As a juvenile, The plant has long, silver leaves, while a Monstera Siltepecana mature plant has split leaves with holes in them and is more on the greener side. Siltepecanas foliage has lighter hues of green, and they are variegated; some parts are darker than others. Monstera Siltepecana vs Cebu blue: Whats the difference? This is because they are both commonly known as split-leaf philodendrons.. Many a mislabeled Monstera has ended up in an enthusiasts collection only to leave them with questions of origin. Remove the bottom 1-2 leaves from the stem cutting to expose the nodes along the stem, leaving 1-2 leaves on the top of the cutting. The Silver Monstera does have one notable variety, the (much rarer) Monstera siltepecana El Salvador. Avoid exposing your monstera Peru to any extended period of direct sunlight. The cause behind yellow leaves on a Monstera can be difficult to diagnose, particularly if its water-related and the damage is still minor. The flowers, known as a spadix, grow inside the spathes, which are specially folded leaves. Monstera siltepecana. Mature monstera Peru fenestration does not occur. That is, the Siltepecana has silvery variegated leaves that are tear-shaped and fenestrate, whereas the Peru has much darker, more evenly-colored green leaves that tend to be narrower and longer with a thick, leathery texture. The Monstera Siltepecana and the Monstera Peru are two very similar looking plants. It requires a totem to climb in an indoor environment. Unlike other more common monstera varieties, the leaves have a decidedly ripped, almost corrugated appearance. katplooey Additional comment actions. Shake off excess soil and very carefully loosen the roots. Monstera Siltepecana is the correct name for this plant, and it is not a philodendron. While they are not the same plant, they do look similar. If youre a fan of Monstera plants, youve probably come across both the Siltepecana and Peru varieties. Plenty of water, sunlight, and occasional feeding will also aid your plant in reaching maturity. Fill a small glass or vase with water and place the cutting in the water, ensuring that the exposed nodes along the stem are submerged in water while the top leaves remain above the water. First, consider its growing environment. Monstera Siltepecana. Burrow a hole in the ground large enough to receive your Monstera Siltepecana. Both are beautiful, luscious plants that make a great addition to any home. If the leaves of Monstera Peru turn yellow, it means the humidity is not enough. On the other hand, Peru has a dark, forest green hue. And if youre thinking this sounds simple, thats because it is. While monstera Peru flower when grown outdoors, it is extremely rare for them to flower indoorsso dont panic if you dont see any blooms on your plant, this is normal. The most important party, though, is the use of large, chunky mix-ins that create air pockets. Monstera Borsigiana vs. Thai Constellation: Variegation, Color, and More! This is because it is native to Peru, and thus, is more closely associated with that country. Simply put, Monstera Peru is better suited to beginners because they are easy to grow. It is much rarer than the Siltepecana and as such, is significantly more expensive. Wow, that is a really beautiful plant!!! Its temperature range should be between 60 and 95 F. For your monstera siltepecana, choose any well-draining indoor potting soil. Just be sure to check the plants label or ask a nursery employee to ensure that youre getting the plant that you want! These silvery beauties are perfect for draping, hanging, and trailing and look breathtaking on shelves and trellises that are safely out of reach of unknowing plant-munchers. It is recognizable by its much larger leaves and more compact shape. If it is under watered, you may notice that the leaves have crispy edges, or that the soil is dry and compacted. When it comes to size, the Siltepecana can grow up to three feet tall, while the Peru can reach up to six feet. If youre a plant lover, youve probably seen Monstera plants in stores and online. Providing your plant with a moss pole or trellis to climb may help to encourage its growth. Like most low-maintenance houseplants, the best soil for Monstera Siltepecana doesnt require you to take into consideration anything particularly complicated. Epiphytes have no evolutionary need for solid roots because they are supported by the plants they climb. Monstera siltepecana is a rare evergreen Aroid vine. Move over monstera deliciosathe monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum) is climbing in popularity among houseplant lovers thanks to its unique foliage and ease of care. Because of their fast growth rates, Monstera Siltepecana require quite a lot of water. It is best kept near a window in the house, but away from direct sunlight, which can cause leaf burn. Most plants of this species will do well in an east-facing window. Keep your container close to bright indirect light, turning it occasionally so that your plant receives sun energy from all angles. As they reach full maturity, their leaves darken to rich green, become wider, and develop fenestrations, usually from their center vein outward. Monstera Peru, on the other hand, is native to Peru and Colombia. In addition, both plants have similar but slightly different care requirements. Often confused for one another, the monstera Peru and monstera siltepecana can be differentiated in two key ways. Monstera monkey mask 12 cm; Monstera peru 12 cm; Ficus benjamina don. Monstera Siltepecana 'El Salvador' 5 out of 5 stars. There are several reasons why people cant tell the difference between Monstera Siltepecana and Monstera Per. Kartenianum is a plant native to South American tropical rainforests with high humidity. The Siltepecana variety is also known to grow a bit faster than the Peru variety. Because of its elegant, expensive appearance, it is my personal favorite. As they mature, they develop strong aerial roots and become epiphytic, gripping onto other plants and surfaces as a means to vine and expand, always aiming for the sun. Exercise caution with this plant if you have pets or children in the home. The El Salvador produces bigger leaves more inclined to develop fenestrations and grows in a much more compact form. The monstera Peru is susceptible to a range of common houseplant pests, particularly fungus gnats, mealy bugs, scale, spider mites, and whiteflies. The hardy El Salvador is among the most difficult to find and the most sought-after. It typically has large, wide leaves and produces an edible fruit that tastes like cucumber when ripe. Indeed, their roots need plenty of air circulation for optimal growth and health. By all means, have this plant in your house, but situate it somewhere out of reach. [Ingredient List]. Finally, as these beauties hail from the tropical regions of Mexico and Central America, they do have a penchant for hotter temperatures and humidity. At certain points in its development, Siltepecana exhibits a silvery-grayish hue and a variegated appearance due to black veins. Fortunately, the taste isnt very appealing, although that doesnt mean you shouldnt practice precaution. Monstera Siltepecana Pronunciation. For the most part, the Monstera peru prefers temperatures and humidity levels that mimic its natural environment in the wild. They require less light and water than other species in the monstera genus and are known for being slow-growing as well, meaning they arent likely to outgrow your space any time soon (were looking at you Monstera deliciosa). Or if there is, so that you can manage it timeously. Siltepecana does not produce fruit, but some Peru varieties do. Anyone who has propagated a Monstera will attest to the fact that it is a very gratifying process. I've found that it is a rapidly growing vining plant, equally suited to hanging baskets, or as a floor plant with a climbing support. Both have large, glossy leaves with distinctive split leaves (known as fenestrations). Siltepecana leaves are smaller, while Peru leaves can grow up to twice the size. If its roots become visible, particularly through its pots drainage holes, its time for a bigger home. The main difference between the Siltepecana and Peru varieties is the size of their leaves. As an epiphyte, the monstera peru does best in rich, airy, well-draining soil. If that is in order, you may want to consider giving a dose of fertilizer to your Monstera as an added nutrient boost. Kathleen Miller is a highly-regarded Master Gardener and Horticulturist who shares her knowledge of sustainable living, organic gardening, farming, and landscape design. The primary difference between the two varieties is that Monstera Siltepecanas leaves are teardrop-shaped and fenestrate. Its not safe to assume that similar plants will have the exact same needs! Monstera Peru, also known as Kerstenianum, has thick leaves that can grow up to nine centimeters in length, and their texture is bubbly and leather-like. A mixture of one part coco coir, one part orchid bark, and one part perlite provides the perfect amount of drainage, moisture retention, and nutritional content for these monsteras. This rare monstera is surprisingly easy to grow indoors. The leaves of the Monstera Peru are dark green and have deeply cut lobes. For our plant we actually place the pot on top of a wardrobe and allow the foliage to drape down. However, this is usually only observed in very mature plants that have a structure or support plant to creep on and cling to. What Is Rooting Hormone Made Of? The Monstera Adansonii. The Monstera Siltepecana is native to Mexico and Central America. So, in a way, you can consider the Monstera sp. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If youre looking for a plant thats a bit more low-maintenance, the Peru variety may be a better choice. Avoid overwatering your plant by waiting until the soil has dried completely before watering again. As a general rule, the topsoil should always be slightly damp to the touch and should not be allowed to dry out completely. Dont forget to add some bark or moss to your soil for better airflow. Monstera Siltepecana have two very distinct growth phases. This small monstera plant rarely grows taller than 6 to 8 feet indoors with leaves topping out at about 9 centimeters long. Within two or so months, you should have enough root growth to be able to plant your new Siltepecana! Without adequate water, light, or nutrients, your plant may experience stunting. Peru thrives on free-draining soil, particularly acidic soils with a PH of 5-7.5. Peru is a climber as well. These roots will seek surfaces or other plants to secure themselves to. It has two different forms in its life stages. Symptoms of ingestion (by pets and children alike) may include swelling and irritation of the eyes, lips, and throat and excessive drooling. Supermooie monstera variegata stek met een groot blad en twee luchtwortels. Sliding it out sideways works best. Monstera siltepecana is a species of flowering plant in the genus Monstera native to the wet tropical biomes of southern Mexico and Central America. The Monstera Siltepecana. These fruits are white berry clusters that grow in green pods, covered in scale-like skin. That's because a good well-draining soil helps enhance drainage, helps get the soil moist without being sopping wet, and helps with aeration and air flow. As it grows, your plant will also start developing aerial roots. Bij aankoop zal ik de mospaal daar in ), Im pleased to report that the Monstera Siltepecana is not one of them. Philodendron Hastatum grows upright and will climb trees in the wild. As a result, it thrives in a humid environment, and humidity should be artificially increased if necessary to mimic the natural environment and aid the plants growth. The leaves of monstera siltepecana are smooth with a distinct green color and reflective variegation; Monstera Siltepecana Vs Peru. They both prefer humid, shady conditions and should be watered regularly. It is native to Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Brazil. Related: 6 Simple Steps to Stake a Monstera. Variegation for this leaf is more pronounced on the underside than on the upper side. The Monstera Siltepecana is a climbing plant that can grow up to 30 feet tall. Finally, the flowers of Monstera Siltepecana are white, while the flowers of Monstera Peru are yellow. The leaves are large and oval-shaped with distinctive holes or fenestrations. Both of them are from the genus Monstera, and they share the American rainforests as their natural habitat. Some may choose to add sphagnum moss to promote improved humidity. 20,00 11 apr. Meanwhile, Monstera Peru's thick leaves have more or less the same form. As a juvenile plant, it has small, silver leaves with well-defined dark green veins. Monstera Siltepecana is known for its ability to purify the air and improve indoor air quality. Why does my Monstera Siltepecana have yellow leaves? The flowers are small and white, and the fruit is a large, orange-colored berry. Unlike other monstera varieties such as monstera dubia and monstera adansonii, the monstera Peru does not develop fenestrated leaves but instead, its thick leaves are characterized by a deep ridge-like texture (similar to some peperomias) and dark green color. While they are technically different plants, they are often lumped together because of their similarities. 2. The leaves will stay in their juvenile form if grow in a terrarium or in a hanging basket. Follow these simple steps to propagate your monstera Peru. Don't over-pot, don't overwater, give it medium light and it'll love you. She has over 30 years of experience in gardening and sustainable farming. At this stage, theres no reason why you cant propagate your Monstera plant, making the most of its gratifying growth to spread the Siltepecana love. If your monstera Peru is dropping leaves, it is likely either overwatered, or underwatered. De laatste foto is de foto van de moederplant die ooit. The humidity in your environment can be increased in various ways. Start by ensuring your cutting tools are clean and sterilized. The main differences between Monstera Siltepecana and Monstera Peru are the size and shape of their leaves. Also, try not to overcrowd the water dish. The soil in which Monstera Siltepecana grows must have plenty of oxygen or the roots will rot. In order to mature and thrive, Siltepecanas need room for their roots to expand and lots of energy from water and the sun. The main difference between the Monstera Siltepecana and Peru is their leaves. Monstera Pinnatipartita vs Peru People often mistake monstera pinnatipartita for monstera peru, but the two plants couldn't be more different. Swiss Cheese Plant, Silver Queen Philodendron, Seltene Monstera, Silver monstera. Monstera Siltepecana is pronounced: Mon-stare-ah Sil-teh-pe-cah-nah. Irrespective, the standard Monstera Siltepecana is not difficult to come by and can be freely purchased at many a nursery or garden center. The tissue of M.peru is also far thicker than M.siltepecana, and side-by-side Monstera peru foliage is wider and grows to larger dimensions than M.siltepecana. As saplings, they spring forth from the earth, usually in the shade of bigger trees and plants. Chris is a horticulturist with over a decade of experience in caring for houseplants and creating lush, thriving indoor oases in challenging environments. The Peru is a climbing plant that can reach up to 20 feet in height. The leaves of this plant are lighter green in color with yellowish-white splotches. It is distinguished from monstera peruensis by its taller height and lighter green colouration on new growth. Monstera peru prefers lighting that mimics their outdoor environment, where they grow beneath a canopy of leaves. But whats the difference between these two popular plants? If you buy something using the retail links in our articles, sometimes we earn a small. This monstera should not be allowed to sit in wet soil for an extended period of time as it is susceptible to root rot. For one, these plants are viners and thus grow external aerial roots as well as soil-dwelling roots. An obvious difference lies in the color of the leaves of each plant. Monstera Siltepecana vs Monstera Peru: How Do They Differ? Monstera siltepecana. If youre looking for a Monstera plant on a budget, then the Siltepecana is definitely the way to go. The Monstera genus is known for the beautiful, patterned fenestrations that develop on their leaves as they mature. From here on out, its just a waiting game. 3. If it sits in wet soil for too long, it is likely to develop dangerous root rot. Once your soil and pot are ready, its time to move your plant. What is the difference between monstera Peru and monstera siltepecana (or silver monstera)? The leaves of a mature Monstera Peru are smooth and glossy; they look like a plastic plant. Using a sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears, cut directly below a node. . But what are the differences between the two? For many of us, when we think of types of Monsteras, our heads immediately go to the shiny dark green giant Monstera Deliciosa that is so commonly found in homes and offices. Normal indoor living conditions should suffice for vigorous growth, but a little helping hand in terms of your Monsteras humidity needs can also go a long way. Monstera plants are known for their large, glossy leaves, and their ability to climb. Silver Monsteras are also inclined to develop fenestrations. These create inflorescence. Variegation: The dark veins on the silvery leaf of a juvenile siltepecana have beautiful variegation, while at maturity, the leaf has darker and lighter shades of green. The easiest way to check for watering problems is to feel the soil. They are also both trailing and vining plants, extremely popular with houseplant collectors, and very easy to care for. The key difference lies in its leaves. It is a non-climbing plant that typically only grows to about 10 feet tall. Most houseplant Monsteras will not produce fruit, instead only doing so in the wild. Place the cutting in a location that receives medium to bright indirect light, and change the water once a week to help prevent rotting. They are often confused due to their similar appearances, although there are, in actual fact, quite distinct differences in the shape, color, and size of their leaves, with the differences becoming more obvious as they mature. Monstera siltepecana does best in environments that mimic its natural ones. The Siltepecana also has smaller leaves, and the fenestrations on its leaves are more pronounced. For energy, your Monstera should be placed in a spot where it receives plenty of bright, indirect sunlight daily. The fruits are edible, with a flavor that is a cross between ripe banana and pineapple. However, they are often lumped together because of their extremely distinct color. Ensure that your monstera Peru is receiving several hours of bright, indirect light every day. Monstera Peru. Summary. What are the physical differences between these two plant species? The Siltepecana is famous for its silvery hues, much like the Cebu blue is known for its light, glittery leaves. If you dont support it, it wont grow past the juvenile stage. Propagating is a great way to start new plants, or to fill out existing plants by replanting the newly rooted cuttings back in the original pot. Have deeply cut lobes distinctive holes or fenestrations variegation, color, and the sun small and white while! To develop dangerous root rot develop fenestrations and grows in a much more compact shape 9 centimeters.... Have the exact same needs spadix, grow inside the spathes, can... Two plant species its silvery hues, much like the Cebu blue is known the... Their leaves 60 and 95 F. for your Monstera Peru are the physical differences between two. The earth, usually in the color of the Monstera genus is known for roots... Are smooth with a distinct green color and reflective variegation ; Monstera is. 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monstera peru vs siltepecana