Illustrate the example using any combination of scenes, characters, and items. Scene constructions are neat, and meet basic expectations. Using this research, you can now decide on how youre going to entice your audience by leveraging the three pillars of persuasion. This is exactly what McCarthy did in the 1950's. . This was considered to be an attack on President Truman's foreign policies during the Cold War. The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because our only powerful potential enemy has sent men to invade our shores . They also need students to employ effective argumentative writing methods for them to defend a position or perspective. mies 1. a. In Greek, the word logos literally translates to word, reason, or discourse. The word logos is related to many different words that have to do with reason, discourse, or knowledge, such as logic, logical, and any words that end in the suffixes -logy or -logue. Martin Luther King uses ethos in his speech by discussing his credentials as a Baptist minister and civil rights leader. Using some of the actionable points we have shared, plan out how youre going to best appeal to your audience. The author can choose to leave the storyboard public or mark it as Unlisted. In your own life, you have likely seen a rational, correct speaker lose an argument to a charismatic, authoritative speaker who may not have the facts right. With only these differences, however, the east and the west could most certainly still live in peace. Al Gore, The Climate Crisis Is the Battle of Our Time, and We Can Win, 2019. Put simply, ethos refers to persuasion based on the credibility or authority of the speaker, pathos refers to persuasion based on emotion, and logos refers to persuasion based on logic or reason. Source: U.S. Senate, State Department Loyalty Investigation Committee on Foreign Relations, 81st Congress; Joseph McCarthy to President Harry Truman February 11, 1950, Congressional Record, 81st Congress, See Also:"You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves": Paul Robeson Appears Before HUAC"They Want to Muzzle Public Opinion": John Howard Lawson's Warning to the American Public"The World Was at Stake": Three "Friendly" HUAC Hollywood Witnesses Assess Pro-Soviet Wartime Films "A Damaging Impression of Hollywood Has Spread": Movie "Czar" Eric Johnston Testifies before HUAC"Have You No Sense of Decency": The Army-McCarthy Hearings"Communists are second to none in our devotion to our people and to our country": Prosecution and Defense Statements, 1949 Trial of American Communist Party Leaders"Damage": Collier's Assesses the Army-McCarthy Hearings"Not Only Ridiculous, but Dangerous": Collier's Objects to Joseph McCarthy's Attacks on the Press"I Cannot and Will Not Cut My Conscience to Fit This Year's Fashions": Lillian Hellman Refuses to Name Names"I Have Sung in Hobo Jungles, and I Have Sung for the Rockefellers": Pete Seeger Refuses to "Sing" for HUAC"We Must Keep the Labor Unions Clean": "Friendly" HUAC Witnesses Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney Blame Hollywood Labor Conflicts on Communist Infiltration"National Suicide": Margaret Chase Smith and Six Republican Senators Speak Out Against Joseph McCarthy's Attack on "Individual Freedom"President Harry S. Truman Responds to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's Accusations of Disloyalty, "You Are the Un-Americans, and You Ought to be Ashamed of Yourselves": Paul Robeson Appears Before HUAC, "They Want to Muzzle Public Opinion": John Howard Lawson's Warning to the American Public, "The World Was at Stake": Three "Friendly" HUAC Hollywood Witnesses Assess Pro-Soviet Wartime Films, "A Damaging Impression of Hollywood Has Spread": Movie "Czar" Eric Johnston Testifies before HUAC, "Have You No Sense of Decency": The Army-McCarthy Hearings, "Communists are second to none in our devotion to our people and to our country": Prosecution and Defense Statements, 1949 Trial of American Communist Party Leaders, "I Cannot and Will Not Cut My Conscience to Fit This Year's Fashions": Lillian Hellman Refuses to Name Names, "I Have Sung in Hobo Jungles, and I Have Sung for the Rockefellers": Pete Seeger Refuses to "Sing" for HUAC, "We Must Keep the Labor Unions Clean": "Friendly" HUAC Witnesses Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney Blame Hollywood Labor Conflicts on Communist Infiltration, "National Suicide": Margaret Chase Smith and Six Republican Senators Speak Out Against Joseph McCarthy's Attack on "Individual Freedom", President Harry S. Truman Responds to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's Accusations of Disloyalty. +. Lines 4-6 are pathos (they really aren't) e. Clearly explain in your notes how that section represents that particular appeal. Stalins resolute putting across of these two ideas, of course, did much to divide the world. Then, provide the quote or a brief summary of the example you are depicting. Although McCarthy displayed this list of names both in Wheeling and then later on the Senate floor, he never made the list public. In a manner of speaking, logos does away with all of the bells and whistles of ethos and pathos and cuts to the chase by trying to present a rational argument. . What are open-ended questions and how can you use them effectively? Enemies from Within Joseph McCarthy's Past Joseph R. McCarthy was a senator, and is more than a senator. These logos quotes can be from famous cases, statistics, or even history. A commonly cited example of mythos is Kings I Have a Dream speech quoted earlier. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. . . On the flip side, an audience is less likely to support an argument that is flawed or entirely wrong. Understanding the rhetorical triangle and its components is one of the first steps toward improving your presentation skills. They clearly hope to use logos to try to convince an audience to agree with them. He also references the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence to show how all men are supposed to be treated equally. . Today, only six years later, there are 800,000,000 people under the absolute domination of Soviet Russiaan increase of over 400 percent. He has lighted the spark which is resulting in a moral uprising and will end only when the whole sorry mess of twisted, warped thinkers are swept from the national scene so that we may have a new birth of honesty and decency in government. All storyboards are public and can be viewed and copied by anyone. The use of Pathos in this speech are used in a way that affects everyone's emotions do to the attack on Oahu, Hawaii. However, mythos may rarely be referred to as the appeal to culture or the appeal to myth if it is treated as an additional mode of persuasion. Time and care is taken to ensure that the scenes are neat, eye-catching, and creative. As you probably know from your own life, emotions are a powerful motivating factor. The elements of ethos, pathos, and logos are correctly identified and depicted, and an appropriate quote or summary is provided. It uses logical reasons to convince people about something. In the Lincoln Day speech at Wheeling Thursday night I stated that the State Department harbors a nest of Communists and Communist sympathizers who are helping to shape our foreign policy. Depict these examples in a storyboard with appropriate and accurate art content. What Are Periods (.) By continuing you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and you consent to receive offers and opportunities from Career Karma by telephone, text message, and email. Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are valuable benchmarks that you can follow to make sure your presentation is compelling and impactful to your listeners. . This momentous decree is a great beacon light of hope it millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. . Authority. Ulysses to Achilles, The Iliad by Homer. Aristotle used these three concepts in his explanations of rhetoric, orthe art of influencing the thought and conduct of an audience. Student Instructions. When it comes to pathos, any and all emotions are on the table: sadness, fear, hope, joy, anger, lust, pity, etc. This not only entails traditional facts like statistical data and figures but relevant stories as well. He also uses analogy and metaphor to help illustrate his points. Ethos is the credibility of the speaker. When looking at how Martin Luther King uses rhetoric, we can see that he employs all three of Aristotle's modes of persuasion: ethos, pathos, and logos. Marc Antony, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Include the key words or phrases from the speech that demonstrate that type of appeal. While it was established far before the Cold War, the HUAC reached its peak during the Red Scares of the Cold War, and represented the attitudes of many Americans during this time. A State Department spokesman promptly denied this, claiming that there is not a single Communist in the Department. According to the article A Decade of Fear by Sam Roberts it states, As his fame and power grew, so did his anti-Communist fervor. Pathos: the emotional appeal; your arguments' emotional bond and impact on . About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Jobs is using ethos to provide substance to his words and make it clear to the audience that he knows what he is talking about and they should listen to him. McCarthy made it to where many Americans were afraid to even question him. Moreover, though you hate both him and his gifts with all your heart, yet pity the rest of the Achaeans who are being harassed in all their host; they will honour you as a god, and you will earn great glory at their hands. Martin Luther King uses logos in his speech by citing statistics and historical events to support his argument. This list is available to you but you can get a much longer list by ordering Secretary Acheson to give you a list of those whom your own board listed as being disloyal and who are still working in the State Department. The authors choice of words like innocent and calamitous enforce the fact that they are trying to rely on pathos. . These pillars have already been laid out more than 2,000 years ago, but they remain as relevant to the persuasive speeches you endeavor today. Lack of control over grammar, mechanics, and spelling reflect a lack of proofreading. For Students 8th - 11th. This note was a promise that all menyes, black men as well as white menwould be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. . McCarty employs his own logical following in that because we are enemies of the Soviets, anyone who follows the same philosophy is just as dangerous, this statement easily influences the narrow minds of the time and citing an example further strengthens his point. It defines how credible, trustworthy, and relatable you are as a speaker. Copy This Storyboard. Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy delivered the following speech in Wheeling, West Virginia on February 20th, 1950. Arthur Millers main purpose in writing The Crucible was to show the similarities between the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy Trials and to warn against government propaganda. Take logos for example. We cannot walk alone.. Steve Jobs, 2005. Pathos is all about emotional impact. not the usual war between nations for land areas or other material gains, but a war between two diametrically opposed ideologies. In addition to discussing his own experiences, King also cites other sources to support his argument. Likewise, Lenins invention of the one-party police state as a way to make Marxs idea work is hardly less momentous. Martin Luther King uses pathos in his speech by sharing the experiences of African Americans who have faced discrimination and segregation. However, Britain continued to encounter intense bombings from the Nazi's from their Blitzkrieg strategy. Then after the video, work in groups to come up with a good example for each one to share with the whole class. Come I to speak in Caesars funeral. King does an excellent job of using pathos to appeal to his audience's emotions. In this scene, Marc Antony is trying to win over the Roman people, so Shakespeare has Antony rely on ethos. Path-os - pathetic / pity. Unless we face this fact, we shall pay the price that must be paid by those who wait too long. Before you can decide how youre going to appeal to your audience, you must first gather the necessary information that will guide you on your feat. i. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. Source: free Ethos Pathos Logos PowerPoint template. Teachers may opt to lower the security if they want to allow sharing. And How Do You Use Them? It has not been the less fortunate, or members of minority groups who have been traitorous to this Nation, but rather those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest Nation on earth has had to offer . In fact, According to a local newspaper McCarthy dropped a bombshell: The State Department is infested with Communists, (para 3). Paranoia started to spread through America which all this strongly affected Americans everyday life. These task cards, which are perfect for stations or gallery walks, will help your students identify and analyze Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in context.This resource provides 39 cards, 13 of each Ethos, Logos, and Pathos, as well as a printable chart for . Nevertheless, history has shown a more drastic consequence for these individuals in the past; furthermore, the transition to Capitalism along with the need to maintain its influence produced a similar recurring theme of, The House Un-american Activities Committee, or HUAC, was one of the defining points of McCarthyism and the Cold War. Ethos, pathos, and logos can all be employed to deliver compelling and persuasive arguments or to win over an audience. Joseph McCarthy played an. Currently, these small groups of non-conformist individuals are mildly shunned or looked down upon in the American culture. In this excerpt from his I Have A Dream speech, King is using pathos to accomplish two goals at once. For example, a military officer proudly wearing their uniform bedecked with medals will go a long way to establishing ethos without them saying a single word. First, he is connecting with his audience by making it clear is aware of their plight and suffering. He accused government officials and politicians who opposed him, (para 11). Quotes and summaries may be missing or too limited. Can it counter any opposing opinion? Ethos: An example of Ethos is Pathos: An example of Pathos is Logos: In other words, in less than six years, the odds have changed from 9 to 1 in our favor to 8 to 5 against us. In one paragraph, Ulysses is attempting to appeal to several of Achilless emotions: his hatred of Hector, his infamous stubborn pride, his sympathy for civilians, and his desire for vengeance. *(This Will Start a 2-Week Free Trial - No Credit Card Needed), This Activity is Part of Many Teacher Guides, The Rhetorical Triangle: Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Students may then assess the efficacy of these methods in a piece of writing, speech, or letter. If that is the case, they would certainly need to understand the three modes of persuasion, also commonly known as the three rhetorical appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos can also be influenced by nonverbal factors as well, such as posture, body language, eye contact, and even the speakers choice of clothing. Joseph McCarthy to President Harry Truman, February 11, 1950. As you know, very recently the Secretary of State proclaimed his loyalty to a man guilty of what has always been considered as the most abominable of all crimesbeing a traitor to the people who gave him a position of great trusthigh treason. In such case, every slight modification, which in the course of ages chanced to arise, and which in any way favoured the individuals of any of the species, by better adapting them to their altered conditions, would tend to be preserved; and natural selection would have free scope for the work of improvement. As illustrated by Eisenhower, the hysteria of communism propagating into American society and threatening the American way of life was a very prevalent fear at the forefront of the Cold War (Document A). . By doing so, they rely on their reputation to be more persuasive. a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. He talks about how African Americans have been discriminated against in housing, education, and employment. Russias gain of power throughout Eurasia showed off the USSRs strength and abilities, threatening the Western Powers. Various forms of propaganda advertised fears, causing panic to spread throughout the country. Actually, most conservative members of Congress supported McCarthy because it helped them gain votes during elections. An audience is more likely to agree with a speaker who can provide strong, factual evidence that shows their position is correct. McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of disloyalty, especially of pro-Communist activity, in many instances unsupported by proof or based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence. The Cold War was a war of ideologies and propaganda. The one encouraging thing is that the mad moment has not yet arrived for the firing of the gun or the exploding of the bomb which will set civilization about the final task of destroying itself. You never pay a dime. Pathos is the use of emotions to persuade an audience. The speaker uses ethos by alerting the audience of their credentials and experience. Logos appeals to your audiences reason and intelligence, and what your listeners are looking for is to find the truth through the facts of the argument. Speech of Joseph McCarthy, Wheeling, West Virginia, February 9, 1950. Ethos, pathos, and logos are the three classical modes of persuasion that a person can use to speak or write persuasively. Your email address will not be published. This comparison helps to paint a picture in the minds of his listeners and makes his argument more understandable. Conversation Agent - Valeria Maltoni - The Three Pillars of Persuasive Speech: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos 7ESL. Learn about the CK publication. To successfully give a persuasive presentation, you must look to master these three pillars of persuasive speech: Lets put these elements into context and see how they work. Fueled by the anti-Communist actions of Congress, particularly a Senator from Wisconsin by the name of Joseph McCarthy, the movement escalated and many people lost their jobs as a result of various blacklists. I understand that this was done after lengthy consultation with the now-convicted traitor, Alger Hiss. McCarthy manipulated the media, told outrageous stories about the communist conspiracy in the United States, and used his power and Americas fear to besmirch any opponents as communist sympathizers to make sure he remained at the top. Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition? Partially in response to Republican Party victories, President Harry S. Truman tried to demonstrate his own concern . Fortunately, we are going to look closely at each of these three ideas and see if they are really as effective as they are said to be. b. . As you probably know from your own life, emotions are a powerful motivating factor. Find out here. Some modern scholars may also use terms mythos and kairos when discussing modes of persuasion or rhetoric in general. Ethos is all about character. There is still a hope for peace if we finally decide that no longer can we safely blind our eyes and close our ears to those facts which are shaping up more and more clearly . McCarthyism is Americanism with its sleeves rolled. (McCarthy) If Joseph McCarthy thought that there was any chance that someone was communist or if they even had communist thoughts, he had people turn against them. McCarthy, in a speech at Wheeling, West Virginia, mounted an attack on Trumans foreign policy agenda by charging that the State Department and its Secretary, Dean Acheson, harbored traitorous Communists. You must do ample research and information gathering, not only about your topic but also about your audience. You must understand your listeners, their interests, inclinations, biases, and expectations. As we read and discuss, identify the different examples of ethos, pathos, and logos you come across in the text. King uses logos throughout his speech by providing evidence and reasoning for why civil rights are important. Find 55 ways to say ENEMIES, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Paint a picture, and link an emotional response to the most important parts of your message to make them memorable. Lest there be any doubt that the time has been chosen, let us go directly to the leader of communism todayJoseph Stalin. Wisconsin Republican Joseph R. McCarthy first won election to the Senate in 1946 during a campaign marked by much anticommunist Red-baiting. Then McCarthy began to target the Army because they wouldnt favor David Schine, one of his former investigators, who had been drafted in. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" is one of the most famous quoted speeches in history. He also asked the Justice Department to compile an official list of 78 subversive organizations. There is some dispute about the number of Communists McCarthy claimed to have known about. The majority of McCarthy 's movement attacked liberals and members of the Democratic Party and this aided anyone who was not part of those topics and organizations. Do you need persuading to take this quiz on identifying ethos, pathos, and logos? Logos simply relies on logic and cuts to the chase. Reflection of this conflict was apparent in the American ethos, in which Americans feared that if world communism captur[ed] any American statea new and perilous frontwill increase the danger to the entire free world and require even greater sacrifices from the American people (Document B). People were left questioning their rights and safety due to the second Red Scare, which threatened the coming of power of communism within America. Ethos, pathos, and logos. At the time that The Crucible was published, America had a huge fear of communism. While Aristotle clearly valued an argument based on reason very highly, we know that logos alone doesnt always effectively persuade an audience. Each section assists students in the I Have a Dream speech rhetorical analysis by allowing them to type in a quote that belongs to each section of the template. Senator McCarthy used ethos, metaphor, and hyperbole to create the notion of disloyalty within the federal government. In addition, learners are asked to identify statements of opinion and statements of fact as well as the rhetorical devices used. As the famous Roman orator Cicero explained, this step is called Invention, the discovery and development of the arguments that govern your message. Lets say you are a salesperson trying to sell your companys newest car to a customer. This indicates the swiftness of the tempo of Communist victories and American defeats in the cold war. To establish ethos, a speaker must be seen as an expert in the topic at hand or be someone who is trusted by the audience. In his Stanford commencement speech, Steve . If youre trying to sell a product, induce joy and desire. Once youve mastered the three pillars, your speech is guaranteed to drive its message home. Here is what he saidnot back in 1928, not before the war, not during the warbut 2 years after the last war was ended: To think that the Communist revolution can be carried out peacefully, within the framework of a Christian democracy, means one has either gone out of ones mind and lost all normal understanding, or has grossly and openly repudiated the Communist revolution. . Use Joseph McCarthy's famous "Enemies from Within" speech as a instructional text. The Crucible reveals the similarities between The Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s and McCarthyism of the 1950s because it demonstrates how a society can be tremendously impacted by the feeling the fear. I thrice presented him a kingly crown, For this reason, relying on pathos is often a smart and effective strategy for persuading an audience. . An all-in-one learning object repository and curriculum management platform that combines Lesson Planets library of educator-reviews to open educational resources with district materials and district-licensed publisher content. If the context allows, effective visual aids are powerful in making sure your audience grasps the message. After reading a passage about Aristotle's, three basic tools of persuasion, individuals answer a series of multiple choice comprehension questions and craft responses to three short-answer essay prompts. But 100 years later the Negro still is not free.. McCarthyism, a system established by Senator Joseph McCarthy in which he made unsubstantiated accusations of subversion or treason to America, acted as the culmination of this hysteria, directly reflecting the sentiments driving the American people. There are four main characteristics of ethos: Trustworthiness and respect. In the 1940 's and 1950 's, an anti-Communist movement swept the United States of America. While some may argue that one pillar is more important than the others, a persuasive speech with a balanced combination of all three pillars of a rhetorical triangle will always be more successful than a speech only focusing on one. Now lets go a little deeper to see how you can employ these three pillars to deliver a strong, persuasive presentation yourself. He focused more on manipulating his audiences feelings, rather inserting logic or credibility. He also talks about his experience with discrimination and how he has seen the effects of segregation firsthand. Ethos is a form of persuasion by using somebody's credibility or character. enemy: 1 n a personal enemy Synonyms: foe Antonyms: ally , friend an associate who provides cooperation or assistance Types: mortal enemy an enemy who wants to kill you Type of: challenger , competition , competitor , contender , rival the contestant you hope to defeat n an opposing military force "the enemy attacked at dawn" Type of: force , . Teaching the Aristotelian concepts of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos as ways to enhance students' comprehension of good arguments is a fantastic approach to cultivating their understanding of effective arguments. So with that, it is worth exploring the ethos (expertise), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (logic) of the speech to break it down into some core elements. These hearings showed Americans how McCarthy really was in court, and he disgusted them. . Within the portal, all users can view and copy all storyboards. McCarthys reign of terror continued until his colleagues formally denounced his tactics in 1954. (The Red Menace) McCarthy used the McCarthyism method. I further stated that I have in my possession the names of 57 Communists who are in the State Department at present. According to this viewpoint, a speaker/writer is using mythos if they try to persuade an audience using shared cultural customs or societal values. It is something that everyone should be concerned about and working to fix. Pathos And Logos In Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Type the example into the description box under the cell. Illustrate the example using any combination of scenes, characters, and items. Woman vs. Women: Whats The Difference? To influence the vote he gave the speech "We Shall Overcome.". To make your slides more appealing and reach your audience, you can design a killer presentation by using free & good backgrounds for presentations. 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enemies from within'' speech ethos, pathos, logos