Your conversation with Tymofarrar will be lengthy and involved. Make your way through the maze of portals until you reach the stairs, then head up to the high arcanist's chambers. You don't actually need to know the rules of D&D to enjoy the game. Once the stingers are dead, destroy the altar to free Zidan, then loot the cavern and return to the surface. From First Floor B. Bloodied Altar C. Tentacle Beast D. North Lever E. East Lever F. South Lever G. West Lever. If you're having trouble, lure them out of the main hall, shut the door, and pick them off one by one. Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, North Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required. It will highlight everything onscreen you can interact with, allowing you to quickly scan a room and see where the treasures might be hidden. This begins the Spider Infestation quest. There is a quick way to kill at least one of them--grab the potion of elemental resistance in the chest near the blue-lit door. In the temple you will face a handful of stingers, including the stinger high priest, a fourth-level humanoid/sixth-level cleric who can cast negative energy ray. Alternatively, you can also take the horns to Fiona at the smith in Hilltop--she will buy them from you (for very little) or make a helm for you, which allows you to cast ghostly visage one time a day and provides +1 to your armor class. DebugMode=1 dm_spawnitem your item code DebugMode=0 NWN Console Commands Once he's dead, though, loot his corpse for a lens of detection, which will allow you cast the find traps spell three times a day. Unlike the ranger feat of the same name, the harper scout's favored enemy bonuses do not improve. A. Ashtara B. Quest: The Missing Artifacts This is the primary quest for Chapter One. See the appropriate areas for those quests (gnoll caves and Hilltop Foothills, respectively) for details. The book describes how the bandit chief was obsessed with finding a tomb in the vicinity. Animal Empathy While it is nowhere near as important as the previous two, animal empathy will allow you to engage in some otherwise unavailable tasks in the first chapter of Shadows of Undrentide. You can, however, persuade Riisi to give you some items. Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. Invisibility: At the sixth level, the assassin is able to cast invisibility once a day. Open the cells and talk to Nafeeli. Kill the warden and take his key. Open Lock/Disable Trap Traps and locks. Stock up on any items you need before proceeding (you will have to keep the tower statue, but you can sell the other three artifacts if you want--you will lose them at the chapter's end). You must meet some requirements in order to. When all the shield guardians are dead or disabled, return to Ashtara. Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, East Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required, Received From: Automatic Location: Temple of the Winds Experience: 0 Status: Required. When you have some focus crystals in your inventory, using Mystra's hand will send you back to Drogan's Farm. This begins the Oasis of the Green Palm quest, which will be much more complicated than simply fetching a pail of water. You can persuade her to let Szaren stay (there are two choices for this, with "The town will be better defended" being the easier persuasion check), or charm her. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. Alternately, you can return to Hilltop before saving him and speak with Fiona for a meager reward. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. Your next goal is to return the ark to working order. While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is still a huge mass of land covered with quests and critters. Basically, kill all the gnolls in the area for experience, then leave. You will be given a selection of opening lines. To Hilltop East. Note that if you enter the hive through the minogon room, you will avoid a great deal of fighting and be taken straight to the queen. To the Asabi Camp B. Both of the chests are trapped (with DCs of 35), but opening them will yield a wand of lightning, an amulet of health, boots of elvenkind (which offer +2 to dexterity and +10 to the move silently skill), and the aurumvorax armor (light armor that gives you a +2 AC bonus and damage resistance against piercing and slashing weapons). In the southwestern corner, you can find the aslyferund elven chain (elf or half-elf only, +1 damage reduction, +3 AC). Talk to Lodar the tavernmaster to start the Kobolds in the Kitchen quest. Quest: The Missing Guide Explore the area immediately surrounding the caravan--there are three holes that you can climb down. This ability can be used three times per day, and it lasts for five rounds. After talking to Dagget, climb the stairs to the second floor. Hide in Plain Sight: The shadowdancer is able to use the hide skill even when being observed. Read the pillars for clues about what you need to do to operate the strange machine. They are called prestiges classes. If you drop two tokens into the pool and press the button with four symbols, you will receive a robe of elemental resistance. The northeastern cell contains several captured kobolds. . Head into the barn and kill the two kobolds inside. When the protective circle disappears, focus all your energy on the wind (and note that when the circle reappears, all undead within it will be killed). Dagget Filth is a dire rat, a powerful wizard, and a poet. He is a tough opponent but nothing you can't handle. If you show Fiona Glendir's promissory note, she will give you some boots of reflexes +3. There are only a few things to do in the community hall. To Hilltop Foothills B. The bedine are having a problem. There are several ways to do this. As you find items that might make your henchman more powerful, speak with them and choose "I want to change your tactics." This guide assumes some basic knowledge of the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition rules. Head down the stairs. GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. The northeastern altar also contains a scarab of protection +5. A. Caravan B. Musharak C. Jasmeena D. Temple of Ao E. To the Valley of Winds. This last demand won't be enforced. Before leaving, head downstairs to the laboratory and speak with Riisi, Drogan's familiar. You can also get a promissory note from him. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. Unfortunately, he will disappear before you can kill him. Given by (or taken from) Tymofarrar, This is one of the four missing artifacts, Give the Shadow Hart Horns to Fiona the smith, 1 cold damage, massive criticals (1 damage), Dropped (or presented) by leader of kobold gang, -1 attack and damage, 1d8 damage vs. undead, +2 saving throws vs. negative energy, +1 enhancement, poison: 1d2 constitution damage, +1 attack, 1 fire damage, good alignment only, Dispel Magic (1x/day), special propertie, light source, Only paladins will be able to access the chamber, Given by Fiona if Piper has asked for his sword, +2 enhancement, chance of Blindness on hit, evil only, Reward for killing Ali at Kel-Garas' request, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), +1 attack, bonus level 1 spell, light source (Cleric only), Hilltop West, Community Hall, Gilford's shop, +1 attack, Endure Elements (2x/day), massive criticals (4x), +1 Animal Empathy skill, Found on body of stinger warrior near temple stairs, Cure Critical Wounds (2 charges), Divine Power (3 charges), Flame Strike (3 charges), good or neutral clerics only, 1d8 fire damage vs. undead, +1 enhancement, +2 enhancement vs. undead, Flame Arrow (3x/day), sorcerer and wizard only, Oasis of the Green Palm, Catacomb of Al-Rashid. Evil characters take note. They aren't tough opponents, but be aware of the stinger archers, who can burrow underground and lead your henchman and summoned creatures further and further away. Open it, or destroy it, to find a portable door. He also has numerous shadovar minions around him. There isn't much to do here, other than head straight for the kobold cave. When it's gone, not only will Undrentide begin plunging toward Earth, but Heurodis will also be vulnerable. J'Nah orchestrated the attack on Hilltop. Import the erf, overwriting all when prompted. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. As you approach this house, Nora Blake will run up and ask you to save her family. Turn Undead: At the third level, the blackguard gains the ability to turn undead creatures. He'll mostly lie to you, but if you want you can eventually get the truth out of him and learn that he's Fiona's brother. . A False Helmite elite is guardian the room here. To Hilltop East B. Ferran Valiantheart C. Elven Crypt D. Wounded Bear E. Hurst Farm F. Rumgut's Cave G. To the Nether Mountains H. To Blumberg I. However, there will be one vital piece of information obtained: The attack on Hilltop was part of a deal Tymofarrar made with someone named J'Nah, and that he was betrayed. If you don't have, and aren't planning to acquire, thieving skills, you absolutely want the rogue/cleric Dorna Trapspringer. The item Tymofarrar gives you is extremely helpful in fighting J'Nah, and you will have to fight her eventually (see the next section for details on finding and fighting J'Nah). If you want to finish the test before proceeding, return upstairs and use the key given to you by Nimaldor on the door in the eastern passage. He won't remove your slave collar, but he will allow you to venture further into Undrentide. That is the safe path back. To the Oasis of the Green Palm B. The skeleton blackguard is the toughest opponent you've faced. So head into the workshop proper and examine Drogan's crystal table, located in the center of the room. To Hilltop Foothills B. Orc Cave C. Kobold Cave. Fight alongside your fellow travelers, and then speak with Katriana to learn that Zidan, the bedine guide, has been abducted. A. It is to create a summonable 'Shield Guardian' to battle for you. If you have a shadow gem in your inventory, you can use the shadow portals when they appear. Neverwinter Nights (PC) Item FAQ August 30, 2006 Version 1.7 Written by: Dylan Erickson E-mail: If you're having any problems, please consult the FAQ (Ctrl + F, type in FAQ) first before e-mailing me. Note that this damage is not multiplied when calculating the damage for critical hits. If you take the rubies, the statue will come to life and attack. The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). Remove the arrow and cleanse the wound, and this will stop the bears from attacking you in the foothills. A. Before doing so, however, you may want to grab the items from the footlocker near your bed. Note that, unlike in the preceding chapters, there is a new quest for almost every action you take in Chapter Two. or does it depend on the character you play? His challenge rating is high, but he isn't all that tough if you can get in close--and if you aren't dealing with his minions simultaneously. If you kill Ali instead, place the dagger in the altar, and it will be transformed Jergal's claw, a +2 short sword that can cause blindness on successful strikes. Speak to your henchman and choose "I want to discuss your training." - In SoU keep the 2xRuby, the Dragon's Blood (if you kill Tymofarrar) and all the Belladonna, Bear Hide, Wolf Hide, Skeleton's Knuckle and Meat that you find for use with the . You can weed them and balance the playing field a little. Note that you can also agree to make him leave. Attacking them while they're still in the kitchen will cause them to immediately kill Mara. You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. The butler has the key to the sarcophagus, but you can freely enter the tomb and take the ring, so long as you close the door and he doesn't see you. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. When you find the hart, you can speak with it if you have animal empathy skills. If you have a high constitution, you can actually drink the alcohol. The priest burial room contains four coffins, each with some decent treasure. Secondly, you can challenge Rumgut to a drinking contest. Note that if you already spoke with J'Nah and agreed to kill Tymofarrar, he will try to make a counterproposal. Paladins, druids, and good clerics will be attacked on sight. Sapphire Star is a Forgotten Realms module, based on a PnP campaign, the Guardian. Drink your potions, prepare your spells. Prerequisites: Skills: Search (4 ranks), Persuade (8 ranks), Lore (6 ranks), Discipline (4 ranks) Feats: Alertness, Iron Will Alignment: Any Non-Evil. Note that if Szaren has set up his shop in Hilltop West, you can sell the baby for 500 gold, but if Adam is still alive and you attempt to leave with the baby, he will attack you. You can also kill the villagers, for which the kobold leader, Hurc, will give you a dagger with +1 vampiric regeneration. Shield Guardian. Henchman Management As noted above, selecting a henchman who complements your abilities is very important. Help the others kill the kobolds that have invaded. Note that this area is accessible from the queen's chamber of the formian hive. He will ask for your help in changing this situation. Dying Man C. Deekin's Shop. Summon Shadow: The shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. In a weapon rack in that same southeastern passageway, you'll find a shadow sword, a +2 two-bladed sword that does 1d8 damage and adds 1d4 acid damage. Make catching the wise Wind much easier same name, the harper scout 's favored enemy do! And agreed to kill Tymofarrar, he will attack can kill him your bed you already with. When you find the hart, you can return to Ashtara may want to put. To Dagget, climb the stairs to the surface for five rounds a summonable & # x27 ; shield &!, for which the kobold leader, Hurc, will give you some boots reflexes... Location: Undrentide, North Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required Foothills Orc... To kill Tymofarrar, he will attack make catching the wise Wind much.! A robe of elemental resistance the ability to turn undead: At the third level, the will! Experience, then head up to the second Floor undead: At the sixth level, the guide. Fetching a pail of water every action you take the rubies, the bedine guide has. 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nwn sou shield guardian