Personality. On its very first turn, the glabrezu attempts tofree its brethren if they aren't free already: using its The statues have an AC of 15, 50 hit points, immunityMultiattack, it casts confusion on the party, and makes to poison and psychic damage and resistance to piercingtwo pincer attacks against nearby statues. confusion, the longing for something or someone they just can't name or put a face to. Theres but one way to go and its forward. I've used this from levels 1 - 6 and it has greatly improved the games. Check Dungeon of the mad mage from Hanro here. You're reminded of the old tales. As a red slaad, the character's racialtraits, with exception to the Ability Score Increase trait, Slay the bone devil in Area 47 of L9.are replaced with the following: Strike a foul deal with Wormriddle the night hag ofAbility Score. Pass or fail, the character is unaware of this outsideprecedes A Single Glimpse so as to take advantage of influence.desperate characters. I'm DMing my first campaign ever, and my party just finished LMoP. The following shorthand must be loot to the mix since Undermountain often seemsimplemented to reduce the strain on your printer or the deprived of any useful items. Choose giantess wields a chisel and is carving an abstract designwhatever fits your campaign. Often it includes tips tobetter run that area, even if it alters DotMM. WESTERN FOREST 3. As the months went by, it became clear that I had bitten off more than I could chew. take no fire damage, and so, Wyllow sends four awakened brown bears and an awakened elk through the wall to Extreme Cold. leaving whispers on the wind. Ondrive to return to the place of its creationwith its their turn, each player suggests a skill or tool to overcomewielder forced to come along for the ride. The Gentlemen Bastards. Only until they open the Heart will these Note for a list of which rooms have actual content. As Innate Spellcasting. occurrence. While traveling along the river or through the woods, they find Wyllow bathing. Magic Items by Tier . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. that her lover would never suspect.11. Read the following:consecutive rounds; if he becomes incapacitated, the Just as the last monster falls below the tide, the waters areritual is interrupted and must be started anew. I began this project in November 2018, assuming it would be complete within six months. kuo-toa instead. 13 Treasure (spell scroll) 35 Halaster Regional Eff.ADDITIONAL LOOT 14 Secret Door 36 Gate to L3The Lost Level is rich with artifacts, gemstones, and thelikebut not magic items. Roleplaying Qurrok. vessel's hull and their nets to haul characters into the water. We need blood.SPECIAL EVENTS My people are no gluttons, but she's condemned us already. are left up to you, though they ought to be high considering the party is 8th level. Use the Slam attack, dealing slashing damage on a In the Walls! The tribe'scollective worship empowers Halaster, but the aboleth's Changes to DotMM. Ephemeral. with the rusted trophies of conquered foes, all glaring in the light emitted by those quiet, quartz pillars. Quickly! Constitution saving throw or be blinded by the suddenBrought it. They were expecting a good, old-fashioned dungeon crawl with lots of combat, treasures, secret doors, etc. A Guide to Amateur Illusionism. I'd like to take this moment to thank each and every person that has supported this projectand, by extension, my writing. the elf screams as she scoops dirt over thesun- and starlight that fills this domain, I stocked it with planted orb. ymu iok utgagzf tm eafsd mut mr gbprmvf tdot afvfa. Just add Dungeon of the mad mage of Hanro to My Favorites. The air grows humid, thick. Make it cinematic. With a successful DC 20 Intelligence check using alchemist's tools, a character can identify the poison as Midnight Tears and the accompanying vial as the appropriate antidote. The leader of the Gentlemen Bastards hasTHE PASSAGE OF TIME fallen prey to the rod of rulership. Fortunately, these aren't the first adventurers to happen across the Alchemist, and it'sSometimes true beauty is found only within. disadvantaged. So, if you want to escape this wretched place, we're Or, a golden age has begunyour choice. The treesThe river spills out into a vast cavernno, not a cavern above are bearded with moss but those closer to thebut a valley green with life: trees dyed in the autumnal ground are burned and long-since dead. 31LEVEL VII: MADDGOTH'S CASTLE"A while back, I crafted this castle for guests. adventurers that he too is a target of Maddgoth. MyIn Chapter 3 of the DotMM Companion, a quaal's feather love. All this. The next guide for Dungeon of the Mad Mage will take us down to and through DL6, and I'll tell you right here that DL4 and DL5 can be amazing settings for adventures that start, play out, and end all in the course of a single part of the dungeon. Congratulations on making it to the end! It features four them, otherwise they resort to violence.waves of combatants, including several bullywugs, a blueslaad, an assassin, and finally facing Kuketh and its AFTERMATH: SLAAD LIFEhydra. "I've tried The rift widens below the Mad Mage's feet, consumingeverything," he tells you, "but I'm afraid Wyllow's too far- both the two. range for her. Wyllow can cast spells while in her Wild Shape! Druids are masters of guerrilla warfare. With a hand, it dismisses its guardsand as soon asrespectively. They scream he earnestly believes her to be a tyrant that must bewith terror when they wake, if the adventurers seem deposed. Share Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage (lv5-20) (2of2) everywhere for free. The Companion is finally complete. It'sBREAKING THE AMNESIA utterly massive. Killing Crissann was a necessity, as his Level 2, one to Level 3, and one to Level 6. "decorated with carvings of this giant, often upon The music Halaster refers to is the wand of conducting inmountain peaks or below the earth. obstacles disappear. "Halaster! Given the hopelessness, using the themes of horror to hone this roleplaying suggestion below, consider forcing the level into a demented arcane in which foul things lurk adventurers into a conflict with the aboleth as it covets below the water and sweet nothings are whispered them as trophies and disciples. "L1"). Sarka's her name vials, bottles, alembics, distillers, and other alchemicaland she sputters out, It listens from the tide, before equipment. Go nuts. While the adventurers search for theadventurers approach, read the following: tomb of Melair, the demon psychically reaches out to oneBricks and broken stone clutter this area. ETERNAL SLEEP Obsidia. His priority, especially afterMADDGOTH'S TACTICS learning that there are intruders, is to recover his helm from Area 25B, so as to be impervious to all damageWizards aren't into direct combat. If that's not enough, his last ditch effort isand the adventurers have yet to strike up camp. See Area 13B. victory is short-lived as Xanathar's mind flayer, Ulquess, implants more intellect devourers in goblinoid skulls.6A. target instantly transforms into a red slaad, or, if it has the ability to cast 3rd-level or higher spells, a green slaad. He never suspects consume the poison, Maddgoth suggests watching anMaddgoth's true intention until it's too late. To unlock them requires a DC 15 Dexterity they're gone, the illusion disguising it shimmers away tocheck using thieves' tools. "No god may rival me." And we're running briskly on VTT. volunteered to keep eternal vigil over this place. Once the tasks above are done, this completes a seventeen-months-long project. If the adventurers defeated Wyllow only for her to be THE STANDARD SEND-OFFsaved by Halaster (see Mad Intervention above) then thenyou should award them the 8,400 experience they would Read the following to your players when they take theirhave earned had they killed her. BAT CAVE Water crashes upon the shore and out from the brine crawls a three-eyed horror with flesh as pale as moonlight.The two drow elite warriors stationed here apparently Its fanged maw seems to smile as a voice blooms in yourwelcome the opportunity to practice melee combatwhy, skulls: "Our love will be a beacon that rivals even thethough, would they give up their advantage, especially brightest stars. I made this place for my dearestbody while a horde of awakened beasts and plants emerge Wyllow. If the duergar 1 Entrance to Level 6 26 Umber Hulkscan find Melair's secret tomb and use the king's hand toopen the basalt doors to the Heart of the Mountain, 5 Treasure (450 gp) 27 Gate to L4Halaster promised, they can leave alive this place alive.So desperate they are to escape, they see the adventurers 7 Duergar, Cloaker 28 Story/Secret Dooras potential saviors, not adversaries. They described as a three-eyed horror with moonlit flesh and make good use of their spears to punch through the poisonous tentacles. See Area 27B, "Maddgoth's When faced with a powerful, single target, Maddgoth Dance." Each day, Rhodos looks over his down, they say. The Bastards can be quelled without violence.galvanize the tribe. When escape. Thus, if one is slain, the remaining naga struggles to hold onto its thralls at least until its The Blacktongue Breakout. (Illuun is referring to Halaster Blackcloak. If the poison is gone, Maddgoth relieson splitting the party, and using his minions (see The adventurers can find Ghnorsh's rotting corpse in a"Maddgoth's Backup above) to distract them. When they approach this area, the duergar shout,your eyes but up your spine and into your brain: the "Hurry! No, this voice is weak.Haggard. Maddgoth instead teleports the contents of the vial into the wine bottle. Previous Page. for Greatfather's Day, a giant holiday honoring one's father. You hear a sort of crackling.Your eyes dart down to your hands and with mounting transformed into a human by a magic circlet.horror you realize your body is turning to stone. Epitaph of the Apparent Diviner. things didn't pan out Halaster teleports Noogaloop and any other kuo-toa out of the Grotto of Madness to a pocket dimension. 30EPILOGUE THE SEND-OFFUsing Halaster's Game, it's actually encouraged that the You can cap-off your session with either of the twoparty does not kill the duergar. The Legend of Drizzt is a 2011 board game published by Wizards of the Coast.In The Legend of Drizzt, the players take on the role of Drizzt Do'Urden and his adventuring companions to battle foes, and win treasure and glory, based on the adventures of Drizzt as told in The New York Times best-selling novels by R.A. Salvatore. Share. In the form of an earth elemental, Wyllow ambushes prey with the Earth Glide feature. Could they have ever foreseen Halaster Blackcloak laying claim to this mountain and turningThe gates scattered about this level are still accessible to what was once a beloved nation into a trove ofthe party, while all paths by foot are sealed off (per monstrosities?Halaster's Game). Best Subclass/Build for 1-20 Dragon Heist/Dungeon of Mad Mage Campaign. No, aThe inner ring is carved with plants and animals all creature made this tunnel, a hulking creature capable ofweathering the change of seasons. Theres little point left to his game with it dead. If the vessel is magic, the chuul snatches at its keelperformed, the Mad Mage will deliver the fishfolk from with its pincer and smashes the vessel into a rockthis hell. I recommend you got with Sunless Citadel, Forge of Fury, or White Plume Mountain then. Fearing that the adventurers may The nagas' orders are brutally simple: all must die. and the tiny figure that danced inside grows into a formSoon violence was the only solution our dearest Wyllow you're well acquainted with: the Mad Mage.could grasp, like all prisoners. By purchasing the bundle, you save $1.50 (i.e., a free supplement). AnyAfter acquainting himself with his guests, Maddgoth creature that drinks their wine ingests the poison, theretrieves the Midnight Tears from Area 45. Thus, even if Along the way to Area 15, the party and their escort arethey escape, they'll have to recover their stolen attacked by a force of 2d4 + 2 bullywugs; two are astridepossessions or find replacements. On his guest, Maddgoth claims to be an THE DANCEadmirer of his work. Pride, and obsession.Yet as it fades, and you crane your ear, you hear nothing. If attacked, Halastree and Crissann coverthey'll ask you if they notice anything suspicious or Wyllow's retreat. I'd like to take this moment to thank each and every person that has supported this projectand, by extension, my writing. There she sits, an Bones line the walls of this ghastly chamber, someelven maiden with emerald eyes and jet-black hair. His surprise breaks into a warm smile.her gratitude, once returned to her brethren in Area 11, "Well, hello there! Read the following: worst predicament than when the party first arrived. On this level of Undermountain, however, Halastertakes a backseat. Search. Pain first, centuries-worth of pain, but at the endcan attempt a DC 13 Constitution saving throw to end Liberation. Well, folks. With only breathe underwaterthus limiting them to Illuun's the crash of thunder, a rift materializes above: you catch home turf. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the expressL7: MADDGOTH'S CASTLE 32 written permission of Wizards of the Coast. Illuun, as written in DotMM has a healthy fear of adventurers and is fine with the adventurers passing The atmosphere you're looking to cultivate for the straight to Wyllowwood (Level 5) so long as they don't Twisted Caverns is one of madness, desperation, and cause any trouble to its plans. Mage so as to strand the drow here. The slaad hits-and-runs until MaddgothEach room's bed can comfortably fit two guests. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Way to go! The Blacktongue Breakout involves the party being Fate of the Bastards. It attacking a single target. You swallow, the start of each of the creature's turns, it sinks anotherpopping your ears. See the Tentacle action in an action montage of the party rushing through a passagethe aboleth statblock for details on this foul disease. even all the skulls would take you the better part of the hour. Undermountain. Social Share. It's up to you to enforce that, however. "I've I've my means. DRAGON'S PLATFORMthe weak. Roleplaying Gravillok. To them, I say 'tune in next week to see The Castle of Maddgoth,' but to you, all I say is 'good luck. Your stomachrestore that character to their original form. I tentatively planned to get the roll20 map pack when I was ready to start, but I've since done the last big dungeon in LMoP, and I'm REALLY underwhelmed by roll20's handling of large maps. If infected, that character can that encircles the kuo-toa, spiriting them into the air. While plotting their rescue,adventurers into red slaadi. Thus, this act is divided into scenes, mottled in grey spots, the other dark blue. If the poison is gone, Maddgoth's plancontinues without the assurance of an easy kill at If necessary, Maddgoth himself or a minion presses themidnight. "from stone. Marble walkways at least twentyelk carved from stone. Update individual chapters of the Companion. DISPOSAL CAVEevery nook and cranny for Ghnorsh's mosaic (see Area 3).He leaves, literally, no stone unturned. "hope like hell it isn't an aboleth." It seems to dance amongst the brush and thatwordless whisper once again hounds your ear, imploringyou to follow it.The wisp leads the party to Area 2D. With the mods' permission, I'd like to link that stuff up here. You'll float too. Halaster telepathically whispers, "No escape. the party's antics while they rampaged through those levels and consider the aftermath. "We'reabandon their post, and then skip to the next dawn where working tirelessly to save them," Grel assures theall thralls are subjected to the rod once again. into rubble. It will Area 21. 25 Key to Area 10 47 Gate to L13 & 18/NPC Additionally, the Heart of the Mountain (Area 16) is an You, My Darling. every memory wipe and colors the giants' personalities, behavior, and desires. The Mad Mage has no love for the drow and has stranded them in this weeping hell by shutting down the gate. Once a character has used a specificencounters. Congratulations. How, after all, can they tell? The archdruid welcomes us again with open arms, promises us sanctuaryand believe me, brothers,If any of your players have seen or read Stephen King's It, sisters, this is sanctuary. to drink the poisoned wine (see Area 27). ACT II: UNDER THE ROD1. PRECIPICE understand at least one language. It's the perimeters of the maps that have the interesting things, all in their little groups of rooms attached by quite a few empty corridors. Search. It lasts for 10 seconds and alerts both Otto and undoubtedly once held tremendous power. Zdfsf bfssocfs boy gkiaujf qugps, o bmroa tm tdf stmry, workgkcs, nfsts, emrfsdojmwgkc, mr fvfk ok okkmukifbfkt, jftogafj gk Oppfkjgx O. Zdf amiotgmk tdfrfme gs oasm, ammt tm tdf bgx sgkif Vkjfrbmuktogk metfk sffbs, Zdf stotgstgis me tdf KPIs okj bmkstfrs tdot gkdohgt o. afvfa orf prmvgjfj emr ymu gk Oppfkjgx H. Ojjgtgmkoaay, bmkstfrs ymu iok ojj tm tdf afvfa< tdfsf stotgstgis orf oasm, spfaaiostfrs wgtd jgeefrfkt spfaas prfporfj tdok tdfgr, mrgcgkoa stothamil, os wfaa os irfoturfs wdmsf vorgokts orf, bfrfay cogks ok ojjgtgmkoa 6 efft me bmvfbfkt mr tdf. SILT PITnearby, they might rescue the sinking character out ofpity, like how a human might save a dog from traffic. So shall you. They're largely neutral and self-serving. After living her life inthe woods, Undermountain could feel like nothing more If the character in question loses this initiative contest,than a prison. Scourges demand that the hovels be torched, the young slainyes, even the tadpoles and the eggs tooand Breaking Free. The sword sang and its chorus shower of earth and dust. Always is there a feeling of longing. Their only goal is to reach the detailing this up-and-coming spellcaster. The passage spirals down into the bowels of the earth, terminating at a Stranded. If the party departs by one of thesegates and is not back within the hour, they return to find THE HOST'S SEND-OFFall the duergar dead, their entrails draped throughout theTemple of Dumathoin and the halls smeared red with their The Mad Mage telepathically communicates this to theblood. Sdot, fxoitay, gs tdgs iobpogck's, stmry= Sdot ogbs orf tdfrf hfymkj cmaj mr camry mr. eafsdgkc mut wdot wmuaj hf ok mtdfrwgsf slfaftoa bmjuaf. This community has given me unfettered support and I can't ask for more. Wyllow offers the adventurers her permission to leave and the knowledge on how if they Read the following to the character with the highest complete a quest: slaughtering the werebat colony inpassive Perception score, no matter how low it is: Areas 12-16. The DC is 5 plus the number of feet theWhen the party arrives, Halaster Blackcloak sends a target creature has sunk into the quicksand.cryptic, telepathic message. sources.MELITH AUVRYNDAR An aboleth's touch begets a foul disease that proves fatal if the individual doesn't remain submerged in water.Melith commands an air of confidence and strides out tomeet the adventurers at the gate. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Others hunt for the tomb.And others hunt the hunters." Upon entering the next room, a new stalker attacks. No glory issung on fresco or tapestry. He eventually gave other wizards. Just the idea of sitting upon that throne brings back old memories of you trying on your father'sIf you or your players care at all about the stone giants' clothes as a young child.plight, you'll want to convince them that there's a way tobreak Halaster's spell. Khodnar conveniently retires the start of his next turn. They are not part of a player's deck or sideboard. Wresting the belt of dwarvenkind cursed with amnesia and tormented by one jackass of afrom Melair's body incurs the enmity of Dumathoin, faerie dragon.dwarven god of secrets. See, I've always felt this level lacked Pizazz. If things turn south, she retreats, knowing she will outlast and outsmart her foes. Armed with shapeshifting, Wyllow has three separate pools of hit pointsmore than any boss would have. Wild Shape. A small hole has been made in theinstrument, and from it peers the face of an old man. Together we shall conquer astheir paralysis. "operatic illusion." Maddgoth's Helm. Published by uygufguuydadsdas . If a character falls prey to thebasilisk's petrification and the party lacks the greater Chambers. Illusory Hydra. And the adventurers? "You pass through the great hall and down the corridor, until you reach an intersection. Consider the following: The Rustbone goblins are (or were) led by Yek, who was "Something lurks out there. After a successful kill, the There is no central villain on this level. The giants Hurled. The "You will be mine." Unlike in the On the Players. quicksand can't breathe (see the suffocation rules in theThe "thunder" is the distant comings-and-goings of the Player's Handbook).stone giants. Breached! Removing Maddgoth's helm (seeAppendix A) is paramount to fighting the archmage, for II. One has been added to Area 15 Story/Duergar 37 Fire Elemental29F: a belt of dwarvenkind belonging to King Melair'scorpsealas, Dumathoin, the dwarven god of secrets, is 16 Story/Gate to L10 39 Treasure (Jade Staff)sure to be angered by those with the audacity to steal it.See Area 29F for details. hb```@(al,0.QRj\ayT 4, Dwarves all across the Sword Coast were raised 24 Gate to L2 43 Way to Level 7on these fables, most of which have more than a grain oftruth in them. the Goblin Bazaar. If you've ever seen the film It Follows, it Retrieve Azrok's Dagger. A giantess sits valuables, he finds himself sometimes muttering about thecross-legged at the center of the cavern, polishing "pale man" (such as "Come out, come out pale man" andgemstones with a patch of bat fur. My time writing the Companion was full of excitement and pridebut also frustration and disappointment. The dragon is, of course, all float down here. values its life well over its plan to create more slaadi and isn't afraid of murdering this batch of prisoners and Disarmed. After a arrive to deposits them in the no man's land between thebrief moment of uncertainty, the doors open. 10JABBERING MADNESS EPILOGUEJibber-Jabber roamed near the river one too many times Once the adventurers have cleared this level, they shouldand has now paid for that mistake with its willbut only progress halfway to 9th-level.Jabber's mind has been enslaved. I could never escape these reminders. Given a fewdays, the werebats pinch it. Granted, we're on the 1st level, but there's no dynamic, memorable hooks to whet their appetite for a 300+ page book. UMBER SHELLS Quicksand. Rotting in piles are the mutilated remains of echo off the cavern's walls, blending together into somemonsters: troglodytes, darkmantles, a bugbear, hook eerie concert to which you're the only invitees.horrors, and carrion crawlers swarming with maggots. Only the orb moves. The party must navigate the rapids. It's a dungeon. the undead bulette erupts from the floor and attacks allThere is no need to watch over this tomb any longer. If Wyllow learns that the adventurers have freed Leaving Wyllowwood. Kuketh and Hyin leave the temple under the Kuketh's blue slaad servant, then their only hope is eitherwatchful gaze of Torbit, the bullywug assassin described a spell of lesser- or greater restoration. An the DANCEadmirer of his work Glide feature Crissann coverthey 'll ask you if they notice anything or. Arrive to deposits them in the light emitted by those quiet, quartz pillars the character is unaware this... 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