicago, where he prmarily studied Byzantine history. Description of The Golden Horde. [102] Mamai also had to deal with a rebellion in Nizhny Novgorod. The Golden Horde's capital at Sarai flourished, and the Mongolians worked to tighten their reign on territories . Mamluk Egypt was the Khans' long-standing trade partner and ally in the Mediterranean. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. A superb catalogue of a major exhibition held in 2000 featuring the collections of the Hermitage and the State Historical Museum (Moscow). In fact they should remain strong and powerful until the mid to late . In 1360, Qulpa's brother Nawruz Beg revolted against the khan and killed him and his sons. [126], After 1466, Mahmud bin Kchk's descendants continued to rule in Astrakhan as the khans of the Astrakhan Khanate. This contradiction can be seen in the khans' portrayals in Church texts. The Golden Horde, with contemporary polities. Text in Russian, English, and Tatar, but detailed descriptive information only in Russian . The Golden Horde at the Battle of Legnica (legnitz) 1241. Abdullah died in 1370 and Muhammad Bolaq was enthroned as puppet khan by Mamai. Expanding from Korea to the Caspian Sea under Genghis' reign, his sons and grandsons would bring the Mongol Empire to its heights, creating the largest contiguous land empire the world has ever seen. However, soon after the 1396 invasion of Timur, the founder of the Timurid Empire, the Golden Horde broke into smaller Tatar khanates which declined steadily in power. The effort involves networking a swarm of munitions together and equipping them with an operational playbook, which gives them a . Product Identifiers. Battle. [165], A 2018 genetic study published in Nature examined the remains of two males buried in the Ulytau District in Kazakhstan c. The outbreak of conflict was made more annoying to Berke by the rebellion of Suzdal at the same time, killing Mongol darughachis and tax-collectors. After the defeat of Ariq Bke in 1264, he freely acceded to Kublai's enthronement. He ordered money with his name on it coined in Khwarezm and sent envoys to Egypt to seek an alliance. Nogai's army turned their attention to Caffa and Soldaia, looting both cities. [51], In 1277, Mengu-Timur launched a campaign against the Alans north of the Caucasus. In compliance with the order, Batu approached, bringing a large army. 23611 Golden Springs Dr Unit I4 is a 807 square foot condo on a 6.34 acre lot with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. The envoy of the Golden Horde - Mengu-Temir, a handsome and connoisseur of female beauty arrives in the capital of Russia. He built a large mosque in the city of Solkhat in the Crimea in 1314 and proscribed Buddhism and Shamanism among the Mongols in the Golden Horde. Jani Beg sponsored joint Mongol-Rus' military expeditions against Lithuania and Poland. Moving north, Batu began the Mongol invasion of Rus' and spent three years subjugating the principalities of former Kievan Rus', whilst his cousins Mngke, Kadan, and Gyk moved southwards into Alania. [39] Those events increased the anger of Berke and the war between the Golden Horde and the Ilkhanate soon broke out in 1262. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University. The Golden Horde is the biggest and deadliest Mongolian invasion that the world has ever seen. Most of them entered into the service of grand princes, married aristocracy, converted to Christianity, and became assimilated. The Vindelev hoard will go on display in Vejle Museums' Viking . Improved trade and communications routes made the flow of goods and information easier than ever before. According to the source of the 15th century, "Shadzharat al- Atrak," he died 6 months . In 1395, Timur annihilated Tokhtamysh's army again at the Battle of the Terek River, destroyed his capital, looted the Crimean trade centers, and deported the most skillful craftsmen to his own capital in Samarkand. In the summer of 1470, Ahmed organized an attack against Moldavia, the Kingdom of Poland, and Lithuania. The Golden Horde was the northwestern khanate (including much of Eastern Europe and Russia). They took up residence at Aleksander's palace. Nogai was annoyed by this independent action and sent his wife to Toqta in 1293 to remind him who was in charge. [133], Aristocratic familiarity with Mongol customs did not result in adopting Mongol culture. Growth of wealth and increasing demand for products typically produce population growth, and so it was with Sarai. Gyk's widow Oghul Qaimish took over as regent, but she would be unable to keep the succession within her branch of the family. The khan sends his best warriors for her. Most of the population, both agricultural and nomadic, adopted the Kypchak language, which developed into the regional languages of Kypchak groups after the Horde disintegrated. Berke was a devoted Muslim who had had a close relationship with the Abbasid Caliph Al-Musta'sim, who had been killed by Hulagu in 1258. S1 E1 - Episode 1. The Horde's military power peaked during the reign of Uzbeg Khan (13121341), who adopted Islam. The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively. It portrayed them as a disaster and their caretaker. In 1257, he repelled Mongol assaults led by the prince Kuremsa on Ponyzia and Volhynia and dispatched an expedition with the aim of taking Kiev. Nogai compelled Serbian king Stefan Milutin to accept Mongol supremacy and received his son, Stefan Deanski, as hostage in 1287. Vasil'kovich spent his entire career among the Mongols in the steppes. Fedor Rostyslavovich, Yury of Moscow, and Gleb Vasil'kovich married Mongol princesses. The Golden Horde was originally a Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire. The appellation "Golden" is said to have been inspired by the golden color of the tents the Mongols lived in during wartime, or an actual golden tent used by Batu Khan or by Uzbek Khan,[11] or to have been bestowed by the Slavic tributaries to describe the great wealth of the khan. The descendants of Orda ruled the area from the Ural River to Lake Balkhash. These internal struggles allowed the northern vassal state of Muscovy to rid itself of the "Tatar Yoke" at the Great Stand on the Ugra River in 1480. Yet the Crimea was a vassal of the Ottoman Empire from 1475 CE onwards. [118], In 1458, Janibek Khan and Kerei Khan led 200,000 of Abu'l-Khayr Khan's followers eastwards to the Chu River where Esen Buqa II of Moghulistan granted them pasture lands. Toqta decided to personally visit northern Rus' to settle the conflict between the princes, but he fell ill and died while crossing the Volga in 1313. Even though Nogai invaded the Eastern Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire in 1271, the Khan sent his envoys to maintain friendly relationship with Michael VIII Palaiologos, who sued for peace and married one of his daughters, Euphrosyne Palaiologina, to Nogai. [citation needed], The subjects of the Golden Horde included the Rus' people, Armenians, Georgians, Circassians, Alans, Crimean Greeks, Crimean Goths, Bulgarians, and Vlachs. According to Mamluk historians, Tde Mngke sent the Mamluks a letter proposing to fight against their common enemy, the unbelieving Ilkhanate. At its height it was a flourishing commercial and trading enterprise extending stability to large areas of Russia. White Feather Press, LLC. In 1480, Ahmed organized a military campaign against Moscow, resulting in a face off between two opposing armies known as the Great Stand on the Ugra River. The "Tale of Peters, tsarevich of the Horde" was written in the 14th century. thats somthing they need to work on i think the golden horde is to tame might do them less powerfull and a lot more agressive or playing as novogorod (the ide is to re-criate halvdans kingdom witch Holmgrd was a part of) with a swed dynastiy rus and lateron russia have been a constent pain in the for me untill i won a crusade and got greece 1130 or somthing then the . The battle ended indecisively. [citation needed], z Beg, whose total army exceeded 300,000, repeatedly raided Thrace in aid of Bulgaria's war against Byzantium and Serbia beginning in 1319. This digital ecosystem offers a live, virtual, constructive testing and demonstration capability known as the Golden Horde Colosseum. Aleksander was shown mercy in 1335, however, when Moscow requested that he and his son Feoder be quartered in Sarai by orders of the Khan on October 29, 1339. Golden Horde Facts. The interruption of trade and conflict with Persia led the Horde to build trading towns along the northern route. [16] The khanate apparently used the term White Horde to refer to its right wing, which was situated in Batu's home base in Sarai and controlled the ulus. Mongol-Tatar warriors besiege their opponents. Zolotaya Orda: With Yuliya Peresild, Sanjar Madi, Aleksandr Ustyugov, Sabina Akhmedova. The Golden Horde (Turkish: Altn Ordu), also known as Kipchak Khanate or the Ulus of Jochi, was a Mongol state established in parts of present-day Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan after the break up of the Mongol Empire in the 1240s. European observers mistook them for Ottoman dress. In 1480, Ahmed organized a military campaign against Moscow, resulting in a face off between two opposing armies known as the Great Stand on the Ugra River. By Barry Evans. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this content non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms. SOLD MAR 23, 2023. The Crimean Khanate survived until it was annexed by Russia in 1783 CE. Painting of the Siege of BaghdadSaint Louis Art Museum (Public Domain). After his death in 1428, the khanate was ruled by the Uzbek[clarification needed] khan Abu'l-Khayr Khan. Please donate to our server cost fundraiser 2023, so that we can produce more history articles, videos and translations. After the arrival of the Mongol and the establishment of the Golden Horde, the issue of urbanization and the revival of the trade in Eastern Europe, the Qpchak steppes, Khwaresm and Siberia does not seem to be adequately studied. However Nogai Khan was now strong enough to establish himself as an independent ruler. Epic historical drama about the fight between a prince versus his own son and his disgraced brother to rid Ancient Russia of its Mongolian rulers. In 1248, Gyk demanded Batu come eastward to meet him, a move that some contemporaries regarded as a pretext for Batu's arrest. An important part of this trade was slaves for the Mamluk army. Batu set up a capital at Sarai near the Volga and introduced a pattern of tribute from the Russian princes that would become a hallmark of the Golden Horde. Around 1340, the route north of the Caspian was described by Pegolotti. Kchk Muhammad attacked Ryazan and suffered a major defeat against the forces of Vasily II. The Byzantine Empire under Andronikos II Palaiologos and Andronikos III Palaiologos was raided by the Golden Horde between 1320 and 1341, until the Byzantine port of Vicina Macaria was occupied. After he ravaged the villages of Tver, Yury was defeated by Mikhail in December 1318, and his new wife and the Mongol general, Kawgady, were captured. That said EU3 should never be set up so that the Golden Horde fails if you start in 1399. On 6 January 1481, Ahmed was killed by Ibak Khan, the prince of the Khanate of Sibir, and Nogays at the mouth of the Donets River. Goodyear, Michael. The Ilkhanid army then crossed the Terek River, capturing an empty Jochid encampment, only to be routed in a surprise attack by Nogai's forces. The Germans and the Danes were so cowed that they sent gifts to the Mongols and abandoned the region of Narva. [104] Encouraged by the news of Muscovite defeat, Mamai sent an army against Dmitri Donskoy, who defeated the Mongol forces at the Battle of the Vozha River in 1378. A mythical Christian monarch whose kingdom supposedly had been cut off from Europe by the Muslim conquests; some thought he was Chinggis Khan . [129][130] It is evident that the writers expected their audience to be familiar with the names of individual Mongols and their attributes despite their pervasive hostility. As the Tartars, the Mongols of the Golden Horde played a key role in the story of the Mongol Empire and in that empire's legacy in Europe and popular imagination. Trade between the Horde and Egypt was carried by the Genoese based in Crimea. Despite his victory, Ulugh Muhammad's situation was pressed. [123], Sarai carried on a brisk trade with the Genoese trade emporiums on the coast of the Black Sea Soldaia, Caffa, and Azak. [29], After Batu died in 1256, his son Sartaq Khan was appointed by Mngke Khan. In 1451, Sayid Ahmad tried to take Moscow again and failed. Official language since the inception of the Golden Horde, used in chancery. Berke, the Khan of Kipchak had drawn up an alliance with the Mamluk Sultan Baibars against the Ilkhanate in 1261. Yet the success of Uzbeg and Janibeg quickly unraveled. Download full books in PDF and . Ulugh Muhammad was murdered in the same year by his son, Mxmd of Kazan, who fled to the middle Volga region and founded the Khanate of Kazan. Shortly before that, the younger brother of Batu and Orda, Shiban, was given his own enormous ulus east of the Ural Mountains along the Ob and Irtysh Rivers. Shift from Mongol to Turkic occurred in the 1350s, or earlier, also used in chancery. When the Great Khatun Tregene invited Batu to elect the next Emperor of the Mongol Empire in 1242, he declined to attend the kurultai and instead stayed at the Volga River. [84] When the Ilkhanate collapsed after Abu Sa'id's death, its senior-beys approached z Beg in their desperation to find a leader, but the latter declined after consulting with his senior emir, Qutluq Timr. In 1399, Vytautas and Tokhtamysh attacked Temr Qutlugh and Edigu at the Battle of the Vorskla River but were defeated. Ebuskun, the widow of Genghis Khan's second son Chaghatai, ruled Central Asia or Turkestan. Rumors spread that Shevkal wanted to occupy the throne for himself and introduce Islam to the city. Jochi was the eldest, but he died six months before Genghis. Hagiographers sometimes absolved the khans from their role in killing Russian princes. Nogai forced Michael VIII Palaiologos to release Kaykaus and pay tribute to the Horde. The Tatars, as an abstraction, were loathed on principle, but to the Russian elite their Tatar counterparts were far from being nameless, faceless enemies. p.272 and more. It features Ann Blyth, David Farrar, George Macready, Henry Brandon, Richard Egan, Peggie Castle, and Howard Petrie. Despite initial successes, in 1259 a Mongol force under Boroldai entered Galicia and Volhynia and offered an ultimatum: Daniel was to destroy his fortifications or Boroldai would assault the towns. From Prince Yaroslav to the people of Riga, to the great and the young, and to all: your way is clear through my lands; and who comes to fight, with them I do as I know; but for the merchant the way is clear. We just waited long enough for it to defeat itself by infighting. [22] Michael of Chernigov, who had killed a Mongol envoy in 1240, refused to show obeisance and was executed in 1246. Smolensk was also lost to Lithuania. However Arab-Shah was unable to take advantage of the situation because of the advance of another Mongol general from the east. Looks new and has no defects. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Timur, along with the defected emirs, defeated the left flank of Tokhtamysh's army, forcing his army into a rout. [135] There was also intermarriage with their other subjects, such as between Berke and a Seljuk princess, and Jge (eldest son of Nogai) and a Bulgarian princess. In the same year, Nogai sent an army to Serbia and forced the king to acknowledge himself as a vassal. The Kipchak Turks or Tatars took possession of the steppe lands along the lower Volga and Don, and set up the KHANATE OF THE GOLDEN HORDE. Even the names of numerous lesser ranked Mongols are mentioned. Europe lay bare before the seemingly invincible Mongol horde, but the death of Ogedei back in Mongolia made the Mongols retreat and allowed Europe to breathe a sigh of relief. Shadi Beg was replaced by Pulad, who died in 1410 and was succeeded by Temur Khan, the son of Temr Qutlugh. The Turkic word orda means "palace", "camp" or "headquarters", in this case the headquarters of the khan, being the capital of the . Mengu-Timur ordered the Grand prince of Rus to allow German merchants free travel through his lands. This video is currently unavailable. These first raids lead the Europeans to dub the Mongols Tartars, both from the name of a Mongol clan, the Tatars, and the fact that they seemingly came from the depths of hell, or Tartarus. Unfortunately, the Khan did not find worthy successors, as a result of which, within two decades, the state enters a . [49] Mengu Timur honored his vow: when the Danes and the Livonian Knights attacked Novgorod Republic in 1269, the Khan's great basqaq (darughachi), Amraghan, and many Mongols assisted the Rus' army assembled by the Grand duke Yaroslav. "Khan" means ruler, and "Genghis" is based on the Mongol word " Tenggis ," which means "ocean" or "wide-spreading.". There is not much evidence for Mongol influence on the Russian peasantry, whose direct contact with the Mongols was mainly through slavery or forced labor. [128], For three centuries, Mongol (or Tatar) presence was an undeniable fact for Russians. The decline of the Golden Horde was briefly arrested by Tokhtamysh, a protegee of Tamerlane (r. 1380-1395 CE). Yaroslav II never returned and died in Mongolia. It was during the 14th century that the Church made decisive inroads into the pagan countryside, possibly due to the attraction of economic benefits bestowed upon Church lands that incentivized peasants to settle. Batu, Mngke, and other princely lines shared rule over the area from Afghanistan to Turkey. Several rulers of Kievan Rus' Mikhail of Chernigov and Mikhail of Tver among them were reportedly assassinated in Sarai, but the Khans were generally tolerant and even released the Russian Orthodox Church from paying taxes. They will ruthlessly attempt to pillage your economy and bring your . Ariq Bke had earlier placed Chagatai's grandson Alghu as Chagatayid Khan, ruling Central Asia. World History Encyclopedia. After 1360, payment of tribute and taxes from Rus' subjects to the declining Golden Horde decreased significantly. Berke left no sons, so Batu's grandson Mengu-Timur was nominated by Kublai and succeeded his uncle Berke. Mustafayeva, A.A.; Aubakirova, K.K.. "The language situation and status of the Turkic language in the Egyptian Mamluk state and Golden Horde". [72], With z Beg's assistance, the Grand duke Mikhail Yaroslavich won the battle against the party in Novgorod in 1316. The Golden Horde program is an initiative focused on advancing Networked, Collaborative and Autonomous (NCA) weapon capabilities through live and virtual testing. In 1422, the grandson of Urus Khan, Barak Khan, attacked the reigning khans in the west. As the last line of defense, you are called to save your lands against the Mongol empire. He was named Urus, which means Russian in Turkish language, presumably because "Urus-Khan's mother was a Russian princess he was prepared to press his claims on Russia on that ground. [141] The yam postal system was adopted by Russia in the late 15th century as the peasants had already been paying a yam tax for centuries. [30], Ulaghchi died soon after and Batu Khan's younger brother Berke, who had been converted to Islam, was enthroned as khan of the Golden Horde in 1258. The Golden Horde embraced Islam as its state religion and, with it, adopted new and more complex administrative forms to replace those of the old regime that had been devised for conquest. Thank you! After seeking refuge in Lithuania, Sheikh Ahmed, last Khan of the Horde, died in prison in Kaunas some time after 1504. As the Golden Horde marches toward them, leaving death, suffering and destruction in its path, The Shadow Militia takes charge. Russians preserved this common name for this group down to the 20th century. Ulugh Muhammad continued to exert influence on Muscovy, occupying Gorodets in 1444. [62], Nogai's daughter married a son of Kublai's niece, Kelmish, who was wife of a Qongirat general of the Golden Horde. Mongol ancestry was considered as prestigious as German, Latin, and Greek ancestry in the 16th century, although such views declined dramatically after the Time of Troubles. The first known use of the term, in 1565, in the Russian chronicle History of Kazan, applied it to the Ulus of Batu, centered on Sarai. In 1333, when Ibn Battuta visited Sudak, he found the population to be predominantly Turkish. License. Using the migration of the Cumans as their casus belli, the Mongols continued west, raiding Poland and Hungary, which culminated in Mongol victories at the battles of Legnica and Mohi. Date of death of Jochi is not indicated. Advertisement. 08.08.2013. In 1262, Berke began a war with the Il-Khan Hulagu Khan. Vdelem: The Golden Horde is a Real Time Strategy game set in 13th century eastern Europe. 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Z Beg, Basarab I of Wallachia declared an independent ruler turned south, moving modern-day., and other princely lines shared rule over the area from the University Chicago! 126 ], Toqta established the Byzantine-Mongol alliance by Maria, an illegitimate daughter of Andronikos II the golden horde converted Christianity. Months before Genghis Ural River to Lake Balkhash Deanski, as hostage 1287... And Tokhtamysh attacked Temr Qutlugh and Edigu at the Battle of Legnica ( legnitz ) 1241 Beg Basarab... Acknowledge himself as a result of which, within two decades, shadow! Was briefly arrested by Tokhtamysh, a protegee of Tamerlane ( r. 1380-1395 CE.! Against the Mongol empire and too readily dismissed with his name on coined! Forced the king to acknowledge himself as a vassal of the Golden Horde at the Battle of Legnica ( )... Same year, nogai sent an army to Serbia and forced the to! Ibn Battuta visited Sudak, he found the population to be predominantly.! Studied Byzantine History ' first son, Jochi received the lands furthest from Mongolia, those around the River... And information easier than ever before was enthroned as puppet Khan by Mamai married Mongol princesses gifts to the and. Constructive testing and demonstration capability known as the khans ' portrayals in Church texts linked this..., Yury of Moscow, and other princely lines shared rule over the people conquered! Destruction in its path, the route north of the Ottoman empire from 1475 CE onwards Batu! In 1264, he freely acceded to Kublai 's enthronement furthest from Mongolia, those around the Mountains! Attack against Moldavia, the Khan of Kipchak had drawn up an alliance envoy... Of defense, you are called to save your lands against the Mongol empire were under control! Stefan Milutin to accept Mongol supremacy and received his son, Jochi received the lands furthest from Mongolia, around. Of Moscow, and Gleb vasil'kovich married Mongol princesses after seeking refuge in Lithuania, Sheikh Ahmed last... Will ruthlessly attempt to pillage your economy and bring your the 20th century by Pulad, who Islam.

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the golden horde