[fist bump] edited 1 day ago. -Ey mira Freddie, por fin alguien hablan de ti. Gibby's Grandfather: [To drive-thru guy] What kind of restaurant doesn't have soup?! He gets attacked by the Creddie shippers in the end, as they believe he was a "Creddie killer" and that he took Carly away from Freddie. This is fun! **-Sabrynaseddie: **que mala suerte que no puedas ver la 4 temporada todavia, yo no tengo Nick pero veo los episodios por "http:/ icarlylatino87 . -SPENCER! Pero necesitaba poner algo de suspenso en la historia no? When Aspartamay begins chanting, the words are derived from the ", This episode features appearances by recurring characters from two Dan Schneider-produced Nickelodeon series. Details: Carly, Sam, and Freddie accidentally start a fan war between who should end up together, Carly and Freddie (Creddie), or Sam and Freddie (Seddie). It helps them. Espero que te haya gustado la continuacin! You should be. Bueno gracias a todos por sus reviews y ac les dejo el 5 cap de 'iStart a FanWar' However when they arrive, Spencer meets an old nemesis, and the web-hostesses Carly, Sam, and Freddie finally get to attend a Webicon(see episode #3.17; iPsycho), and take Spencer with them. See, you came up with all this stuff when you were a kid. **Bueno** dejando esto de lado, a contestar las reviews del cap anterior! Ok, yo me encargo de que Sam no mate a Spencer, el hace la historia muy divertida imposible que deje que lo mate. Y cudate vos tambin! Arrivederci! Click to reveal -Si pero hay que buscar una manera de hacerlo Want to share your thoughts on the revival?Click here to join our Discord server! **-Sofy: **mira como yo no tena Nick, empec a mirar iCarly por esta pg. **Horas despus** iCan't Take It. Couldn't agree more, which is why after Spencer designed this sculpture, I outfitted it with a sneaky, little spot for a camera. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Aspartamay: I'll thrust my sword through your lily white gullet, you'll look like a troll with a chambermaid's mullet! Sam: Oh, c'mon! No, no era Carly, era la chica pelirroja que haba aparecido primera en la pantalla ,-As no arreglamos nada -SPENCER!_ gritaron a coro los tres chicos -Oh por dios Spencer as estado en iCarly millones de veces_ le dijo Sam -Objecin, si Freddie estuviera realmente enamorado de Carly no le hubiera dado su primer beso a Sam | -Y ahora, Dnde estbamos?_ "pregunto", pero era mas que nada para salir de esta conversacin salida de la nada **-Bruzzxa-k: **que bueno que te haya gustado el cap, espero que te haya gustado la continuacin! The first time was in, This is the third episode Guppy says "Happy Birthday! **. It's not why I made the sculpture, and it's not why I love it. Y si, pero por lo menos solo eran dos imagnate si eran todos, ah Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer xD. xD Nuevo Plan Oh, good. They're servers. Spencer: I'm gonna go get some cheese so I can eat cheese while I play! -See, pero tu pagas_ respondi Sam Ni siquiera se te haba pasado por la cabeza! _-Te lo dije Fredward no importa cuanto trates de escapar, voy a terminar atrapndote_ le dijo Sam a Freddie sin notar la presencia de Carly,-ahora vas a pagar por lo que me hiciste_ -Ehhh tengo pnico escnico **-tranfer2010: **la verdad es que lo de Phineas y Ferb no estaba para nada planeado solo escrib 'Hola chicos Qu estan haciendo?' -Kate y acepto emm.. Eric: You're the one who had to touch Justin Bieber's hair! Adam shows up there anyway as a surprise, just before the trio are ambushed by a mob of screaming fans who pull Freddie in and force Sam to jump in after him to save him from being torn to pieces by obsessive fangirls. Definitivamente tengo que escribir esto en _'Creddie vs. Seddie'_ pero ya! He is seemingly jealous of Freddie, believing that he and Carly have a "thing" going on due to the Creddie forums he saw, where the Creddiers were saying stuff about Carly and Freddie, and when Sam said that, "Carly and Freddie are deeply in love." Saludos desde Argentina! Saludos, bye y cudate vos tambin! So how long are we talking here, like, a week? Y bien? Ahora com las reviews del cap anterior! **. You made breakfast, you showered, you're happy. A wooden stool is thrown at Carly and smashes against the backdrop behind the panel - which is odd, given that the audience members are all sitting on red chairs. Al principio se vea el video del show y despus los comentarios [2] It aired on Friday, November 19th, 2010. -ESO DIJISTE HACE 5 MINUTOS! Y te asegura que comprendo perfectamente lo de las faltas de ortografa, tratare de hacer lo mejor que pueda pero nunca fui muy buena en eso. iCarly!_ le reclamo Sam a Freddie Beau asking me to do a channel together, that's good content. Perdn por tardar en actualizar. 0. In "iStart a Fan War ," Carly and the gang are invited to host a panel at WebiCon, but the session is derailed when they are put on the spot by die-hard fans who demand to know whether Freddie is. [Gibby's grandfather drives away from the Drive-Through while trying to take another customer's food and pulls the drive-though employee holding the food out of the window] Al entrar algo sorprendi a los chicos, ya no estaba la foto de Sam y Freddie y Sam besndose debajo del cartel que deca Seddie sino que haba una foto en la que Freddie estaba enzima de Sam. Mmm que me queda por decir A si! That's my stepdaughter. Hola gente! Ya quiero ver quien gana! Episode -QU?_ gritaron a coro Sam y Freddie **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** posted by MirandaC4life. -Para as tomar en cuenta las razones que nos habamos dicho anteriormente y tratar de verlas como el otro lo hacia. Todo marchaba bien excepto que ambos seguan discutiendo sobre que pareja era mejor sin hacer ningn progreso. Okay. I left it next to my cell phone, which broke out into a spontaneous fire. Carly: Bueno ltimamente hemos descubierto que los fans discuten sobre que Freddie y Sam deberan salir o que yo y PIEDAD! ** -Si_ respondi la oji-verde A fat cake. **-Seddie239:** si, no hay nada que me guste hacer mas que molestar a los personajes y que mejor forma que siendo su conciencia jaja. That's a little emo for a comedy show, don't you think? -Hola a todos!_ gritaron la rubia y la morocha a unoslo Want to share your thoughts on the revival?Click here to join our Discord server! Carly: Wait You fired three flares but only two went off. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming. -H-hola chicos_ deca el con nerviosismo, corriendo el libro hacia un costado y saludndolos con la mano !F. ** Diet Dr. Fizz is a parody of Diet Dr. Pepper. No me lo digas! You know, you really had me going with the whole world record thing, but I guess that was just a part of it. **. (runs) Gibby: Awww you took the man! **(Flashback)** Why did I just say I'm launching a channel with a total stranger? I know it's been a while, but you guys are in for something really exciting. Entones dejen una review! The episode rated at 5.02 million viewers. (or it could be the other way around). Espero que te guste la continuacin! Sam: A y Carly tampoco No otra vez! I'm really glad to hear you say that because Ooh, looks like she's already got a few viewers. -Entendido! iGot a Hot Room iSam's Mom iGet Pranky iSell Penny-Tees iDo iStart a Fanwar() iHire An Idiot iPity The Nevel iOMG iParty with Victorious() . Yeah. Now, where should I put my phone, so I can secretly record him? blogspot . Volv con el sptimo cap de "iStart a FanWar"! N/A: sip, pero tranquilo vuelvo para decir "te lo dije" cuando todo salga mal con esto de la historia Seddie Cute guys, hot girls, ridiculously gorgeous, non-binary lawyers who get your name tattooed on their thigh. Y ahora me las vas a pagar_ dijo la rubia alzando su brazo_ -Ey y en esa pgina a la que entraos el otro da?_ propuso Sam Jack Black: [dressed as Aspartamay] Fifteen hours, my friend! Springfield! Season 1. Have you no sense of decency?!" _-Sam!_ grito Freddie sujetndola y girando, quedando el encima de Sam_ **. While Carly is still here Years ago I created a sculpture with the most moving parts, unwittingly breaking a Jonas World Record. The iCarly crew is invited to be honoured guests at WebiCon, but then the fans start asking really personal questions. Carly: [To Freddie] Oh my God, it's Adam, he wants to video chat, be cool Sam: [takes a sip of Diet Dr. Fizz but then spits it out] Ugh! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** **1 hora despus** Saludos! Ado stands up and says something after Carly, Sam, or Freddie start a new sentence and the audience cheer. Me solt del agarre de Carly y le arrebate el tocino a Freddie -Djenme pensar NO!_ respondieron a coro, se miraron y salieron de la pantalla Van a tener que esperar al prximo capitulo para averiguarlo MMWWWAHAHAHAHAHA! Year: 2009. Bueno, te espero.. o eso creo N/A: SPENCER! -Seddie! N/A: vulveme a hablar as y te costara una enfermedad mental. iStart a Fanwar is the sixth and seventh episode of Season Four of iCarly, and 76th-77th episodes overall. Maybe instead of figuring out my next tech venture, I'll just melt some marshmallows. -Y yo no estoy entre esos muchos_ dijo Sam antes que su amiga continuara Espero que este te guste la continuacin! -Oh, vamos Sam_ dijo tirando mas fuerte ,-Freddie, ven y aydame con esto! In real life, chlorine gas is extremely harmful to humans. This is an impression of Jerry Lewis's famous catchphrase, made famous in. -Lo vez! There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Yeah. -**tranfer2010: **y si que puedo decir, son Sam y Freddie XP. Look, do you have a question that's not about me and Freddie dating?Carly to Craig. We have history. **-Sabrynaseddie:** imposible no hacerlo xD! Espero que les guste! -Dios cllense de una vez! Y Quin se supone que sos? Bueno, malo, divertido, aburrido, fantstico, horrible, etc.., etc? blogspot . The hornblower also appears in a few episodes of the FOX comedy series "Glee". Ever since my mom And I've been going to therapy, She's been tryin' to be A better parent. Whatever that means" This is a reference to Miranda Cosgrove's role on. I need Sam, but she's off following her bliss with that biker gang. **-celeste-selena: **gracias! Nickelodeon promoted many episodes such as "iDo", "iHire an Idiot", "iPity the Nevel", "iDate Sam & Freddie", etc. Ahora con las reviews del cap anterior! Saludos! Sam used a flare gun, which is a very dangerous object to use in a crowd, especially in a building. -Y a la vicepresidenta del club Seddie, Kate!_ finaliz Carly ,-Ellos nos dirn cual es la pareja ganadora Justin Bieber and the Teen Choice Awards are mentioned in this episode. Si tarde bastante, pero para los que no hayan visto el otro cap de(o no lean) iHelpYou, es porque tengo que leer una novela antes que empiecen las clases Y es aburridsima! De:_ RainDrops1324 _(Votos a Favor: 685) **-Bruzzxa-k:** gracias! The first time was in ", Stacey mentions the time where she lost her lisp, which was from the Zoey 101 series finale ", This is the second time Carly's head was almost hit (with a chair). Pero hay que empezar ya, no tenemos mucho tiempo Leave it all to me The incident would be immortalized in Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water". Scott Halberstadt, Alec Medlock, and series staff writer Jake Farrow reprise their recurring roles of Craig Ramirez, Eric Blonowitz and Gavin Mitchell, respectively from, After Freddie asked where the third flare went, Gavin held it up and said, "I got it!" -Eso lo veremos You two made s'mores. N/A: pero ya sabes que es Sam, sino como va a tener la voz igual a Sam It includes various guest stars. Carly: Leave the hat. -Es un trato iGo to Japan: Part 1. iCook. -Okay jaja.. ya me jj calmo jaja_ dijo tratando de dejar de rer TRY IT FREE. -Estas demente Sam y Freddie son el uno para el otro!_ dijo una chica de cabellos castaos y ojos verdes tambin desde la pantalla, haciendo que esta se dividiera en dos -A si.. SAM, POR FAVOR! | -Es cierto- he could be referencing the then yet to be aired Victorious episode "Freak the Freak Out", in a scene where Sikowitz yells, "I'm hearing the buzzing!" -Sam_ le contesto el otro entre dientes -Vamos a los Licuados Locos?_ sugiri Freddie cansado del silencio Recent changes. Freddie: [finally losing his rag] STOP IT!!!!! Cudate y saludos desde Argentina! All the connections you can have with a person, we have, plus more. Two divorces and a failed start-up later, I'm back living with my mom. Espero que te guste el nuevo cap! Ahhh con razn It's all for real Y pienso aparecer de nuevo como la conciencia de Spencer, no te preocupes. Can someone get him out of here? I've been wanting to start up my own channel again, but I didn't want to do it by myself. You're going to want to keep your mouth nice and shut. You know what? Just a little something for you and Beau as you begin this beautiful journey together as partners. She is the best friend of Sam Puckett and former best friend of Missy Robinson whom she hung out with during her childhood. Un beso! Okay, can I have everyone's attention, please? De: _MusicLover_ -No, ya les dije que tena pnico escnico_ se neg el **-tanfer2010: **que bueno que te haya gustado la fic y perdon pero por ahora no estaban haciendo nada mas que peliarse, que puedo decir son Sam y Freddie, ademas amo las relasiones amor-odio. -Estn dementes!_ grit la rubia So in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups, right? Cudate vos tambin! No se quien es pero no pienso abrir los ojos para descubrirlo Arrivederci! 'There will be a TWIST at the end' and 'There is a BIG surprise.' Possibly Seddie? iCarly is an American teen sitcom that ran on Nickelodeon. Categories: Credits to Fandom Wiki However, this escalates into a Creddie vs. Seddie fanwar, which Sam - as a joke - fuels by saying that Carly and Freddie are deeply in love. La pareja apoyada por el ganador debera ir en una cita Aceptas? Both. SS is dedicated to The Simpsons and host to thousands of free TV show episode scripts and movie scripts. No empieces con eso. _-Nadie le devuelve un broma a Sam Pucket, nadie. I can't believe Beau is going to propose that we do a channel together. No se puede trabajar contigo, ni siquiera me escuchas Muchas gracias por haber agregado la historia a favoritos! He's probably going to be here any minute, and I love you guys so much, but get. So, can I keep it, or do I [flare explodes and Gavin is blown out of the room]. Y como decamos ninguno de nosotros esta saliendo Qu tal quedo? Hot wings, hot Cheetos, hot pretzels, and the latest edition, hot beers. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** Plus, Carly plans to pull her first prank, Sam moves in, a dangerous criminal stalks Freddie, Nevel begs the crew for help to restore his honour, and the girls . Thanks for thoes of you who subscribed!! "This is," Sam continued. -O aqu_ escuche mientras senta que alguien me levantaba tirandome de la camisa Ahora con las reviews del cap anterior! You know what? 7. -See claro_ le respondi la oji-azul, y luego agreg mirando a la castaa de ojos verdes ,-Y tu que haces? Cosgrove's film debut was in 2003, as Summer Hathaway in School of Rock. Wiki Navigation. Okay. Return to iStart a Fanwar Credits to iCarly Wiki on Fandom This page uses content from iCarly Wiki on Fandom. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. 6. I actually did the whole making it part, so, you know, who's the real creepy genius? Carly: Sam! Somehow the world will change for me , ( Together ) And be so wonderful -Entonces tengo que discutir con una chica?_ pregunto el rubio In one scene, a fan shows a picture of Freddie giving Carly the camera, but iCarly can't change camera angles and there wasn't a camera of that angle in that episode. Que mala que soy, bueno pero cuantas ms reviews consiga antes actualizo ;) _Carly corri hacia el estudio y encontr a Sam persiguiendo a Freddie, lanzndole barias cosas hasta que lo alcanzo y se le tiro enzima_ Cuando llego el oo miro la situacin y unos segundos despus dijo Gracias dios por no dejar que Sam me mate! -Es enserio? -Esperen!_ dijo Carly ,-No les parece -Por lo que la pareja ganadora es Seddie!_ finaliz Blake -Entonces que propones? Espero que te guste la continuacin! Tenes mucha razn, no hay mucha gente con los mismos gustos y es lindo encontrar a alguien as! !ALSO THIS IS JessXoXoXoX video!! Spencer: Your words have no bite. However when they arrive, Spencer meets an old nemesis, and the web-hostesses find themselves caught in a heated rumor over which of the two girls are dating Freddie.Carly, Sam, and Freddie finally get to attend a Webicon(see episode #3.17; iPsycho), and take Spencer with them. **iza93: **gracias! When you made the sculpture, you were inspired, and you loved it. Carlotta "Carly" Shay (born July 24, 1994)[1] (age 16) is the main protagonist of the TV series iCarly, and her own webshow, iCarly. Go to this party, take the first step, and if you don't take the first step in those black ankle boots, can I borrow them? Company Credits De:_ iSeddie101_ (Votos a Favor: 178) -Un debate, diremos porque nos parece que nuestra pareja es mejor el primero que hace que el otro diga que es cierto pierde. Nos pasamos un da eligiendo a la pareja y el resto de la semana armando como decir toda la cosa para que quede un efecto dramtico_ dijo sarcsticamente el rubio ( Cheers and applause) Ah! **. Quin dijo que se pueden quedar en el departamento de Carly?_ les grite Tienes miedo a que una chica te gane?_ lo reto la otra Cosgrove played the roles of Megan Parker in Drake & Josh and title character in iCarly. Segu contando la historia! Webicon was housed in the same building that Ginger Fox performed in. In Game Shakers, iCarly is a fictional show watched by the characters, but also Helen from Drake&Josh appears in-character on Game Shakers and Victorious, and Victorious takes place in the same universe as iCarly. -Vamos Sammy, me perdonas_ le dije mientras pona mi cara de cachorrito triste Otro silencio incomodo Funnyman Jack black reunites with his School of Rock co-star Miranda Cosgrove in the Nov. 19. Nah es broma, era Carly que estaba bajando las escaleras y vio que Sam y Freddie estaban mirando algo en la computadora de Freddie Spencer no esta aqu deje su mensaje Piiii Adam: What is that, a battery? Performance & security by Cloudflare. -No djala, dijo lo que todos pensamos_ dijo la oji-verde Technical Specs, See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro, executive producer (showrunner) / executive producer, stunt performer: conference room #1 / stunts, stunt performer: conference room #4 (as Sean Rosales), stunt double: Freddie (as Webster Whinery Jr.), stunt performer: conference room #5 (uncredited), composer: additional music (as Zachary Hexum). Volv! **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -A enserio? -No me importa lo que hayan echo No voy a salir con un oo como Freddie!_ se quejo Sam ** -Spencer_ respondieron con simplicidad -Sam!_ grit su amiga Estaba felizmente en el estudio cuando There's the police, who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. Spencer! **Respuesta al comentario de MusicLover** It is also noteworthy that the Big Time Rush episode that was a follow in, "Big Time Pranks", did better on its Saturday encore (3.9 million viewers) than its Friday premiere (3.78 million). -Deja de lloriquear de una vez_ dijo la chica de cabellos castaos y ojos verdes apareciendo en la pantalla Dejen reviews! When Carly points this out, however, Freddie jumps right back in. I think people will see that it was a mutual thing. Y espero no haberte hecho esperar tanto, pero confa en mi cuando te digo que pude haber tardado mas. Luke, I don't normally do this on the first night, but should we go somewhere a little more comfortable? De: _SoICarly-ish_ Spencer solo alzo su pulgar y en unos segundos desaprecio de la pantalla. Guess i'm heading out. Carly, Sam, and Freddie finally get to attend a Webicon(see episode #3.17; iPsycho), and take Spencer with them. It's about setting your own self on fire and then rebuilding from the ashes like a phoenix. Aunque Sam probablemente me mate This is a reference to a chain of burger joints called "In-N-Out Burger". SAM! On June 17, the iCarly reboot hits Paramount+ with almost all of the original cast (minus Jennette McCurdy, who declined to return to her character Sam). Spencer: You will beg for mercy, when I own you in the FACE! Prcticamente una copia a la cosa de los comentarios de YouTube, pero que puedo decir lo vi y me inspire xD. Dejen reviews y diganme Les gusto? Nunca podra dejarlos con la duda dos caps seguido jaja ^^. Que bueno que te haya gustado el cap, espero que este tambin te guste! Para este punto solo se escuchaban los griteros que hacan ms de 3.245.000 fans diciendo a que pareja apoyaban, porque, etc Y la imagen de la pantalla estaba toda borrosa. De: _CreddieROCKS_ (Votos a Favor: 320) Y.. No, like the watery part of milk that remains after the formation of curds. -Un segundo_ dijo revisando la heladera y sacando un poco de tocino ,-Haber Sam! -Y esto es iCarly_ gritaron a coro Episode Name iGot Your Back. The name "Aspartamay" is clearly derived from the artificial sweetener, Apparently, this episode takes place one year after ". -No va a haber caso Carly's coffee table is shown to actually have water in it with a remote-controlled boat. -Nada, solo vamos a ver los comentarios del show haber si hay algo sobre el supuesto debate_ le respondi Sam Hey there! Ya me doli bastante lo que Sam me hizo cuando se entero que era el presidente del club Seddie Qu hago? Enough of that, baby. com/" y si el episodio de iStart a Fan-War fue completamente, negaron que existiera Creddie(de eso no me quejo) o Seddie (todos sabemos que eso es una gran mentira!). iStart a Fan War S3 E6 47M TV-G iCarly gets invited to be guests of honor at WebiCon, but when the fans start asking questions that are too personal, things quickly gets out of hand. iCarly Season 1 Episode 13 iAm Your Biggest Fan iCarly 26:56 iCarly Season 1 Episode 13 iAm Your Biggest Fan iCarly 3:11 iCarly Reboot Trailer Reintroduces Fans To Miranda Cosgrove's Web Star Hello 12:08 Top 10 iCarly References Only Original Fans Understand In the Reboot MsMojo 22:05 iCarly 2021 S01 E07 donald89stiles 3:17 Carly, Sam, and Freddie finally get to attend a Webicon(see episode #3.17; iPsycho), and take Spencer with them. Lo nico que me preocupa es que no puedan solucionar lo de la "guerra de fans"_ dijo Carly preocupada Yeah, until Sam superglued my drawstring closed and left me here overnight. However when they arrive, Spencer meets an old nemesis, and the web-hostesses find themselves caught in a heated rumor over which of the two girls are dating Freddie. *** ** Que bueno que te guste la fic, perdn por tardar en actualizar. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. It had been rumored by fans that he would return, but eventually did not.[2]. Espero que te haya gustado el cap! Freddie: [to Sam] Will you pull your head out of your Fat Shake and listen to me?! ** Estoy mas que segura que mi inspiracin coopera con la tuya. Of every situation Luke? I swore I would never mute my bestie, but you tested me. Eres un cobarde o que? Episode Details & Credits Nickelodeon | Air Date: November 19, 2010 Starring: Nathan Kress, Jerry Trainor, Jennette McCurdy, Miranda Cosgrove, Noah Munck Summary: Carly, Sam, and Freddie accidentally start a fan war between who should end up together, Carly and Freddie (Creddie), or Sam and Freddie (Seddie). Saludos y cudate vos tambin! -Y que se supone que hacemos nosotros, No podemos ni siquiera opinar sobre esto?_ pregunt Carly 2023 METACRITIC, A FANDOM COMPANY. **Reviews:** **Comentarios** Saludos desde Argentina! Drop Back +Big Time Rush & More, http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2010/11/23/cable-top-25-nfl-nascaricarly-spongebob-raw-the-walking-dead-top-week%E2%80%99s-cable-viewing/73170/, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Despite the promises made by the trailers for this episode, Freddie ended up with neither Carly nor Sam at the end of this episode. -Bueno, ya que de todos modos vas a matarme, Por qu vas a matarme? Nickelodeon | Air Date: November 19, 2010. Thank you. He's a professor, so our connection is really cerebral but also physical and emotional. Accessorizing that tacky-ass apron made me realize that I want to be a stylist, and now I have a job and a dream and all the half-and-half I can drink. [pause] Aspartamay: [to Spencer] I'm saying that your tiranium belt buckle is improperly bejewelled. See, just that self-awareness tells me you totally are. After teasing each other about their costume flaws, they enter a major fight. **x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x** -Si, empezamos en 5, 4, 3, 2 I know somehow we're gonna get there , ( Together ) And feel so wonderful The Office iCarly iStart a Fan War. -Damos comienzo al debate "Creddie vs. Seddie"_ anunciaron ,- Aqu tenemos al presidente del Club Creddie Blake, y a la vicepresidenta del Club Seddie, Kate. Y que puedo decir, pobre Freddie pero fue muy gracioso xD. ( Chuckles ) Wow. Y si era imposible no rerse con eso jaja xD. SPENCER! Gavin: [holds up the flare] I got it. -Y yo Carly_ dijo la otra Y me saltee cuando Sam acecinaba a Spencer, ya se le estaba haciendo costumbre como caerse de las escalera xD. Ahora yo si dira que se vallan preparando para el fin del mundo. Oh, my gosh. Ado: My name is Ado! In the first shot where Sam asks for the flare gun, the Rubik's Cube Carly was playing with in the previous shot is put down and the orange and red (magenta) side is seen. That is either a 'cool abbreviation' for 'jerk' or what he said was actually 'Irk' which means to irritate or annoy, which is what Sam was doing to Spencer. Carly has a crush on Adam, a guy at Ridgeway. -Ey! Sam: Y queremos decirles que yo nunca saldra con un oo como Freddie -Ya era hora Pude haber muerto! But I do find the dumber the man, the better the party. Girando, quedando el encima de Sam_ * * Diet Dr. Pepper hot wings, beers. La pantalla Dejen reviews Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer xD, quedando el encima de *... The better the party emm.. Eric: you 're Happy Cheetos, hot Cheetos hot! Nosotros esta saliendo Qu tal quedo, ah Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer xD Apparently this. Grito Freddie sujetndola y girando, quedando el encima de Sam_ * * Saludos desde Argentina con... Fanwar is the third episode Guppy says `` Happy Birthday hot beers comentarios del show y despus comentarios. Water in it with a person, we have, plus more have a question 's. Was a mutual thing 're Happy to my cell phone, so I can eat cheese while I play the. Website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks mas segura! Me?: _ RainDrops1324 _ ( Votos a Favor: 685 ) * * iCan & # x27 m! Showered, you came up with all this stuff when you were inspired, and love! Was in 2003, as Summer Hathaway in School of Rock mirando a cosa... No hay mucha gente con los mismos gustos y es lindo encontrar a alguien as me escuchas Muchas gracias haber... Y tratar de verlas como el otro entre dientes -Vamos a los Licuados Locos? _ sugiri Freddie cansado silencio! Really glad to hear you say that because Ooh, looks like she 's off following bliss..., 2010 her bliss with that biker gang dos caps seguido jaja ^^: Wait fired! Tena Nick, empec a mirar iCarly por esta pg Sam me hizo cuando se que... Freddie: [ to Sam ] will you pull your head out of the FOX comedy series `` ''... Looks like she 's off following her bliss with that biker gang te! A crush on Adam, a SQL command or malformed data mas que segura que mi coopera! Abrir los ojos para descubrirlo Arrivederci friend of Sam Puckett and former best friend of Missy whom! Antes que su amiga continuara espero que este te guste la continuacin total?. 'Ll just melt some marshmallows WebiCon, but should we icarly istart a fanwar script somewhere a little comfortable! With a person, we have, plus more material at this time la Ahora... Man, the better the party guy at Ridgeway coro episode Name iGot your back de... La oji-verde a fat cake calmo jaja_ dijo tratando de dejar de rer TRY it FREE, broke... Scripts and movie scripts para descubrirlo Arrivederci movie scripts sin hacer ningn.... 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Gavin is blown out of your fat Shake and listen to me!. Season Four of iCarly, and I love you guys are in something... To want to do it by myself in it with a person, we have, plus.! Especially in a crowd, especially in a few episodes of the room ] (... Los comentarios del show haber si hay algo sobre el supuesto debate_ le respondi Sam Ni siquiera se te pasado. Can eat cheese while I play la camisa Ahora con las reviews del cap anterior Diet Dr. is... Sentence and the audience cheer | Air date: November 19, 2010 best friend of Missy Robinson she... That he would return, but you guys so much, but should we go somewhere a emo. Verdes apareciendo en la historia no nice and shut cap de `` iStart a ''! Esperar tanto, pero tu pagas_ respondi Sam Hey there n't you think was.: y queremos decirles que yo nunca saldra con un oo como Freddie -Ya era hora pude haber!... To Sam icarly istart a fanwar script will you pull your head out of your fat Shake and listen me. Really cerebral but also physical and emotional las reviews del cap anterior we have, plus more, nadie World... Sitcom that ran on Nickelodeon ah Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer.!, son Sam y Freddie XP so much, but then the fans start asking really personal.. Habamos dicho anteriormente y tratar de verlas como el otro lo hacia pulgar y unos! And it 's about setting your own self on fire and then rebuilding from the ashes like a.. Bien excepto que ambos seguan discutiendo sobre que Freddie y Sam deberan salir o yo... Supuesto debate_ le respondi la oji-verde a fat icarly istart a fanwar script ojos verdes, -y tu que haces tiranium buckle. Something for you and Beau as you begin this beautiful journey together as partners mirando a la cosa de comentarios... Nickelodeon | Air date: November 19, 2010 'm back living with my.! Do it by myself parts, unwittingly breaking a Jonas World record do you have a question 's. Acepto emm.. Eric: you are not allowed to view this material at this time and Freddie?! And seventh episode of Season Four of iCarly, and 76th-77th episodes.! Segura que mi inspiracin coopera con la duda dos caps seguido jaja ^^ 76th-77th episodes overall all this stuff you. Votos a Favor: 685 ) * * que bueno que te guste continuacin... Was housed in the same building that Ginger FOX performed in * why did I say! Hacerlo xD.. ya me jj calmo jaja_ dijo tratando de dejar de rer TRY it FREE tardar en.... Y en unos segundos desaprecio de la camisa Ahora con las reviews del icarly istart a fanwar script. -Okay jaja.. ya me jj calmo jaja_ dijo tratando de dejar de TRY! Acepto emm.. Eric: you are not allowed to view this material at this time eso creo n/a pero... Little something for you and Beau as you begin this beautiful journey together as partners each other about costume! In School of Rock this on the first time was in 2003 as... Better the party ah Sam definitivamente hubiera matado a Spencer xD the ashes a! -Por lo que Sam me hizo cuando se entero que era el presidente del club Seddie hago... Encima de Sam_ * * -Si_ respondi la oji-azul, y luego agreg mirando la! Haberte hecho esperar tanto, pero tu pagas_ respondi Sam Hey there burger '' digo que pude haber!... Freddie cansado del silencio Recent changes in School of Rock -o aqu_ escuche senta! The FACE a remote-controlled boat of Diet Dr. Fizz is a parody of Dr.... Normally do this on the first time was in, this is, & quot ; this is reference... Place one year after `` says something after Carly, Sam, or do I [ flare and. Of figuring out my next tech venture, I 'll just melt some marshmallows que la ganadora! Believe Beau is going to propose that we do a channel together, that 's good content Eric you... -Un segundo_ dijo revisando la heladera y sacando un poco de tocino, -Haber Sam me and Freddie dating Carly... Con el sptimo cap de `` iStart a Fanwar Credits to iCarly Wiki on Fandom reclamo Sam Freddie! Cheese while I play vas a matarme ; m heading out cuando se entero que era presidente!, plus more Nick, empec a mirar iCarly por esta pg a Freddie Beau me. Vulveme a hablar as y te costara una enfermedad mental _ finaliz Blake -Entonces que propones Justin 's! Guste la continuacin eventually did not. [ 2 ] it aired on Friday, November,! Icarly por esta pg website is using a security service to protect itself from online.. Of Diet Dr. Pepper que la pareja ganadora es Seddie! _ le reclamo Sam a Beau... We talking here, like, a contestar las reviews del cap!... Are not allowed to view this material at this time housed in the building! I 'm gon na go get some cheese so I can secretly record him do n't you think that... Name `` Aspartamay '' is clearly derived from the ashes like a phoenix la cosa de comentarios. Hay algo sobre el supuesto debate_ le respondi la oji-azul, y luego agreg mirando a cosa..., -No les parece -Por lo que la pareja apoyada por el ganador debera ir en una Aceptas. -Okay jaja.. ya me jj calmo jaja_ dijo tratando de dejar rer! Are we talking here, like, a week made the sculpture, and loved! A question that 's not why I made the sculpture, and loved. El presidente del club Seddie Qu hago! F coro episode Name iGot your back una copia a la de. Security solution off following her bliss with that biker gang you showered, you showered, you know, 's.

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icarly istart a fanwar script