THE SPIRIT IS PARTICULARLY CALLED THE SPIRIT OF LIFE, THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST, FOR THE ANOINTING OF THE THINGS RELATED TO THE WORSHIP AND SERVICE OF GOD, CHRIST'S DEATH AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS, WITH WHICH THE SPIRIT HAS BEEN COMPOUNDED, BECOME PREVAILING IN THE SPIRIT, THE PUTTING TO DEATH OF JESUS IN OUR ENVIRONMENT, COOPERATING WITH THE OPERATING SPIRIT AND ACCEPTING THE ENVIRONMENT, THE SPIRIT BEING THE REALITY OF CHRIST'S RESURRECTION AND ITS POWER, CHRIST'S RESURRECTION WITH ITS POWER IN THE LIFE-GIVING SPIRIT BEING THE SUFFICIENT GRACE, OUR IDENTIFICATION, UNION, AND MINGLING WITH CHRIST, BEARING THE CROSS OF CHRIST AS OUR CROSS IN DEALING WITH OUR SOUL-LIFEOUR SELF, CRUCIFYING OUR FLESH WITH ITS PASSIONS AND ITS LUSTS, THE OLD MAN AND THE NEW MAN OF A BELIEVER, THROUGH OUR PUTTING TO DEATH THE PRACTICES OF OUR BODY BY THE SPIRIT, IN THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE SUFFERINGS OF CHRIST, GOD BEING SPIRIT THE SUBSTANCE OF GOD'S BEING, THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTTHE SPIRIT OF GOD BECOMING THE SPIRIT OF THE RESURRECTED CHRIST, THE ANOINTING SPIRITTHE COMPOUND SPIRIT WITH ALL HIS INGREDIENTS (ELEMENTS), THE SPIRITTHE CONSUMMATED SPIRIT OF THE PROCESSED AND CONSUMMATED TRIUNE GOD AS THE CONSUMMATION OF THE TRIUNE GOD, THE LORDS RECOVERY THROUGHOUT THE CENTURIES, THE CHURCH LIFE GRADUALLY COMING TO A STANDSTILL, PERFECTING EVERY SAINT TO PREACH THE GOSPEL, THE WORK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL IN OFFERING SACRIFICES, THE PRACTICE OF THE NEW WAY BEING THE WORK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT PRIESTS OF THE GOSPEL IN OFFERING SACRIFICES, BY THE ORGANIC ESSENCE AND BEING FULL OF THE SPIRIT AND LIFE, BEING ASSURED THAT THE LORD WILL WORK OUT HIS RECOVERY, THE STUDY OF THE PRACTICE OF THE NEW WAY ACHIEVING THE ULTIMATE RESULTS, THE CHURCH LIFE BEING OUR NOBLE RECREATION, THE FUNCTIONS OF THE SPIRIT, THE SOUL, AND THE BODY, MAN'S SPIRIT, SOUL, AND BODY AFTER THE FALL, THE CHARACTERISTIC OF A BELIEVER HAVING HIS SPIRIT AND SOUL MIXED TOGETHER, THE REASON FOR THE FAILURE OF THOSE WHO PREACH THE CROSS, THE WAY FOR A CRUCIFIED PERSON TO PREACH THE CROSS, NOT SEEKING THE LORD'S WILL BY TAKING THE SCRIPTURES OUT OF CONTEXT, NOT CONSIDERING VISIONS AND DREAMS AS GOD'S WILL, NOT CONSIDERING ANSWERS TO PRAYER AS AN INDICATOR OF GOD'S WILL, THE OLD TESTAMENT ITS MAIN THOUGHTINTRODUCTION TO CHRIST, THE NEW TESTAMENT ITS MAIN THOUGHTIN CHRIST, THE THIRD SECTION OF REVELATION AND OTHER PROPHECIES IN THE BIBLE, THE PROPHECIES OF PAUL (2 THESSALONIANS 2:7-12), OTHER REVELATIONS IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION, THE VISION OF THE GLORIOUS CHRIST (VERSES 10-16), THE COMMISSION OF THE LORD (VERSES 17-20), THE LORD'S ANSWER HAVING ETERNAL LIFE "TODAY", WATER IN JORDAN AND DEVELOPMENTS IN JUDEA, THE RESURRECTION OF THE OLD TESTAMENT SAINTS, AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE CHRISTIAN, THE MEANING OF THE TREE OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, GOD WANTING THE BELIEVERS TO BE DELIVERED FROM SELF, THE CHRISTIAN LIFE DESCRIBED IN THE BIBLE, CHRISTIANS BEING CIRCUMCISED IN CHRIST WITH A CIRCUMCISION NOT MADE WITH HANDS, I AM THE GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE GOD OF ISAAC, AND THE GOD OF JACOB, THE RIVER JORDANDEATH (VERSES 7 THROUGH 14), THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOD'S WILL AND GOD'S HEART, THE CHRISTIAN'S ATTITUDE TOWARD THESE MATTERS, UNDERSTANDING THE LATENT POWER OF THE SOUL, THE DIFFERENT RESULTS OF THE FUNCTION OF THE SOUL AND OF THE SPIRIT, NEVER STOPPING UNTIL ONE RECEIVES GOD'S DEALING, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD AND OUR WORK, THE IMPORTANCE OF THE RENEWING OF THE NOUS, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE NOUS AND SPIRIT, CHRIST IN THE CHRISTIAN LIFE AND EXPERIENCE, THE NATURE OF CHRIST'S VICTORY AND THE CHURCH, WHAT GOD'S OVERCOMERS SHOULD DO AT THE END OF THIS AGE, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MINISTERING TO THE HOUSE AND MINISTERING TO THE LORD, HOW TO MINISTER TO THE HOUSE HOW TO MINISTER TO THE LORD, THE REQUIREMENTS OF ONE WHO MINISTERS TO THE LORD, THE MEANING OF BEING DELIVERED FROM THE LAW, BEING JOINED TO THE RESURRECTION LIFE OF CHRIST, THE RECOVERY OF TRUTH FROM THE SIXTEENTH TO THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, THE DISCOVERY OF GOD'S TRUTH IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, THE ADVANCE OF TRUTH IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE YOUNGER WORKERS AND OLDER WORKERS, THE WAY THE WORKERS HANDLE THEIR FINANCES, THE NATURE OF THE GOOD WORKS OF THE FLESH, THE CROSS AND THE DEEPER WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE EXPERIENCE OF THE SPIRIT MIXED WITH THE SOUL, THE CROSS AND THE SOUL'S LOVE OF THE WORLD, A SOUL UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE KNOWLEDGE OF BEING JOINED UNTO THE LORD AS ONE SPIRIT, THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT'S INDWELLING, THE NEGLIGENCE OF RESPONSIBILITY OF THE SPIRIT, MINDING THE SPIRIT AND THE SPIRITUAL MIND, THE FIRST SCHOOL LACKS A SCRIPTURAL BASIS AND USES MANY GROUNDLESS PRESUMPTIONS. All the meetings will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile, located at 540 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611, and will be open to the public. 5. Living Stream Ministry has one goal: to supply spiritual food for the nourishment of all believers that they may grow in the divine life for the sake of the building up of . Tonight's meeting at 5 .. [ Read More] Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Living Stream Ministry publishes the works of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, providing . We need to redeem these times not merely because our days are busy but because the days are evil. Each time I read the messages, they are altogether new to me. - A simple website offering a text-only version of the Recovery Version Bible with both the Old and New Testament. The purpose of this monthly digest is to help to encourage and assist in the daily reading of the ministry. This week we will start week 3 of Crystallization-study of 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther, vol. Location: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | Champaign, IL. Read and search the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee covering God, Christ, the Spirit, the church, and the dispensing of the divine life, the economy of God. In nearly all cases, this precludes the need for others to post LSM content on their own sites. 17: Notes on Scriptural Messages (1), by Watchman Nee THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE LAMB (EXODUS 12:5; 13:2) THE STRIKING OF THE BLOOD (EXODUS 12:7, 22-23) Please see our announcement for more details about the conference. Recently Living Stream Ministry has developed a new feature on, making an enormous amount of the ministry available in audio format. We hope that a newly developed way that makes the ministry even more accessible will help us to recognize and seize new opportunities to dive into these riches. GOD'S WILL NOT BEING DETERMINED BY SUCCESS OR FAILURE, EVERYTHING NOT OF GOD'S LIFE BEING BURNED, THREE PERIODS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN CHINA, PAYING THE PRICE TO DEAL WITH THE CONSCIENCE, THE SPEAKING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WITHIN US BEING MORE PRECIOUS, SUBMITTING TO THE AUTHORITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST, THE DIRECTION OF THE WORK FROM THE CENTER TO THE CIRCUMFERENCE, THE KINGDOM BEING GOD'S REQUIREMENT TODAY, THE RECOVERY OF THE REALITY OF THE KINGDOM, THE RECOVERY OF THE REALITY OF THE BODY OF CHRIST, AS CONSECRATED ONES, LIVING FULLY FOR GOD, THE STARTING POINT OF THE WORK BEING THE ONENESS OF THE BODY, SUBMITTING TO AUTHORITY, AND COORDINATING IN SERVICE, PERFECTING AND EDIFYING THOSE WHO ARE RICH AND IN HIGH POSITIONS, PERFECTING THE SAINTS AND COMMITTING THE WORK TO THEM, THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BODY AND THE MEMBERS, THE CONSECRATION OF OUR BODIES BEING THE CONSECRATION OF OUR TIME, THE CONSECRATION OF OUR BODIES BEING A MATTER OF, THE WAY OF THE CHURCH AND THE WAY OF THE WORK, A TESTIMONY OF THE REVIVAL IN THE CHURCH IN CHEFOO, COORDINATION BETWEEN THE WORKING SAINTS AND THE CO-WORKERS, FIRST HANDING OVER OURSELVES AND THEN OUR MONEY, THE NATURE AND SUBSTANCE OF MONEY BEING UNRIGHTEOUS, HANDING OVER OURSELVES BEING THE FIRST CONDITION FOR SERVICE IN THE BODY, CONSECRATION BRINGING IN SINGLENESS IN SERVICE, THE NEED IN SERVICE AND THE WAY OF SERVICE, SUFFERING WITH THE LORD TODAY, REIGNING WITH HIM ON THAT DAY, THE CHURCH BEING BUILT UPON THE UNIVERSAL PRIESTHOOD, THE WHOLE CHURCH INVOLVED IN THE CARE OF THE NEW BELIEVERS, ONLY THOSE HAVING BEEN DEALT WITH BY THE LORD, "WAS PASSING THROUGH" JESUS COMING TO THE SINNERS, WELCOMING JESUSRECEIVING THE SAVIOR AS THE DYNAMIC SALVATION, THE NEED FOR SUITABLE MEETING HALLS IN DIFFERENT PLACES, A TALK TO THOSE WHO ARE ENGAGED IN BUSINESS, THE NEED OF MONEY TO MATCH THE NEED OF THE GOSPEL, ARRIVING AT THE PRACTICE OF THE DISTRICT MEETINGS, GOD HAVING GRANTED TO US ALL THINGS RELATED TO LIFE AND GODLINESS, THE LORD GRANTING TO US THE PRECIOUS AND EXCEEDINGLY GREAT PROMISES, PARTAKING OF GODS NATURE THROUGH GODS PROMISE, THE LORDS LIFE AND HIS PRECIOUS PROMISES, THE LORD HAVING CHOSEN US TO GO FORTH AND BEAR FRUIT, FRUIT-BEARING REQUIRING THE MATURITY AND FRESHNESS IN LIFE, A VISION OF THE MINGLING BEING THE CAPITAL AND THE BOLDNESS IN OUR WORK, CLAIMING OUR ENJOYMENT ON THE GROUND OF OUR CO-WORKING WITH GOD, OUR INWARD REALITY BEING THE SPIRIT OF GOD, GOSPEL PREACHING BEING A MATTER NOT OF TECHNIQUES BUT OF THE SPIRIT, THROUGH PRAYER MANS SPIRIT BEING CONSTANTLY EXERCISED, LEARNING TO EXERCISE THE SPIRIT AND TO WALK ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT, NOT BEING IN THE NATURAL REALM BUT IN THE REALM OF RESURRECTION, THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST BEING THE REALITY OF RESURRECTION, ENTERING INTO RESURRECTION THROUGH PRAYER, FEEDING AND SHEPHERDING THE LORDS SHEEP, SHEPHERDING PEOPLE IN THE SMALL GROUP MEETINGS, DOING EVERYTHING IN THE NAME OF THE LORD JESUS, THE DIVINE TRINITY FOR THE DIVINE DISPENSING, THE SUBJECTIVE EXPERIENCE OF THE DIVINE DISPENSING, THE ORGANISM OF THE PROCESSED AND DISPENSED TRIUNE GOD, THE DIVINE TRINITY BEING THE MODEL OF OUR CHRISTIAN LIFE, APPREHENDING THE THINGS OF THE SPIRIT BY FAITH, EXPERIENCING GOD'S DISPENSING IN A FINER WAY, EXPERIENCING DIFFERENT ASPECTS OF THE DISPENSING OF THE DIVINE TRINITY, GROWING IN THE DIVINE LIFE WITHOUT FLUCTUATION, ENJOYING THE PRESENCE OF THE TRIUNE GOD IN GATHERING TOGETHER, THE SPIRIT'S LEADING AND WITNESSING BEING HIS PRESENCE, BUDGETING OUR TIME FOR THE PRACTICE OF THE NEW WAY, OPENING TO ONE ANOTHER IN THE GROUP MEETINGS, THE PRACTICE OF THE ONENESS WITH ONE ACCORD, THE APOSTLE'S CHARGE CONCERNING THE DEALING WITH THE DIVISIVE, SECTARIAN ONES. This experience involves some basic elements, including proper spiritual food, regular spiritual worship, and deep spiritual growth. SermonIndex Announcements :: Need directions Need directions - posted by brentw (), on: 2006/4/12 17:07 I lost my book by Watchmen Nee on Gods delagated authority. We suggest getting into the line on Maturing in Life. Normal registration: February 1April 15, $445/person. In addition to publishing periodicals, Watchman Nee also published many books for the carrying out of his ministry. The Maturing in Life Line covers chapters 27 through 30 of Perfecting Training, which are in volume 1 of The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1980. Please see our announcement regarding the details of the conference. . Church in Atlanta EXPERIENCED WORKERS VERSUS LANGUAGE THEORISTS, THE INTRINSIC REVELATION OF THE BOOKS OF HISTORY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, THE MAIN STRIKING POINT OF THE HISTORICAL BOOKS CONCERNING ISRAEL, THE RECORD OF THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS OF 1 KINGS BEING CONSIDERED A CONCLUSION OF, ENDING THE FACTORS OF REBELLION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF HIS KINGDOM, MARRYING THE DAUGHTER OF THE KING OF EGYPT, JUDGING THE CASE OF THE TWO HARLOTS' QUARRELING, IN HIS MINISTRY ELISHA BEHAVING HIMSELF AS GOD'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE EARTH, THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL BEING CARRIED AWAY INTO ASSYRIA, FIRST AND SECOND SAMUEL BEING ONE BOOK IN THE HEBREW SCRIPTURES, OBSERVING THE DETERIORATION OF THE DEGRADED AARONIC PRIESTHOOD, REALIZING GOD'S SEVERE JUDGMENT ON THE HOUSE OF ELI, SAMUEL BEING A MAN WHO TURNED THE AGE IN GOD'S ADMINISTRATION, THE PHILISTINES' PREPARATION FOR WAR AGAINST ISRAEL, THE SITUATION BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE PHILISTINES. 75. This plan will read through the entire New Testament in one year's time. Please pray for this year's Sixth Grade Conference, which will be held from April 2830, 2023, at the church in Athens Meeting Hall. Every 4 years all of the regional College Trainings come together for a North America College Training. Value. These chapters contain messages on our putting to death the practices of the body for the Body life, Christ in you making a distinction between the body and the spirit, the person and the work of the Spirit in Romans 8, and two spirits and three facts in Romans 8. ", eBooks: Apple Books, Kindle, Google Books. GOD'S DESIRE FOR US TO BE ONE WITH CHRIST, FILLED WITH CHRIST. Property. Direct Mail Service (DMS): A subscription allows you to receive the next Holy Word for Morning Revival publication automatically. CHRIST BEING THE REALITY OF THE LAW, SIGNIFIED BY: THE GOD-SEEKERS' ATTITUDE TOWARD GOD'S LAW AS GOD'S TESTIMONY AND GOD'S WORD, THE PRAISE OF A SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF ISRAEL IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE RETURNED CAPTIVES IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINTS IN THEIR GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING, THE PRAISE OF THE SAINT IN HIS GOING UP TO ZION CONCERNING HIS HUMBLED HEART. Most of the writings of these two servants of the Lord are available online at the LSM website Portuguese (Portugal) | Portugus (Portugal). WITH THE PASSING AWAY OF THE WINTER, THE PSALMS WERE WRITTEN ACCORDING TO TWO KINDS OF CONCEPTS, DAVID'S CONCEPTS CONCERNING A GODLY LIFE IN PSALMS 37, DAVID'S INSPIRED PRAISE OF THE EXCELLENCY OF CHRIST, ACCORDING TO THE LAW GIVEN BY GOD ALONGSIDE THE CENTRAL LINE OF HIS ECONOMY, THE TWO LINES CONCERNING GOD'S ETERNAL ECONOMY IN THE PSALMS, DAVID'S CONCEPT CONCERNING A MAN BEFORE GOD, DAVID'S CONCEPT CONCERNING HIS KINGSHIP BEFORE GOD, CHRIST PASSING THROUGH THE REDEEMING DEATH, CHRIST ENTERING INTO THE CHURCH-PRODUCING RESURRECTION, THE REVELATION OF THE PSALMS BEGINNING WITH THE PSALMIST STRESSING THE LAW AND, THE ENJOYMENT OF CHRIST LEADING THE PSALMIST TO THE ENJOYMENT OF GOD IN THE HOUSE OF GOD, IN ASKING GOD TO JUDGE HIM, EXAMINE HIM, TRY HIM, AND TEST HIM, IN TRUSTING IN GOD FOR HIS PROTECTION AND DELIVERANCE FROM HIS ENEMIES, IN CALLING GOD TO HEAR THE VOICE OF HIS SUPPLICATIONS, IN EXPERIENCING AND ENJOYING GOD'S SALVATION FROM HIS DISTRESS, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CHRIST AND THE LAW, OUR NEED TO BE RELEASED FROM OUR HUMAN CONCEPT AND TO BE BROUGHT INTO, A CONCLUDING WORD CONCERNING CHRIST IN THE DIVINE REVELATION, BOOK TWO OF THE PSALMS UNVEILING THE PSALMISTS' INTENSIFIED ENJOYMENT, PSALMS 4249, 84, 85, 87, AND 88 BEING THE HOLY WRITINGS OF THE SONS OF KORAH, A SONG OF LOVE ACCORDING TO THE MELODY OF LILIES, PRAISING THE KING IN THE SWEETNESS OF HIS VIRTUES, PRAISING THE KING IN THE PRAISING OF THE QUEEN, PRAISING THE KING IN THE PRAISING OF HIS SONS, THOSE CALLING UPON THE LORD ACCORDING TO HIS COVENANT, NONE AMONG ALL THE SONS OF MEN DOING GOOD, BUT THE PSALMIST. Selection of books in PDF format: Selection of audio sermons: We may be distracted by telephone calls, letters, or visitors. Far from seeing her as defeated by the power of sin and sins, God views the church as the glorious counterpart of Christ. The Lord burdened and commissioned Watchman Nee with a specific testimony of Christ in His crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, return, and kingdom. THE TEST OF SOME FLESHLY CORINTHIAN BELIEVERS CHARGING THAT THE APOSTLE, BEING CRAFTY, THE TEST OF A BROTHER BEING OVERTAKEN IN SOME OFFENSEGALATIANS 6:1. Collected Works of Watchman Nee, The (Set 1) Vol. var d = new Date();var curr_date = d.getDate(); var curr_month = d.getDate();var curr_year = d.getFullYear();document.write(" 1997-"+ curr_year + " "); LIVING STREAM MINISTRY. 03. We currently make the bulk of our publications available online at, and we are constantly adding more titles as time and resources allow. A video training will also be held locally here in Atlanta, GA. Roberts and Penn-Lewis saw only the individual aspect of spiritual warfare, and thus they presented it as a difficult matter. The pavilion is located right next to the parking lot by the playground. If you desire to duplicate copies beyond this, please send a detailed written explanation of intended use and a request for permission to (The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1984, vol. We would like to announce that this years International Memorial Day Blending Conference will be held in Chicago, IL, from Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29, 2023. JEHOVAH HAVING BROUGHT UP ISRAEL AND RAISED THEM, JEHOVAH'S LOVING EXHORTATION AND PROMISE TO HIS CHASTISED PEOPLE, THE USHERING IN OF THE GOD-MAN, CHRIST, ISSUING IN THE RESTORATION. "There are further experiences of Christ that are basic to the Christian life. THE DANITE MOTHER, SIGNIFYING HUMAN EXISTENCE, THE SECULAR SKILL BEING USEFUL FOR GOD'S BUILDING ONLY IN RESURRECTION, THE SECRET TO BEING PERFECTED TO BE A PILLAR, THE LORD'S BLESSING CROSSING MAN'S NATURAL MANEUVERING, MAN'S NATURAL CONCEPT HOLDING BACK THE LORD'S BLESSING HAND, CONCERNING JUDAH THE GLAD TIDINGS OF CHRIST, THE UNIVERSAL BLESSING THE NEW HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH, JOSEPH TRIED BY HIS DREAMS NOT BEING FULFILLED, JOSEPH HAVING THE FAITH AND THE BOLDNESS TO INTERPRET THE DREAMS, JOSEPH CONFIRMED AND STRENGTHENED BY THE FULFILLMENT OF THE DREAMS, JOSEPH RELEASED FROM PRISON INDIRECTLY THROUGH HIS INTERPRETATION, JOSEPH GIVEN AUTHORITY DIRECTLY THROUGH HIS INTERPRETATION, JOSEPH NOT HASTY TO SHOW HIS GLORY TO HIS BROTHERS, THE BOOK OF ISAIAH, IN ITS CONTENT CONCERNING GOD'S. To encourage and assist in the daily reading of the writings of these two of! In addition to publishing periodicals, Watchman Nee also published many Books for the carrying out his. 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ministrybooks org collected works