, If this is your first visit, be sure to You are using an out of date browser. Went out yesterday and when you give it full throttle it just Rev's all the way to 8500 and won't go over 10 MPH. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Should be 150psi. BUY DIRECT DISCOUNT PRICE EVERY DAY ON EVERY ITEM ! For what it's worth, I have a 2000 GTI and I had a simular situation happen to me. I wouldn't use Seafoam in it but that's not your problem. about our model specific steering systems and the different upgrades available for them. This. Timing is off 4. var sc_project=10373861; We didn't hit any weeds or anything, we were in the middle of the lake when it started dying. Mine completely unlocked after 8 hours. It restarted then repeated died about 2 min later. Went out twice last weekend and ran like a champ for several hours each day. Scan this QR code to download the app now. i have a 98 seadoo bombardier xp, just bought it. Warm up is around 5000 rpm but in forward only hits around 3000 wide open. which is beter than 30 mphlook at exhaust for small leaks ( motor wont run well on exhaust gas), check intake hoses for boost leak.if its that new try and get another if they cant fix itwhat state are you in ? A combination of low pop off pressure and air leaks on the pump side of both carbs. I have taken both jet pumps off to check for wear or damage but everething looks good except neoprene seals are broken not complete. Gauge. Does not have to be fast, you just want the engine to get to operating temperature to "steam off" any moisture, while running lubricates it all. You might want to check out this thread if you still have grey fuel lines. After 13 hours of use now we are only getting 45 mph out of it. I also noted that during the first 5 minutes starting from cold state, it will not go faster than 5 mph but you should be able to go faster after 5 minutes. My 1996 Seadoo Speeadster wont go over 10 mph feels like clutch is slipping, it revs so fest to 8000 rpm but just wont move. The manual says break in period is 10 hours, a lot of people on the forums say 5 hours. You might want to check if there is side to side movement of the shaft. Wrong Fuel. but would that have any negative effect ??? Its brand new had 0H0M when put into the water. My 1996 Seadoo Speeadster wont go over 10 mph feels like clutch is slipping, it revs so fest to 8000 rpm but just wont move. First time in the water this year and wont go over 5mph. In fact, it was it's debut that year. All times are GMT-5. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Go figure. There is oil splatter around one of the cylinders. Switched users on the fly, and it stopped accelerating above 10-15 MPH at full throttle. i think i took the accelerator pump apart i really dont remember though. You are using an out of date browser. Strange thing is it started acting like this immediately after launching. but it would run up to 7000 rpm but after couple minutes it would not. Bleed the system. other than clogged accelerator nozzles which i doubt. With most boats, it isn't necessary to have ear protection while you're out on the water. This is our first jet ski. I let go of the gas, the engine dies. They are also booked out 6 weeks. Upgrade to a new Sea-Doo personal watercraft for the new riding season! Cobra Jet Steering: Think CJS for the BEST Jet Boat Steering mods and EZ Locks. Switched users on the fly, and it stopped accelerating above 10-15 MPH at full throttle. Hopefully, it looks and is as good in the hull. It will start up fine, but once it gets above 10MPH, like you are goin to cruise on a plane, it's like it's not getting gas. I tried taking it out it would not go over 20 mph at high rpms . We picked it up from the dealer Saturday and took it out for the first time Sunday. Went through the entire machine. great! Dead Battery. Finally, a faulty starter could also be why you can't start your Sea-Doo. We had an issue with our 1997 Seadoo GSX not going over 5 mph but once I got on it and played around with the throttle cable, I realized there was a small piece up inside that had snapped. You should experience variable speeds (like speed drops or max speed of 30 mph). It will want to do this if the accelerator pump circuit is not functioning properly. Well, on the GTI 90 2018, yes, the computer controls the break in period. I bought these skis used and apparently it had been a long time since it was replaced. You are using an out of date browser. I examined the prop and there is nothing inside blocking anything. We are using the regular key. (i also have the learning key) Anyway, i called my dealership this morning and they have no idea why it is not letting me hit the 60 mph and getting the full power. The gas is still from when I winterized it and is only 1/4 tank down. The service manual only shows me XP came out as LIMITED. I have a 98 seadoo gti. Sea doo spark. Official Sea-Doo Beep Code List When it comes to the newer 4-stoke models, you can expect to have 4 different beep codes on the Sea-Doo: - One long beep: D.E.S.S. Also, replace inline oil filter. I added stabilizer in the fall and Sea Foam in the spring and it seemed to clear up the lines. Will flushing the system with the water hose and forgot to turn watetroff first cylinders had water in them i got it to run . So it sounds like the carbs and accelerator pump have to come off. If it is only going 10-20mph at high RPMs that sounds like cavitation. Went through the entire machine. (i also have the learning key) Anyway, i called my dealership this morning and they have no idea why it is not letting me hit the 60 mph and getting the full power. It will only go 5mph because you can not give it any throttle without bogging out. I read other posts that it is either something stuck in pump or wear ring but seems strange it ran before with no issues. Thanks for everyone's help. I've had my Ultra LX for about a month and a half now never a problem. Click here to visit the web site. Electrical Issues. Possible causes could relate to electrical issues like problems with the spark plugs, fuses, battery, wires and connections. Fouled plugs maybe? Re: Boat won't go faster than 10 mph won't plane off. 1 2 3 Next K kilabez0 Member Jul 7, 2017 #1 Bought it last year 2000 GTX 951. Good luck. I dunno if this is related to whats happening to you, but i'm bringing it in today. Internal carb filters clean? Same suggestions still apply. We are delighted you have found your way to the best Jet Boaters Forum on the internet! I will check the throttle cable. I checked nothing was in the intake by the impeller? Cleaned carbs, good fule, compression is 150 on both, The prop had a rope tangled in it when i bought it, cut that out and checked the wear ring and carbin seal. Happens sometimes on two strokes especially if you have oil injection. After the jet ski had warmed up they would fail, hence why I wasn't able to go above 10 mph and kept bogging down. L Loganc Recruit Joined Jun 12, 2013 Messages 4 Jun 12, 2013 It may not display this or other websites correctly. They take the motor out and send it to a company in Florida and get a rebuilt motor. I own a 1998 Sea Doo GTI that I bought used in 2006 with only 90 hours. There is only one 1998 XP and it is the "Limited" which is just a marketing term. /r/SeaDoo is an unofficial online community centered around Seadoos and personal watercraft users of all kinds. Then tried to WOT and there it was. My wave runner had similar issues. Before running it anymore, replace any old gray tempo fuel lines and rebuild the carbs ( sticky how-to is on this forum) . 1997 GTX Sea-Doo normally hits top speed at about 60 mph haven't had it out for a couple years and now it hits 40 mph and dies down almost as if there's a governor on it. The year it went from the 787 (110 hp) to the 951 (130 hp). This is our first jet ski. Spark Plug Issues. HAs anyone ran into this issue before. Unfortunately it did involve pulling the carbs out again. never heard of issues of the solas props. I just bought a 97 seadoo without taking it out on the water. Then all of a sudden jumped up to 40mph (fastest speed ive been getting recently). It was the plugs. (It also gets rid of this banner!) Also if you did the test did the carbs hold pressure. Have you checked the throttle cable? then bringing it back in it would not reach 10 mph.on way back to shore. 2000 Seadoo Islandia with Mercury M2 V6 240hp EFI engine Problems! I found a couple of fuel injectors online, one being an Accel universal injector for $82.68 and a Holley universal fuel injector for $99.19. And your dealer should be ashamed of themselves for charging you $40 when your ski is under warranty. 95 GTX was going full speed, and has been fine all summer. Full throttle would kill it. Posted by Anonymous on Nov 03, 2012 Anonymous Nov 04, 2012 We hung around the marina for a little then headed out into the river. Well-Known Member. The first year out, my dad managed to suck up a rock and broke the wear ring. View full details. That is a 97 XP with the 787 engine. Did the dealer even take a look at it? Spent the day on the lake breaking in the new SeaDoo when after the first hour all of a sudden the 2018 GTI 90 Base wont go o we 5 mph. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. All Material Copyright 2009 Watercraft Superstore. How would you do it without running? Re: 1995 seadoo GTX won't go faster than 10-15 mph. If the Tuned pipe is leaking severely that can also affect performance. He put it in the water and it wouldn't go over 5mph without bogging out. 2020 GTX won't rev past 6800 RPM The PWC has been awesome up til now, it has about 14 hours. Out of water it revs great. The wear ring is an aftermarket White wear ring not the OEM Seadoo Gray/blue one. Idles and stars fine. It revs up normally but just doesn't seem to have much power. Also, the gas could be stale or contaminated, or the fuel line may be clogged. I have done all the basic maintenance and winterization myself, hasn't been into service since I bought it (bad idea, I know, was trying to save $). Greetings!! No i - Answered by a verified Marine Mechanic . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You are right for the computer controlled break-in, it unlocks at a maximum of 10 hours (mine unlocked at about 7 hours). Was a compression test done? You have something else major wrong. Answered by All Around Tech in 5 mins 13 years ago All Around Tech Auto Mechanic 5,748 satisfied customers check out the. It's now! They don't even mess with doing a top end anymore. Same in sport or regular mode. When the engine will rev full rpms and the ONLY problem is lack of speed/bite/hole shot, this indicates cavitation, the most common cause of this is impeller and wear ring damage - check for gouges, cracks, bent, etc to wear ring and impeller, check pump housing not . This page was generated at 05:38 AM. Seemed to run fine when put away although it was only run on a trailer. Ok, when I bought my XP in Jan and lake tested it it ran perfectly, I have since then in the last couple months replaced the wear ring and all the fuel lines, I did make certain that the lines were put back into the correct spots, I also pulled 1 of the carbs apart (the FWD one) to check the screens and they were clean, I could not get the aft carb apart to check cause the screws were on too . . Jet boats go an average of 25 mph but can go way beyond that if the water jets are more efficient (around 60 mph). Had this issue on a Yamaha 2 stroke. However, last night was our second time out on the water and after 30 minutes and 3/4 of the way to our destination the jet ski was acting like someone was giving it gas, then letting go of the throttle, giving it gas, letting go, etc. Maybe your rave valves need a good cleaning and/or servicing? This thread is almost two years old, I think you would have better results starting your own. The regular key was only allowing it to go in the 40s (can't recall exactly) and we took his ski to the dealer and they reprogrammed the key and he was able to get full speed out of it again. Usually comes with a 1 year warrenty but you can get a 2 year warrenty for a little more. You must log in or register to reply here. Re: 1997 Seadoo GTI won't start So i got a litle time to get out in the shop and try finding the black wire there is one that goes from the post in the box out but it goes all the way to one of the bolts on the stator cover so maybe thats how my year is I wasnt sure so i tried running a jumper cable anyways and still got nothing just my normal 2 beebs and then nothing. If it did this it probably filled your gas tank with water also. He started and ran it on the trailer and said after the fogging oil burned off it ran fine. It's always worked great summer, after summer. Thanks for the input, I will check tonight when I get home. I havent been to the lake to look at it but he's putting new plugs in tomorrow when he goes. Seems to rev up and start moving fine but right at 5 mph it refuses to go any faster. We are using the regular key. Ok thanks for the info. the lake we are camping at for the weekend is very high and has a lot of wood debris floating on it so now back at the campsite I crawled under it and can see a piece of wood about 1-1/2 long wedged between the impeller and housing but I cant get to come loose so until I get home and get the right size socket I cant pull the cover off and get it out., BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND RECEIVE OUR. "'>"); JavaScript is disabled. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Another seized motor thread! I didn't want to leave fuel in it over the winter but he insisted. Took the covers off the rave valve and one of them has a lot of oil under it and one does not. 2000 seadoo challenger 2000 wont take off or rev out. Add that up, and we're looking at shop costs of around $820: Checked fuel bowl/seperator. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Replaced all the fuel lines, rebuilt the carbs, new oil tank, new fuel filter. JavaScript is disabled. Please consider Signing Up so that you can enjoy all the features and offers on the forum. I told him not to store it with fuel in it. Battery works fine, synethic oil level full. Check your carbs and flame resistant filters and dry them. The bellow was fine. That one looks pretty clean on the outside. Had to get a new top end. a good cleaning might be all they need, but I'm out of my depth on these. "); i think i might do that. It would eventually start after approximately 30 minutes. So he could only barely putt it across the entire lake to our mooring. Changed plugs. You should experience variable speeds (like speed drops or max speed of 30 mph). You are certainly cavitating. 2012 seadoo wont go past 40 or 6000 rpms 05-23-2018, 06:29 PM . You should be under warranty, and spent a lot of money with them. By bored808 in forum Sea Doo Open Discussion Replies: 1 Last . It has no power. And check the motor mounts. Jun 1, 2019. looks pretty similar to mine. Starting at $16,499. Check it and the impellor for damage and make sure the clearance is within specifications. No there is no hole, just a bad picture at night. 07-22-2013, 12:23 PM #4 MattL it's really weird. Is that a hole on your weld spot in the Tuned pipe? Wonder whether you have changed the fuel lines yet, to save future problems. I just pulled the pump out of my 97 GSX. Check it and the impellor for damage and make sure the clearance is within specifications. Clean and inspect fuel vents. I checked it against my other Seadoo that works perfect and has no noticeable gap at all. I'm thinking something might be stuck in the fuel filter? Tach is off All the motor info is in my signature Do u have a fb i could swnd u a video and pictures? I remember last year you helped me with a lot of questions I had. For future reference, the ethanol in the gas is the culprit of the gaskets going so fast and adding Marine Stabil will correct this problem and keep them from drying out so fast. JavaScript is disabled. We were cruising at 40MPH and every minute it would go down about 5-8 MPH to finally we had to idle to the dock. After getting out into the river it just wouldnt go I realized something was wrong. See promotions. i said. Rolls over some times and Acts like the battery is dead but its fully charged, 1995 GTX will run fine only outside the water, Oil and water milkshake from sparkplug holes. WOT should be between 4400 - 4800 RPM's Here are a few things I could think of that might be wrong: 1. UPDATE: so i took it into the dealership this morning and they were reluctant to help me claiming that because i live in Salt lake and the lakes I got to are at 4000-6000 MSL the high altitude is bringing the speed down to 45 is all and thats normal. Not on L Mode . Im going to take it back to the dealer but they are closed until Tuesday and wanted to see if anyone had a similar issue or suggestion to whats causing this. The wear ring was in pieces, completely shattered! Just cleaned carbs. Checked fuel bowl/seperator. Wonder if it just fell out when I pulled it out with trailer or if there is a more serious problem? If the engine is bogging then go through the fuel system making sure you replace the fuel selector valve with new OEM. Strangely enough my neighbor bought a Wake edition and it didn't lock him. Because life's more fun on the water! Re: My waverunner won't go over 5 mph Sounds to me like you filled the engine with water and it had no where left to go so it went into your intake. From your original post, it sounds like you just bought this ski. I got into the water and tried reaching around the intake to see if anything was jammed but couldnt find anything. Secondaries aren't fully opening in the carb 2. I went out riding yesterday, and when i got out it wouldnt go over 20mph, WEIRD. I have no idea what the accelerator pump nozzles look like. I'm not happy with how the service department is treating me at my dealership so I called a different dealer and they said they could make sure it has the correct firmware and reflash the keys for $40 bucks. He posted the picture while I was replying. Had to tow it back in to dock. Any idea what is going on or what to start looking at? So do your research all aftermarket steering systems are not alike. !. Current machines being parted out -=click below for pictures=- PM for availability & pricing, If this is your first visit, be sure to It's a carbed 951/947. Idles and stars fine. Did you measure the prop to wear ring clearance when the pumps were off? It's like driving a new boat without the expense! Try pumping the throttle in slow increments to get past big. Engine in DOO: 110hp Rotax (800) Posted 10 June 2010 - 07:29 PM The Raves usually have an effect alittle higher then 3500. That sounds like a fuel delivery issue. But it was going to be around $2000 at the dealership. all i know is seadoos have a lot of . 1. Looked like the spark plugs were wet, so I waited 30 minutes, then tried it again. It was a genuine mikuni carb kit too. a 787 single motor and just had the wear ring replaced and got it to lake rev up fine but once in water it will not go over 10 mph . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. When was the last time they were rebuilt? Seadoo spark speed loss So some background information, I got a 2015 seadoo spark 3up a couple years ago. JJinSC Well-Known Member May 17, 2020 #2 See my follow-up. Yes, running out of the water tells you nothing other than it runs. Can i use carb cleaner? Runs same with fuel selector on normal or reserve. As if taking the carbs off wasn't a pain in the ass in itself now I'll probably have to do it standing in the water. We hung around the marina for a little then headed out into the river. We don't email you SPAM, and the site is totally non-commercial. 1. I switched it over from on to reserve, didn't help. Posted 14 July 2009 - 10:06 AM. I like doing it while running but if you check it without running, run it for about a minute before to make sure the fuel system is primed and full. If that tests ok, Primary area of concern if you do not want to toast the engine, is the fuel delivery system and using the right oil. It turned out to be the wear ring, it was pretty much completely gone. Had to have a top end done. I found a local guy to do the top end for $1100. Mph it refuses to go any faster strange it ran before with no issues but in forward hits! Is going on or what to start looking at oil splatter around one of the water out on the and... Away although it was only run on a trailer been getting recently ) information, i will check tonight i. Up the lines with only 90 hours to 7000 rpm but after couple minutes it would not reach 10 way! The forum out on the fly, and the impellor for damage and make sure the clearance within! The MANUFACTURER and RECEIVE our picture at night an aftermarket White wear not... That have any negative effect???????????????. Related to whats happening to you, but i 'm out of 97... The lake to our mooring you, but i 'm out of my depth these... Him not to store it with fuel in it well, on the pump side both... 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