Content is amplified based on the engagement it earns, usually from a Creators own personal network. Salty's Livesteams: Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday 4:30pm Pacific Time Radiat Prot Dosimetry. doi: 10.1007/s00411-014-0544-7, 13. Key Witness In Chauvin Trial SKIPS Trial, Pleads Fifth After Being Exposed As Floyd's DEALER. Declared salt content of all samples is 1.7 g/100 g independently of the country were distributed. Rub it between your palms and add water in batches and knead it all into a firm dough. Moreover, blue light gave a better response compared to infrared light. Dose response for infrared (890 nm) stimulation (data acquired with Reader 1). It's the same damn thing in practice. For those who dont know, LBRY is a decentralized blockchain protocol that allows for the creation of apps where you can upload videos and earn crypto for them. The results of Reader 1 for the limits of detection for measurements are 70 mGy for the infrared stimulation and 20 mGy for the blue stimulation, while 100 mGy was obtained with Reader 2. If you want to talk about your favorite or least favorite TV shows and movies, were a community where that happens. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. Bite-sized, square sea salt crackers for snacking and serving as party crackers. The two methods give results that differ by an order of magnitude for both stimulations. The other method for the calculation of the limit of detection is the one reported by Geber-Bergstrand et al. Light, crispy texture just like the original saltine crackers. The consumption of salt-containing snacks is increasing (10) and we can expect to find them on the location of the accident. It paints itself as an alternative to social media sites like youtube. 2021 Salty Cracker. 12. EB, MV, and NM-S: manuscript preparation. The results are in line with fading properties obtained for pure NaCl (18) as expected as the main response of the crackers is due to the salt present in them. Hey Lefties, eat a bag of dicks. Who needs official state media when the tech companies themselves along with the media outlets are all ran by activist Democrats, who are colluding behind the scenes to de-platform views that the DNC doesn't approve of? Comparing the data reported for Reader 1 and Reader 2, it is evident that the PSL responses (total counts) recorded in the same conditions (infrared stimulation, same dose of ionizing radiation) with the two different models of PSL systems used in this study, are very different. The crackers were crumbled with a pestle, weighted and placed in Petri dishes (50 mm in diameter). EB, MV, and NM-S: manuscript editing. Salty Crackers as Fortuitous Dosimeters: A Novel PSL Method for Rapid Radiation Triage. You listen at your own risk. Salty Cracker - Let's watch the crazy go down! This opens the possibility of dealing with a non-homogeneous sample that would prevent a proper assessment of the dose absorbed by the individual involved in the R/N accident. Odyssey selects its featured content in two major ways. doi: 10.1097/HP.0b013e31824108f5, Keywords: retrospective dosimetry, fortuitous dosimeters, photo-stimulated luminescence, radiation triage, salty snacks, Citation: Maltar-Strmeki N, Vidotto M, Della Monaca S, Erceg I, Fattibene P, Vojni Kortmi M, Quattrini MC and Bortolin E (2021) Salty Crackers as Fortuitous Dosimeters: A Novel PSL Method for Rapid Radiation Triage. Geber-Bergstrand T, Bernhardsson C, Christiansson M, Mattsson S. Raaf CL. Copyright 2021 Maltar-Strmeki, Vidotto, Della Monaca, Erceg, Fattibene, Vojni Kortmi, Quattrini and Bortolin. Subscribe to our monthly Newsletter to receive firearm news, product discounts from your favorite Industry Partners, and more. As a young adult, Odyssey has given me an opportunity to express myself through writing while connecting to what is going on in the world with social media. CRACKER LIVES MATTER PREMIUM LONG SLEEVE $ 31.99 - $ 33.99 Select options CRACKER LIVES MATTER PREMIUM T-SHIRT $ 29.99 - $ 37.99 Select options EAT SH*T COMMIE PREMIUM UNISEX HOODIE $ 39.99 - $ 43.99 Select options BLAMMO! The cracker's component that gives the PSL signal are the defects in the salt crystals (79) that seem to be mostly present on the surface of the cracker. As there doesn't seem to be a standard method (14) for the calculation of the lowest measurable value that is statistically different from the zero-dose value, in this work two different approaches were taken. Live stream, post articles, content, videos, pictures, create public/private groups, send encrypted direct messages, and support your favorite content creators without worry about you or them being censored or de-platformed because of differing . Get show updates and breaking news analysis. Front. Moreover, strong correlation of the measurements performed in the two different instruments, as well as the rapidity of the analysis and the simplicity of the operations, suggest that this method can be suitable for a rapid radiation triage of a large number of civilians in a mass casualty event. This paper reports the results of a PSL study carried out on a popular brand of salty crackers which are very popular among children and adolescents worldwide. From We're excited to hear from you! It is such an amazing feeling knowing that so many people are invested in what you write about. There is no topic that Odyssey doesnt discuss. Irradiation was carried out with Cobalt-60 in a calibration teletherapy unit Co-60 Alcyon, CIS Bio International, available at RBI and with the Cs-137 source of the Gammacell 40 facility available at ISS with a dose rate of about 3.26 Gy/min and 0.7 Gy/min, respectively. NATO Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Project BioPhyMeTRE Novel biological and physical methods for triage in radiological and nuclear (R/N) emergencies. Retrospective and emergency dosimetry in response to radiological incidents and nuclear mass-casualty events: a review. I'm on my second or third account. Marketing Platform Created with Berserker Patriot Energy by Rogue Digital. (2014) 71:4759. He cracks me up. Salty Cracker - YouTube Report this Content This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. New models are also available, additionally offering double stimulation by infrared and visible radiation which makes them more suitable for the application in retrospective dosimetry. Still, the grain size is directly related to the non-homogeneous distribution of salt in the sample, independently on the stimulation wavelength. Ekendahl D, Judas L. NaCl as a retrospective and accident dosemeter. Home: Who . G5684) supported by NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. The "fairness/hearing both sides of an issue is no longer relevant or needed" shit on CNN the other day was a trial balloon for the next set of talking points and action. Despite that, results obtained by two different Institutes and instruments can be compared and correlated as reported in Figure 4. Calling All Pissed off Patriots. we want our lives back ! 3. General General Discussion. comment. GET SHOW UPDATES & BREAKING NEWS ALERTS. The study was simultaneously conducted by two laboratories (Ruder Bokovi Institute, RBI, Croatia and Istituto Superiore di Sanit, ISS, Italy) involved in the BioPhyMeTRE project (grant No. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimetry in irradiated alumina substrates from mobile phone resistors. doi: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2014.03.016, 7. Ainsbury EA, Samaga D, Della Monaca S, Marrale M, Bassinet C, Burbidge CI, et al. The guy has no filter, gives zero fucks, and is very good at showing the lunacy and hypocrisy of the left. The justification for the different grain sizes of the crumbled crackers is related to the fact that salt may not be homogenously spread in the cracker. Number of counts measured for the unirradiated samples for two different masses and three different grain sizes (data acquired with Reader 1). All rights reserved Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare di Perugia, Italy. I was wondering. Instead of these labels, I would suggest that Odysee's proponents refer to it as a "publisher" rather than a "platform," since every content creator must be specifically authorized by the central authority prior to being allowed to publish anything. Obtained results show that the proposed method can be successfully used for the triage according to the categorization protocol (1, 2). An Odyssey community is a group of like-minded individuals who ideate and create content and thoughtful discussion in a group setting. doi: 10.1142/9781786345790_0009, 5. Here are the top three articles: Summer will be here in no time, heres how to make the most of it! Youll stay top of the smooth brain commies next moves in politics, culture, religion, fake news and the deep state. 2. Radiat Meas. doi: 10.1093/rpd/ncw044. Physiol Behav. Join @SaltyCracker on Odysee, a content wonderland owned by everyone (and no one). This is the same model as legacy newspapers, and much the opposite of any legitimate . (17). Retrospective dosimetry plays a key role in the determination of the absorbed dose due to an accident in a nuclear reactor, a terrorist attack, a nuclear weapon explosion or a small-scale accident that could occur in medicine or industry (13). Odyssey has given me a platform where my voice is heard no matter what my view, experience, or beliefs are. Advances in Physics and Applications of Optically and Thermally Stimulated Luminescence. Particular attention was given to 1 Gy limit which divides individuals in those needing medical care and those who are mostly unaffected not requiring immediate care. These are the opinions and ramblings of a lunatic. Categories Categories: Odysee content creators; Add category; 1 day ago. doi: 10.1007/s00411-008-0191-y, 10. Starting from these findings, a novel method, based on the use of a low-cost portable instrument for Photo-Stimulated Luminescence (PSL) have been tested on above mentioned inexpensive matrices. No topic is off-limits and, through the creation process, your voice will be preserved. Youtube is going full Stalin and anything that mentioned Trump or the election has been struck or pulled down on my channel. 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6eebca773f932704bddd7e3a7fe73bcb7f116586 - X-Files Predicted Government Vaccine That Erases Human Immune System.jpg, 20221222 - f3088fe79129e57077418004c922e3dec8b628f6 - Dems Get Caught Stealing AZ ReeEEeE Stream 12-21-22.jpg, 20221223 - a4600eda210510d7bb62886d62e865030b82dfd2 - FBI Is Mad That You Are Noticing They are Criminals Protecting Democrats.jpg, 20221006 - 09dd106e2ea265479e88f52ca7ca78e815fbf8a1 - Lindsey Graham Threatens Musk After He Calls for De-escalation in Ukraine.mkv, 20221006 - fe9367713dd1e0953f2ccf2eb8bcbffafd14f0e6 - Trans Woman In Wheelchair Attacks Furry Convention Calls Them Fagots.mkv, 20221007 - 3097f1adcaa9eed8075fc341ea08e027f2fe1e21 - Zelensky Demands That NATO Preemptively Strike Russia With Nukes.mkv, 20221008 - 6338c357ca31f0db9ce982e3b8a948fda2231760 - Globalists Upset That StarLink Goes Down In Ukraine after Calling Elon Hitler.mkv, 20221008 - de3a681ee663eff3b4c081d09f2aa05699d26423 - Ukraine Cucks Are Celebrating Suicide Bomber That Blew Up Russian Bridge.mkv, 20221010 - 3381eea9954c4661608982d0262acc91fa1bfacc - Russia Unleashes a Wave Of Missile Strikes Across Ukraine.mkv, 20221010 - 6a3f760d45c396e58df8cfb1ed85fbb27f6c7807 - Michael Rapaport Calls Kanye West a Dusty Kook In Racist Tirade.mkv, 20221010 - 71fd060b6fee74c07db5868266f580a90569b398 - World War Ye ReeEEeE Stream 10-09-22.mkv, 20221011 - 539f89343bd41fa82fab92cffbc6e83506b38de9 - Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine Never Tested on Preventing Transmission.mkv, 20221011 - 9cb96ee534a37eb75a3d9d2d3d363a352af20777 - TikTok Bans the Term White Lives Matter After Kanye Exposes BLM Scam.mkv, 20221013 - 2bd0f0df36ba3c6b72114e221e35aa1a5ab01a8f - Dem Candidates Have Brain Damage ReeEEeE Stream 10-12-22.mkv, 20221013 - 38412346222b6da5e3eeb3fb02f6af0119dbad3c - Dem Candidates Have Brain Damage ReeEEeE Stream 10-12-22.mkv, 20221013 - db96adee47a6d8f3c6c1540770e366691f3ccbfc - AOC Gets Absolutely Destroyed By Her Own Constituents at Town Hall.mkv, 20221013 - fd0839d63ef8f076df767896a6e9364e247c9596 - NYC Thief Pick-Pocketed Dead Victim Who Was Pinned Under Truck.mkv, 20221014 - 65acfb4df6e4e859be9cd51d8d67739f5e56787d - JPMorgan Chase Cuts Ties with Kanye West Alleging He Praised Hitler.mkv, 20221015 - 232f52ceb66333164408b363203d854fc3f193f3 - Musks SpaceX Will No Longer Pay for Critical Satellite Services in Ukraine.mkv, 20221015 - bf8f06e9b9e3f5d6a113f2452004455cff4e99b0 - Unselect-Committee Subpoena Trump ReeEEeE Stream 10-14-22.mkv, 20221016 - a673d8bc3eee966e0fd17663a5876049ebcf3c62 - Health Fitness Expert Who Said Use Him as Vaxx Role Model is Now Dead.mkv, 20221017 - 32ff0091537af8be7de0f8bc8a028d28284ac692 - Fake News Says Demanding Peace In Ukraine Is Going To Get Us Nuked.mkv, 20221017 - 80d6b5ac9fd78f6f7ba86193edbaf980c8600625 - Joe Biden's Motorcade Gets Trolled By Trump Supporters in California.mkv, 20221017 - 8939875b1587b4e162a3694f984d00afc1dc8946 - Dems Midterm Collapse ReeEEeE Stream 10-16-22.mkv, 20221018 - 7db65f1c802a3614fb777e243a06acc533fdaf68 - Hate Crime Faker Bubba Wallace Attacks The Only Asian NASCAR Driver.mkv, 20221018 - ca2e29497834bcfef6a3fb1c59c002626b337e64 - Boston University Doctors Create New COVID Variant that Has 80% Kill Rate.mkv, 20221019 - 742fa0165d5f76822472740f3bad8e98fafee93a - Kanye Sued For $250 Million After Calling George Floyd a Fentanyl Head.mkv, 20221020 - 8343c540fd41392459bc9e254f2aad2d75434ba5 - Democrat Death Cult Exposed ReeEEeE Stream 10-19-22.mkv, 20221020 - acb806f69f2a28d8390c04470cb8c479c6b9e06d - Media Is Fine With YouTuber Ethan Klein Wanting Ben Shapiro Gassed.mkv, 20221021 - e7948a1807490aa17285ef7590691a50f65c4e0e - Kanye West Calls Out George Soros as Puppet Master of Leftwing Rappers.mkv, 20221022 - c2aa293f847891433d9b990d2ef3974c56fa165f - Joey Is Afraid of MEGA MAGA ReeEEeE Stream 10-21-22.mkv, 20221022 - e3e9a570652504d9f983471cb201baff339a42a2 - Sandy Hook Families Seek 2.75 TRILLION Dollars From Alex Jones.mkv, 20221023 - f350f2c98ddb8a286471fec327e946ce1bf2f237 - Joe Biden Falls Asleep Mid Question As His Brain Melts During Interview.mkv, 20221024 - 470b0c2ffac352d057efe7395f8674d22838ec1d - Transgender Strips Naked on Live TV & Plays the Piano with HER Penis.mkv, 20221024 - 4ed5c452c5645d59788ae5d1cd483a804bea3521 - Joe Biden Is Dying On TV ReeEEeE Stream 10-23-22.mkv, 20221024 - 5875967d25f08884f33cf40a48e41b66fcd905f2 - Three Dead in Mass Shooting as Street Racers Hijack Chicago Intersection.mkv, 20221025 - 1d10899cca3c650b03376b7da54b46dbd87438e3 - Katy Perry Suffers Climate Change Induced Facial Spasm During Concert.mkv, 20221026 - 2ed96933a51fba6df6ec0e8b79c6107c2c39e80e - Twitter Employees Freak Out & List Demands For Elon As Purchase Nears.mkv, 20221027 - 6d1de4915a8a5d61cdf0e0f8719ee1cc212b1df8 - White People Told They Are Not Allowed To Watch Black Panther 2.mkv, 20221027 - 7e3ba6b4bc123a9e2fac8c384c7584be05f3ce8b - Joe Biden Openly Mocks Reporters For Trying To Ask Him Questions.mkv, 20221028 - de8a4103ab637c908a27c719eaf160079af8d657 - Musk Officially Owns Twitter & Immediately Fires Chick who Banned Trump.mkv, 20221029 - 15c503e5a60c49dbaf08eb42c336668260042570 - Twitter Infowar Victory ReeEEeE Stream 10-28-22.mkv, 20221029 - 4c9e2ca627fda0fb551bc1bce1fc98d024477d9c - Paul Pelosi Was Most Likely Attacked By a Male Prostitute.mkv, 20221029 - df62ca843f55e05782ff75d1660f18067d3a1169 - Twitter Infowar Victory ReeEEeE Stream 10-28-22.mkv, 20221029 - ec0cfd7f74ea517a653b002d6bd89e42571d84cd - Chuck Schumer Caught Telling Biden Were in Danger Ahead of Midterms.mkv, 20221030 - e2b6528cb41d9b9fbca2eb4904bbc9780b4b6186 - Paul Pelosi Attacker Lived With BLM & LGBTQ Activists Before Assault.mkv, 20221031 - 0c0137ea12ab1f5979a32af142750c6f3b0e3f22 - Pelosi Attack False Flag Implodes ReeEEeE Stream 10-30-22.mkv, 20221031 - b2d13b1840d1837fb49e40f89e5860bc624157a7 - LeBron Attacks Twitter Over The N-Word & Gets Fact Checked By Elon Musk.mkv, 20221101 - 9e056f2adb26a3ad8853f35482ef3a6deb8729bc - Lefty Jab Addicts Want Covid AMNESTY For Their Crimes Against Humanity.mkv, 20221102 - 10a5b83b8014c577e8caee0296ae52f763679dd5 - White House Deletes Tweet After Fact Checkers Obliterate Narrative.mkv, 20221102 - 664e9a6b5902910f6d125cc3196bcb4db5e2d628 - Pelosi Attacker Pleads Not Guilty As MSM Narrative Completely Implodes.mkv, 20221103 - 66ef118ef8ead9d9b562b7372f0fde274e9eadbc - Biden Blames MAGA For Dem Violence ReeEEeE Stream 11-02-22.mkv, 20221103 - aa948523f90bb0a9f5e8ca23f75b86a0a65dc1c0 - Biden Blames MAGA For Dem Violence ReeEEeE Stream 11-02-22.mkv, 20221103 - e4fd5a2165837b3543c8aa8a5aca794dbfda0867 - Food Writer Who Wished Death Upon Anti Vaxxers Dies Suddenly.mkv, 20221104 - 8ad4ad7a2c7cc3c08cb506b2068e518cb6532ac8 - Biden Threatens Americans Questioning The Cleanest Elections of All Time.mkv, 20221104 - fae4d0cf48443b712440ad77d14243d37905736a - Elon Musk Just Fired Twitter Entire Flaming Lefty Curation Content Team.mkv, 20221105 - 31047aac065669e1e4aa6ca4c40e872652eb611f - Paul Pelosi Initially Told Responding Police Everything Was Fine.mkv, 20221105 - bc9a5fb47a8b0edce08ce80656d26858f9358406 - Twitter HQ BLOODBATH ReeEEeE Stream 11-04-22.mkv, 20221106 - 8cac8eda02af58159d34188112a61edc56e9ef75 - Molotov Cocktail Attack On Shop That Hosted a Drag Queen is False Flag.mkv, 20221107 - 405d4740bbe07c04108f76a447384f7ed862dcdb - Obama & Biden Together Can't Fill Half an Arena Right Before Midterms.mkv, 20221107 - 7acacfab9fd56c451ca6ad96f3258c4755a07a13 - Democrats Panic over Midterms ReeEEeE Stream 11-06-22.mkv, 20221107 - af5815d383f6e698502ef7d7f5cf28d404a83966 - Democrats Panic over Midterms ReeEEeE Stream 11-06-22.mkv, 20221107 - fd2674031eaf23675cc90543cc9ab2f8556ae8e4 - Kathy Griffin Kicked Off Twitter For Impersonating Elon Musk.mkv, 20221108 - 97f1170771c80ebc584e690c108d26c731385c42 - Jimmy Kimmel Admits He Lost Half His Audience Attacking Trump.mkv, 20221108 - e32a5222c4ad01b15262d8ccd8eba5f07a8c30c2 - Dem Who Said I Dont Give A Fk What Happens to Anti-Vaxxers Dies.mkv, 20221119 - 0a9ba2a407b864c09426fa12a32fd51d9efb07ca - Elon Musk Polls Twitter Users On Whether Trump Should Be Reinstated.mkv, 20221120 - 700ba7b9a0bda9b46301f91890ca8917492775a1 - Elon Musk Reinstates Trump's Twitter Account In Yuge Blow To Deepstate.mkv, 20221121 - 80620649e22e9f7355e1099ef4fd569d8b1737a0 - New Yorkers Openly Smoking Crack In The Subway Cars.mkv, 20221121 - 980d045719dfa27c5ed79889c94f0f72d26b87e6 - Musk Destroys Lefty Twitter Safe Space ReeEEeE Stream 11-20-22.mkv, 20221121 - cf42848cacbbe683aa2bc563e1254f613a72cad9 - Musk Destroys Lefty Twitter Safe Space ReeEEeE Stream 11-20-22.mkv, 20221122 - 72f811ebfab77a23fda7a8e8351335a845368018 - Elon Musk Explains Why Alex Jones Is Not Allowed Back On Twitter.mkv, 20221122 - fcf3a76a5e735796ff722239a8f09734deebcbd5 - Karine's Head Explodes in Press Room as Fauci Gives Final Covid Briefing.mkv, 20221123 - fd571325fadd2e6bd02ac8305700f7e955493481 - Adam Kinzinger Threatens Violence Against Catturd2 Over a Meme.mkv, 20221124 - 28c6119fc935921c059a8d55624b69a6ad3de9af - Elon Musk Fights Deepstate ReeEEeE Stream 11-23-22.mkv, 20221124 - 7510f11b9cbe9e9c80a39c108bd9628dfdba8ae4 - Majority of Coronavirus Deaths Are Coming From The Vaccinated.mkv, 20221124 - a61a0e51636aa94aebc2f115e8f7555f12cb5425 - Elon Musk Fights Deepstate ReeEEeE Stream 11-23-22.mkv, 20221125 - 537b431b4e3ec5e285c17f23d97ca0e51e1097a8 - Biden Declares He's Coming For Semi Auto Guns.mkv, 20221125 - ca8f54be3f9f2718f0391c6797a0f113810c4b25 - DC Activist Pushing For Soft On Crime Policies Gets Shot And Killed.mkv, 20221126 - 0c4b49bec71b0c215d317f322ea698d8140317e5 - Twitter Weaponizes Against Dems ReeEEeE Stream 11-25-22.mkv, 20221126 - a87274f8244a2ba903d9ae80b36dfabf98ab8a10 - CNN Says Daylight Savings Extra Hour of Sleeping Is Racisms.mkv, 20221126 - e5bebd0b9ba63a403c82e4e1c14034696eea7a40 - Twitter Weaponizes Against Dems ReeEEeE Stream 11-25-22.mkv, 20221127 - 2db78bdd497a701c8d9e25ffc23d8f5f0ade3e80 - Alyssa Milano Tries To Attack Musk On Twitter And It Goes Horrible For Her.mkv, 20221127 - 7686bd59b3f5201043283cc9eee1ea123e9c293f - Disney Movie Promoted Soley on Being LGBTQ Bombs at Box Office.mkv, 20221128 - 47814274328bb796d933bb2afb57e602b2052343 - Vaxx Merchant Who Demanded Medical Marshal Law Has Heart Attack.mkv, 20221128 - 8a599e9c3c10072b7b09d26280cc921d300d2d64 - Democrat Groomers Getting Nervous ReeEEeE Stream 11-27-22.mkv, 20221129 - 832a6f78f34a35f6b042678946e23d876bfbd348 - CNN Cries About Elon Musk Mocking Them on Twitter.mkv, 20221129 - 9d36974948952220c78827a79197893ae9a60631 - Biden Nuclear Dog Sex Weirdo Caught Stealing Womans $2.3K Luggage.mkv, 20221130 - 1097ac5dab15b7ee90064b2e71db546228bfd62e - Alyssa Milano Is Pissed Off At Elon Musk Over Memes Mocking Her Vagina.mkv, 20221130 - 431fc2b9f6086f7afb2b85c87a744dd244a7b29a - Five Secret Service Cars Rented By Joe Biden Blown Up.mkv, 20221201 - 81ab92aafba1301be8b84b3a90fcb71edde71779 - Kanye West Says He Likes Hitler On Alex Jones Show.mkv, 20221201 - 9ca020a3603699ab040bb19e2989ee509a101432 - Freedom Frightens Tyrants ReeEEeE Stream 11-30-22.mkv, 20221201 - c19adf2dcf7468f61c0975a749e062953cf55250 - Jim Carrey Is Latest Cry Baby That Threatens to Leave Twitter.mkv, 20221201 - fc88bcc8c03eb02384a26389a8635da720e58772 - Freedom Frightens Tyrants ReeEEeE Stream 11-30-22.mkv, 20221202 - ccbf62eabe8ddb6eb0b99e40f760180d473a8f1f - Kanye West Tweets Out His 2024 Logo - Swastika In a Star of David.mkv, 20221203 - 21aad0dcea9c063d141d26f060d2f7243526a658 - James Woods Is Suing Democrats For Censoring Him On Twitter.mkv, 20221203 - 48625ddfab304f4dffbad15f4fa860ba4912ad9d - Elon Musk Opens Hunter's Laptop ReeEEeE Stream 12-02-22.mkv, 20221203 - 849dd9b797bff2037ee487ae4078190f86007c38 - Elon Musk Opens Hunter's Laptop ReeEEeE Stream 12-02-22.mkv, 20221204 - da4a14505c26aa11fcb3e50839e20ac0103a1c4d - Mark Ruffalo Wants Biden to Nationalize Twitter As Pedos & Antifa Removed.mkv, 20221205 - 124b17f5d4019437b907cbc27459e4cc50272b15 - Lunatic Takes Baseball Bat To The Back Of The Head of Unsuspecting Man.mkv, 20221205 - 1a6972a639e1afd26bb037be4319cfba90dac1af - Elon Exposes Deepstate ReeEEeE Stream 12-04-22.mkv, 20221205 - 9224a1ac085ac8a5763074e13ea60a6cbcfbfe08 - Elon Exposes Deepstate ReeEEeE Stream 12-04-22.mkv, 20221206 - f9793c9917577915a05cba3d867f248470405aba - Americans Send Billions To Ukraine for Dancing TikTok Soldiers.mkv, 20221207 - 0de0565339bca4201e7dea30660872c031aad9f0 - NBA Announcer Suffers Climate Change Medical Emergency Live On Air.mkv, 20221208 - 6f5ca4af64b32cba9fbed2b931c6bec1cca97bb3 - Brittney Griner Released in Prisoner Swap for Notorious Russian Arms Dealer.mkv, 20221208 - 77a58ae975afbcfe6efecda4d9c2558d50baefc1 - Rod Stewart's 11 Year Old Rushed to Hospital With a Suspected Heart Attack.mkv, 20221208 - 997721b0d9e954439eda9f9b4e41957af2b52b32 - Operation Gaslight ReeEEeE Stream 12-07-22.mkv, 20221209 - 4fa20bb88fce336367617d60873800761358cc92 - Fed Up North Philly Store Owner Hires Armed Security Guards with AR-15s.mkv, 20221210 - d9631b8d919e4d645917c3b843feb4be493c519a - Vaxx Pusher Celine Dion Reveals She Has a Neurological Disorder.mkv, 20221210 - e414d069fafedbabeddf8f9ac333f0e1253333ff - Feds Infested Twitter ReeEEeE Stream 12-09-22.mkv, 20221210 - e7f5c8d33f6d6c75264489a69d321956e88c60f3 - Feds Infested Twitter ReeEEeE Stream 12-09-22.mkv, 20221211 - 60b1ee64c44cf59caa81843ae16fd03110c1470c - Musk Fact Checks Jack Dorsey In Real Time Over Twitter's Kid Pron Issue.mkv, 20221212 - 072c6c72d39ccd844edd55bd3b49adcfd944dcf9 - Musk Targets Fauci ReeEEeE Stream 12-11-22.mkv, 20221212 - 1fb3b2deb3075697959e3e549a6092c61a7b0fdb - Transgender Hockey Maam Concusses Biological Female Player.mkv, 20221213 - 84ca9a430d4cc2c8112b35345626256b51a2846d - Elon Musk Refuses To Back Down After Making Fun of Stupid Pronouns.mkv, 20221214 - 5dc09b73759d6e7fd97df64753bbcf8413417fd8 - Vegas Woman Shoots and Kills Carjacker with His Own Gun.mkv, 20221215 - 0699e18577f766b84a29d1b6646ddcc86ca4e9a4 - Degenerates Exposed ReeEEeE Stream 12-14-22.mkv, 20221215 - a788480238b4b71361618b42e0c3d84f4c91088d - Bill Gates Wargames a New Pandemic That Kills Young People & Kids.mkv, 20221216 - 1f32a2a100472be10b8e7e89b715ae870c064c87 - Paul Pelosi's Attacker Was More Likely a Sex Slave Breaking Free.mkv, 20221217 - 998e951381b89d0ad152a62ca0df6e74d587b0ac - Twitter Bans Queef Olbermann After Retweeting Doxx Info on Elon Musk.mkv, 20221217 - d686c0584dbb075716f81b73eb543b08dd3f65ef - Elon Expose FBI Assho ReeEEeE Stream 12-16-22.mkv, 20221218 - 73b8ad6fc884d38aee7ae8b6c7c25f4ae7b1c946 - Gene Simmons Demands You Listen To The Govt & Eat More Boosters.mkv, 20221219 - 6eebca773f932704bddd7e3a7fe73bcb7f116586 - X-Files Predicted Government Vaccine That Erases Human Immune System.mkv, 20221219 - eebe762b0316640adb95d3cb25f20de43653e828 - Musk Stepping Down as Twitter CEO ReeEEeE Stream 12-18-22.mkv, 20221220 - 23346caa51f1923f5296089d4aa6170a8aa80901 - Democrat Busted Stealing Christmas Presents from Robert De Niro's Home.mkv, 20221222 - a62abc114d00a207e6790ae4cc93f8c0463242a6 - Musk Knows Adam Schiff Is a Criminal Silencing Americans on Big Tech.mkv, 20221222 - c8c9864006083966350c26d2811903cbbbb397de - Dems Get Caught Stealing AZ ReeEEeE Stream 12-21-22.mkv, 20221222 - f3088fe79129e57077418004c922e3dec8b628f6 - Dems Get Caught Stealing AZ ReeEEeE Stream 12-21-22.mkv, 20221222 - fa2a92b35bcf515847582b04a2c66f5f45da1528 - Sam Bankman Fried Heading To Jail Where Epstein Committed Suicide.mkv, 20221223 - a4600eda210510d7bb62886d62e865030b82dfd2 - FBI Is Mad That You Are Noticing They are Criminals Protecting Democrats.mkv, 20220331 - 5de5e632d463fa945a4185029bb2effbabcf2a7a - Woke Medical Student Openly Tweets About Violating Hippocratic Oath.mp4, 20220401 - a84714b58a7ce282304aa5e6d0fa6344d37d3d57 - Two Idiots Rob a Gun Store & It Plays Out Exactly How You Think It Would.mp4, 20220402 - af486920332b2a7dc0987c695675f7bfb68c7320 - Garbage Woke Journalist Taylor Lorenz Breaks Down During Interview.mp4, 20220402 - c435e56437015e6b377c0e092df923bd8678d04f - Dumb BLM Rioter Who Molotoved His Comrade Gets 10 Years In Prison.mp4, 20220403 - 073b1f43d9a447b9c51e2b314ebb4e65ab8dcf34 - Biden Demands Justice Department Prosecute Trump Over Jan 6th.mp4, 20220404 - 732764f8640ba0b8418a9941006aa7b47098e553 - Send David Hogg To Ukraine ReeEEeE Stream 04-03-22.mp4, 20220404 - c4ecf4b627721bf7ede61be893418d2b5de171a9 - Elon Musk Tweets About Shooting Commies.mp4, 20220404 - c9bcee2a454429fee525b086fe718bf930d33124 - Media Desperately Whips Up Bucha War Crimes In Attempt To Start WW3.mp4, 20220405 - 2efb2510af9504280b78beb5d96c632ad9e8c14d - Twitter Employees Meltdown in Cry Closets After Elon Musk Buys Stock.mp4, 20220406 - 57d6195e940203a539524e3b9a1e3b36be124f9b - Joe Biden Humiliated In White House By Obama.mp4, 20220407 - 5d447269d05dc57d09b5a9553b82d0fda65a4269 - Operation OK Groomers ReeEEeE Stream 04-06-22.mp4, 20220407 - c2710cc16a3f7010b55c2a2bc2cb6e61f64cbf39 - Marjorie Taylor Greene Reports Jimmy Kimmel To Capitol Police Over Threat.mp4, 20220407 - f0fe4c1a139e218bae01cac58ac0c6686ca3a31c - Rabid Fox Bites A Bunch Of Democrat Commies in DC.mp4, 20220408 - 5346b1ba18cedafedfd5b4314e7fbbd5d5cc5e38 - Savage Rigs Flash Bang To Blow Up Car Thief & The Dem Cops Are Pissed.mp4, 20220409 - 5eb61be9c9d0082f22375bbc47316af35d558463 - New Boss Elon Musk Is Calling Out Twitter On It's Fake Influence Peddling.mp4, 20220410 - eb7341f835e314f272ced50c69b92b8c9e238add - Joe Biden Has A Stroke While Celebrating Diversity Hire SCOTUS Pervert.mp4, 20220411 - e7ffa0b738634de2fba2aa3bb16bada8954278f5 - Liz Cheney Says She Has Enough To Arrest Trump For Criminal Parading!.mp4, 20220412 - a7419b659674dfa4034af49d85a02ae8c22b1f20 - Russian Tank Blasts Group of Ukrainian Soldiers at Point Blank Range.mp4, 20220412 - d4d67e22b481cacafb7ec0f976fbc34c71ea2137 - During Manhunt The Media Edits Out Skin Color Of Black NYC Shooter.mp4, 20220413 - e1d2edf08ebc41874c749a420ceb5bc324cb155d - FBI Let BLM Supporting Black Supremacist Shoot Up NYC Subway.mp4, 20220414 - 9d47fa5cc3c20b8fbb667cef80e3b2fe0d271410 - Elon Musk Launches Hostile Take Over Of Twitter.mp4, 20220414 - dd38cc7395083f8c3f236a3b0ddf9bf7634c63f3 - Idiot Grabs Cops Taser During a Fight & Gets Shot in The Head.mp4, 20220415 - c878e668d6c38ea18e15a41034eb669c157d15f2 - Joe Biden Shakes Hand With a Ghost & Gets Lost On Stage at Event.mp4, 20220416 - 068e2f947117e063c2fcff72a5f9a163e2eec346 - KimDotCom Says Hunter Spied On The Big Guy - Documents On The Laptop.mp4, 20220417 - a26f57736d114b390011e46e49cad8368498f912 - Elon Musk Moves To Plan B & Tries To Buy Stock Directly From Shareholders.mp4, 20220418 - 1a1821aacf357cd1a16bca7b708d0c303342134a - Alex Jones' Infowars To File Bankruptcy Over Sandy Hook Lawsuits.mp4, 20220418 - 7263f883827806062ce1ad25588f4953f49ee571 - Zelensky Does Bizarre Address Drunk or High on Cocaine.mp4, 20220419 - c9d59bf5a68e98a14a0e5b3febd49ce5010147c7 - Gonzalo Lira Goes Missing After Daily Beast Tries To Get Him Killed.mp4, 20220420 - ca7a9f4b36bb0535dc98d594c227c3a68083ee8d - Taylor Lorenz Family Doxxed After She Tried To Silence Libs Of Tik Tok.mp4, 20220421 - 377e18b36757d17be8555639d55a1cae51249cba - Wheels Coming Off The Regime ReeEEeE Stream 04-20-22.mp4, 20220421 - 4ab0d07704288b67b8dbcfee6cfdb94146c3561b - Biden Official Says Vax Killing Blacks & Latinos 2x The Rate Of Whites.mp4, 20220422 - 0efa4a2624edf2770ab9b9ee2938d0bf734b4df7 - Employees Are Mad We Are Laughing That CNN+ Imploded.mp4, 20220423 - 276f4ea44c764459165dd4a7bbecbc625958a89a - Lefties Upset Black 8 Year Old Detained After He Kept Stealing Doritos.mp4, 20220423 - ba30dd3cf2edb0623b644a06a0162d23ed8dfc8b - DeSantis Destroys Disney Groomers ReeEEeE Stream 04-22-22.mp4, 20220424 - fd17f8ae1641956ec038c941be29d1921d647678 - Elon Musk Attacks Bill Gates With Pregnant Man Emoji.mp4, 20220425 - 39e349853260a478345769de721e43cc3adeb4da - Dark MAGA Activated ReeEEeE Stream 04-24-22.mp4, 20220425 - cde427cf8af625cd98b935b43c395bea144ad2d5 - Food Crisis Coming As Processing Plants Blow Up & Gates Buys Farm Land.mp4, 20220426 - c849a87b3c1225c23fd89755b2d31d3838ef8ab7 - Twitter Employees Breakdown On Internal Message Boards.mp4, 20220427 - 3daae771658bfc6a92789c3ad11a2845319ae21a - Walls Close In On Adam Schiff As He's Tied To Fake Russia Collusion Hoax.mp4, 20220428 - b4727ca6fa1883f83251438a9ac15b7cff46947d - Megan Fox Participating in Blood-Drinking Rituals With Rapper Fianc.mp4, 20220429 - 9c820a2bc683e2a16c58c4491f726a920cdb1490 - Fauci Declares Pandemic Over & In Less Than 24 Hours Says It's Not Over.mp4, 20220430 - 0f72fb354566b1e32e1abbcde71644c67c4e3301 - Misinformation Boss Is a MaaM ReeEEeE Stream 04-29-22.mp4, 20220430 - 1ab15fe857d4b9da902b74b4665db66ac9ab68c6 - Democrats Plan To Make Musk Testify In Congress Over Twitter Purchase.mp4, 20220501 - d539e4c568bdd99d1f69311f627536ffced5a5ea - Fake Media Is Saying Ukrainian Super Pilot 'Ghost Of Kiev' Is Dead.mp4, 20220502 - 886e7adc55f3a88ea2574a67604ab848aa2bc60f - Pelosi Travels To Warzone To Check In On Her Money Laundering.mp4, 20220502 - aa6d4a21f6722c2130d276a8760abae11441aeea - Regime In Damage Control Mode ReeEEeE Stream 05-01-22.mp4, 20220503 - c9bc292409598643af9912764a30a4315eb05249 - Musk Flamethrowers NBC Rape Enablers After Attack on Republicans.mp4, 20220504 - 978d2788f20effcce3356a12abee388bbd9e2d2d - NYT Journo Wants White Daughters of SCOTUS Raped By Black Men.mp4, 20220504 - dd5b9538f36c454ba3af6f86b143e2ff2b892db7 - Whores Taking Horse Ulcer Medicine To Abort Their Babies.mp4, 20220505 - 4f76fd878019f4058c5925a07bad3920e5aa6f1c - Howard Stern Is Mad Abortion Can't Be Used As Birth Control.mp4, 20220505 - 9ed37594af8f9b0e2660f21654738da45c21c043 - Parag Agrawal Fired As Elon Musk Will Take Over Twitter CEO Position.mp4, 20220505 - f3847549cf74f61b774e6d397c9d4c5326dbdbcd - Ultra MAGA Is Born ReeEEeE-upload Stream 05-04-22.mp4, 20220506 - e4365821930d3eb6012b3a376f870f5e9d513e53 - Leftwing Journo Openly Threatens Justice Thomas & Alito On Twitter.mp4, 20220507 - a39aa74487691d5ce7f46e8ec021e64cacf552bb - Bill Gates Attacks Elon Musk Over Medical Misinformation On Twitter.mp4, 20220508 - 0c4a981809e824448c2c8d2d24fb80d6119c79c5 - Media Fact Checks Food Plants Exploding - So You Know It's True.mp4, 20220509 - 36d4950333098b6d51d105eacf0e084dd80ffbab - Bill Gates Wants MRNA Cancer 'Update' Vaccines To Skip FDA Approval.mp4, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). 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