So i was googling pretty much what causes elevated sed rate and alp rates. It's consuming my life as it's all I think about. I have never had children but if i had id try to give them a heads up. I have prostate problemslol! Um, i dont think so. It will be 3 years in December since my last period. Does not burn when I go and my at home test for UTI was negative. I read a lots try to keep my mind occupied till I get tired and I fall asleep.. sending lots of hugs to you all feeling the same way xx. I didnt realize men caused this. Thank you for your response , The gastro advises me after taking the antibiotics for Sibo then do food map diet and take one of the PPI omeprazole along probiotic and see if it gets better then if not they will ck my acid level by inserting a tube as you said sometimes we have low acid . I also have been fighting migraines, so painful they cause vomiting. but my health anxiety is through the roof and I keep thinking there has to be something wrong with me but they just haven't found it yet, aw bless you i know the feeling, are you taking iron? I was so worried and Google is the worst! While this statement starts with an expression of how the speaker feels, it concludes with an accusation. I so hate that this happening!!! The Scoreganics label was founded in 2010 in collaboration with A&E Television Networks. I dont want to use HRT. I seen your post and it sounds like me. Half of what i see is so inaccurate. I was also of the opinion that I will die home alone and no one will find me! Read our editorial policy. Thank you again for responding!. Meticulously curated television underscore. not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in Out of all the symptoms I have had, the urinary ones were the worst! Yes i pretend all is well, i dont speak about the extent of my situation as most people think you are over reacting, because when they look at you physically you are ok, but its inside thats suffering. It started a month ago. Is this a normal thing with this (post-menopause)? I'm new to this site and I'm so grateful I've stumbled upon this forum. I wondered how you were doing as this sounds a lot like me right now hope you see doing well. My doctors tell me everything is fine as i have had normal CT scans and normal gyn ultrasounds. I used to get naseau but not very often now. My main concern right now is this bladder pressure. Its supposed to be a bone/liver blood marker. I am not bleeding, no heart burn, not bloated, not gaining or losing any weight just the occasional nausea which has been going on for years. I have been taking extra menopause supplements, I think they may be helping a bit. Instead, speakers should keep the focus on their own emotions, how the issue is affecting them, and what solutions might help. ty. Hi l am the same postmenopausal 4 years had negative smear in july one week later all menopause symptoms back with a vengance fear of death constantly panic hot sweats depression had to start ads citalopram 20 been taking for 6 weeks hope it will work cant carry on like this .Keep well ladies. i also take a variety of supplements- calcium, b, d, probiotic, etc and my husband is thinking i'm a hypochondriac! I take a low dose of propanolol with no side effects and it does help. I didn't want to take antibiotic (because I have severe allergy to some) so I started with the natural route. I use to go to the stores, movies out to eat so wasn't this bad being constantly in the house days at the time. do you act like everything is fine when your kids call? I feel your pain, you have my sympathy and hope that by telling my tale, you know that there are other women out there going through the same thing. The doctors didnt have an answer as to why so thats what got me googling which led to my health anxiety. I also have developed a health anxiety. oh yes absolutely, i have about 100 symptoms, my heart rate was 140 this morning x, Mmmm sorry to hear that, it's horrible!! I had this done back in November. Then there are times when i do not want anything. I refused antibiotics for my Sibo because of some terrible side effects I had from antibiotics some years ago. Rather than leading with criticism, it focuses the conversation on how the speaker feels about it. I pray and pray and pray and does not seem to matter. i dont know how i miss your recommendation for sibo as i am checking this site too often so i still looking for a cure for my Gerd and sibo yes as i seen the holistic doctor she prescribed antibiotics which is very scary to take it i read many bad review about it as an alternative she prescribed If i want to take the herbal supplements, take, Oregnao Oil 230 mg twice aday for 4 weeks. Erin Johnston, LCSW is a therapist, counselor, coach, and mediator with a private practice in Chicago, Illinois. I just feel OFF (not really dizzy) just head foggy! Wow, that is expensive! No children, wondering if this transition is harder on women who haven't had kids (?) I just went to my gyno yesterday and she wanted be to take anxiety medicine for at least one month to see if it works, instead of putting me of HRT. im new here and cant figure out how to use this forum properly but i have the shoulder blade pain which caused me to have neck surgery to get rid of it. have you had any tests? Everyone described me as "strong". (Peri)menopause seems to fit. Hi Jamie, I get weird head pressure too. I-messages are frequently utilized as a way to resolve conflict without putting people on the defensive. I don't get any pain either with this, and before I never got pain with IC . Just want a sprinkle of myself back so I can enjoy life (which is hard to do with this COVID political mess) again ya know? I just started menopause, I feel very weird and sick at time. feel better and welcome to write anytime you like xoxo. I am having the same shoulder neck and ear pain. Hi I know this post was some time ago. 'I feel' statements can be contrasted with 'you' statements, which are more confrontational and place the blame directly on the listener. Not sure if i mentioned it earlier but one of my worse symptoms is the bladder pressure. the constant worry of something horrible is going to happen!!! Hargie O. A feeling statement keeps the focus on the feeling of the speaker which is less likely to elicit a defensive reaction and more likely to promote effective communication. Hope you feel better soon! Hi Sherriel - I had the same bladder pressure issue. And tons of other symptoms but No hot flashes. I hope that reassures you a bit. You are going to laugh about the shoulder blade/throat and ear pain. dissapointed on the ulcer however as thought would be/provide remedy for resolve. appropriate medical assistance immediately. I had an ice-cream bar the other night right before I went to bed and HOLY HELL! I fell on my tailbone when I was a teenager REALLY hard and I was warned this might catch up to me and boy it did. I have always been bubbly and positive. All my children have grown up and move away. I really hope everyone feels better soon! Looking back I am pretty sure I am 8 months into it but symptoms are getting worse. Luckily I have two dogs for company. I was having weird urinary type symptoms that come and go. respect of any healthcare matters. I am mentally, physically and emotionally drained to say the least. The nauseau and anxiety are just awful. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. 2016;35(2):180-205. doi:10.1177/0261927X15583114. I realize this was posted months ago but I'm hoping there are still others out there that can relate i feel as if this perimenooause is breaking me i literally feel as if I'm dying from nausea the moment i wake up to constant anxiety and panic attacks, jelly legs etc its horrible and so overwhelming I don't recognize myself I used to be such a practical thinking person. x, Hi, my periods are very irregular, I won't have a period for 3-4 months, then I'll have one every 18 days a few times, the 5 months withoutI've had quite a lot of tests, bloods, been to 2 neurologists, gynae, gastro docs, all okish, except for Sibo and low in vit d and iron. Verywell Mind articles are reviewed by board-certified physicians and mental healthcare professionals. i wake up at 5am feeling so sick. My kids are attending school away and hubby also works abroad. I am afraid to ask. Im nauseous but hungry. Have you received any diagnosis for what causes these symptoms? Do you ever resolve that issue? I know exactly how you feel, anxiety is putting so much strain on my life, I don't sleep well as I get panic attacks, fear that I'm dying, I live alone and it makes it worse as I fear something will happen and I have no one to help me. I hope this passes because it does totally drain the life out of you. Its awful and i dont know if things are going to magically settle down after im post menopause. I don't have headaches, a little congested but I don't think it's allergies. hi just ready all glory to god , bit I'm in a constant battle everyday I have some many things that's physical wrong with me , for aches pains to cramps tingling numbing surges of pain in bust hip aches groin pains back aches, stiff neck back of head shoulders weird headaches , light-headedness sometimes like I'm just floating ,it's a daily constant battle, I went through some really dark times in my mind and tried hrt but think that caused more light-headedness palpitations dropping in BP heart rate , had ecg done that's OK so just stopped taking it , but still constant feel ill daily , and now I have been called back for further testing following a mammogram, so I am all over the show , then I have to get down and seek God, because that's all I can do . some say try the Obgyn office, but I'm tired of being disappointed. Karen, on the other hand, was more likely to receive a response that focused on reducing her frustration level. "I feel" statements communicate how a speaker feels to help minimize defensiveness and conflict in conversations. I am hoping its vaginal atrophy or stress b ecause i can deal with that a lot easier because it is reversible. Posted I am 49 so this is a (fairly) early age to already be postmeno, but Mom went thru it at 49 as well. doi:10.7717/peerj.4831, Biesen JN, Schooler DE, Smith DA. 'I feel' statements are a way of communicating the speaker's feelings or beliefs. I just stay in my room now. I cant quite put my finger on all the unwellness i feel, but have a doctor cousin who assures me that what i feel is valid even if doctors dont quite understand it. Have you ever gotten this? hi i really feel the same .somedays the meno symptoms come back with a vengance constant nausea tiredness aches and pains . I am 54 and don't want to go onto HRT hoping things will start to ease now I have gone for a year without a period, wishful thinking! You are absolutely right about googling. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. I pray that we all stay strong and do what we have to be overcome this and progress to enjoying this change of life. One thing i notice, is that dehydration can cause me to feel rather unwell. i've had numerous tests done as well, but I still get all these aches and pains, which lead me to think the worse. Can things get any worse? its putting me into depression, Hi Becky, I'm exactly the same don't feel right and when I wake up you don't feel you either people say it will get better and that's my only hope..I'm glad you are feeling better it's so hard. I just had a very light period (after skipping 2) and can truthfully say, the only 2 days I felt completely normal in the past 2 months were the day before and the day I started. YES, I am postmenopausal too, been a year and a half since my last period. Thank you In advance . It's taken over me, honestly, every aches and pains I fear the worse, I'm scared to be alone and I get panic attacks. It was horrible but it has gotten alot better. VERY scary. ", "I feel sad when it seems like my feelings are not taken seriously.". I last bled in December and FSH test came out at 76. I tried Cymbalta but again i googled as was terrified at some of the reviews. Sleep is a new concern, when my meds always handled that before (mostly why I'm on them in the first place) and I feel all alone. I have always had them but with menopause and everything drying out, they are more common! Maybe you could that, give the natural route a go and if you are not satisfied with the results you could then weigh up taking antibiotics. However, everybody can learn to use these and will benefit from non-accusatory communication. I am a member of other menopausal chatrooms too. One common pitfall when using "I feel' statements is to use them as a way to express a judgment or assign blame to the other person. Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. I am so relieved to have found your post. Sadness is a bit foreign to me, usually I'm happy go lucky. im on HRT patch and anti depressant but i dont think this one is working so i may need to switch. My new found thing (and it seems like something new or nagging every damn day) is my head feels all fuzzy! I have my faith and i know i would be in so much worse shape without Him in my life and have done plenty of praying. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Verywell Mind receives compensation. I have had numerous blood work done and for the most part they are normal. All rights reserved. 2018;9(1):2474. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-04925-y, Rogers SL, Howieson J, Neame C. I understand you feel that way, but I feel this way: the benefits of I-language and communicating perspective during conflict. have you ever been given an explanation? I'm very thankful for your post because now I know I'm not alone. growing physically and menatlly very tired. It's hard to explain. earlier this year I had a terrible panic attack. "I feel" statements should state how the speaker is feeling, the cause of that feeling, and a potential solution. I had no idea all of this would hit after periods stopped, in postmeno. I am 62 and endocrinologist suggested I go down on my hormone and now in bed so ill. It does not burn when I pee and this too comes and goes. It also covers how people can use these feeling statements and potential mistakes to watch for. i also gained a bunch of new food allergies and intolerances because it caused my immunity to go down. And we wonder why we are all getting health anxiety! Strangely I don't have hot flashes yet but I'm sure they are around the corner. It can cause dryness, itching, burning, painful intercourse and can also cause unpleasant urinary symptoms. shari. We should have (when COVID is over) a national menopause convention like in Las Vegas. Read our. The ultrasound nurse was horrible and wouldn't tell me what it means! I know what it's like when you are just wanting someone to talk to and seems like you are going through this alone. I am always telling my husband i don't want to be alone. So the feeling of sadness is actually scaring me. I suffer terrible medical anxiety so understand what you are going through. One common pitfall when using "I feel' statements is to use them as a way to express a judgment or assign blame to the other person. i had that for a few years and the more i was stressing about it the worst the discomfort got! Don't really bother me but do any of you ladies have this awful nausea? Feeling statements are often used in therapy and many mental health professionals encourage their use in everyday communication. Maybe I do but i still should be heard by them even if im wrong about my health. One reason "I feel" statements might help defuse conflict is a phenomenon known as the norm of reciprocity. Wow, this comment is so relatable. I was in recovery for PTSD and dealing with anxiety and depression before perimenopause hit and then this pandemic followed. Hi, i just read your post and i feel exactly the same way. I also feel nervous and jittery. I've been to the doctors office twice regarding this. I live in Spain where we have free medical for everyone, but if you go holistic you do pay out of pocket. Loss of appetite, feelings of doom. Bladder still bothers me with this pressure. Just had mild hot flashes, periods all over the place and that was about it. I think the polyp made my lining look thicker than it was. In case something happens so I'm near the hospital. 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i feel alive scoreganics