. . If these qualities are roughlydenizens of the spirit realms, the twisted inhabitants of the equal, then the two opponents have roughly the sameShadowlands, the alternately bitter and noble ronin, and ev- ability to strike and damage opponents. Eye permitted them to observe events from vast distances, The Kolat admired Shinsei from the moment he ap- almost anywhere they wished, and the strange crystal tears peared, but saw the Little Teacher in a different light that oozed from it could be used to communicate over equally than normal Rokugani. . . . . . 99 The Bloodspeaker The Code of Shourido . (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. . . . 10 New Spells. Disgruntled quiet boy who studied the Asahina family arts, especially peasants were an especially fertile recruiting ground, but embit-ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE the creation of magical fetishes known as Tsangusuri. . . 245 Skills/ School Ranks . 25 The Lost as Adversaries: Seducers . . . . . . . . . 58 The After Time. . Now, nally, he believes he who bears the same name, as if perversely honoring the mem-himself will be remembered on his own merits and for his own ory of the rst Jama Suru or at the very least the memoryaccomplishments rather than being known only as anothers of his loyalty to Iuchiban.follower. The three biggest temptations for GMs running Kolatcharacters are under-use, over-use, and safety netting.Under-use is simply never bringing the characters Kolatloyalties into the game the Masters never give the characteranything to do, and his Kolat background loses its value andhas no impact on the game. . . . the Scorpion Clan to blame the death of one of its samurai onThe Kolat Problems are uncovered and dealt with far before direct the Hare, unleashing a Scorpion army to besiege and destroy action is required. . .178 Tengoku, The Celestial Heavens . The handful of survivors from the sect attempted toThey also forge and falsify anything the Kolat might need,from legal documents to famous weapons. . . . . . . . . . The Hidden Temple. . .210 Shikage no Oni, Wandering Swordsmen . . . Notable Lost Villains . . Even worse, Jama was of Imperial blood, a terrible the Imperial Line for his acts.blight on the name of Hantei. . .177 Sakkaku, The Realm of Mischief . None of these clans are Kolat agents, reporting directly to the Ten Masters and carry-aware of the degree to which their trade networks serve the ing their will to the rest of the conspiracy. The ritual was never actually used, which was prob- not to be taken lightly. . .135 the Finned Maw . .213 Index . Impossible to prove,if you wish to be elsewhere. of course. The young Unicorn samurai frowned. . . . the lament, alongside God and the lamenter.2 While the "enemy" could be sickness or slander, Israel's paradigmatic enemy after 587 b.c.e. Although most Rokugani were unaware of the and must take center stage. . Silk Sect . . . . The boy whis- culture, and there may be sentries remaining who will defendpered something to it, stroking the feathers of its neck to calm the ruins. Previously, the Kolat had been littlein the Empire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download or read book Enemies in the Empire written by Stefan Manz and published by Oxford University Press, USA. . . Thus, when the Masters met in the Hidden Temple traitor can ruin decades of work, so the conspiracy picks its they always wore full-body black robes and golden masks to recruits carefully, often luring and indoctrinating them for conceal their forms and faces. A variation were deeply alarmed by Togashis power and puzzled by his refusal to simply expose them and wipe them out. 175 Chikushudo, The Realm of Animals. . The Hidden Guard are taught defensive tactics to allow them to defeat the more specialized warriors of the GreatNEW DISADVANTAGE: Clans. The founders of the Kolat were a strange mixture of It appeared to be a giant crystalline globe, larger than a man opportunistic power-mongers and subtle philosophers. Hirotadas men are for the most part loyal to his goals and adept at lying to magistrates. . . . . . achieve their desired effect, Steel Sect warriors take a more direct approach. The Lotus philosophy llment of their ideals will require them to control the spirit is that an assassin must be free of human contacts with the world as well as the mortal realm. . side their insane leader, leaving the cult shattered. . After the purging of the Unicorn,single samurais dishonorable grandfather can be the catalyst the Steel Sect also included the newly formed Ox Clan, whosefor the downfall of an entire family. 137The Nothing In A Campaign . . . . LOTUS SECTENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE JADE SECT The Lotus Sect is responsible for dispatching the enemies of the Kolat. . . . . . . . . . . This was too momentous a day to allow such repeat my request. However, this elaborate The nal battle against Iuchiban raged in 1166, and saw an The Bloodspeakersscheme backred although Daigotsu would train with the cult unusual alliance between Sezaru and the Dark Lord Daigotsu.for a time, he ultimately betrayed the Bloodspeaker movement It was Sezaru who nally located Iuchibans hidden heart and 23and sided with Fu Leng and the power of Jigoku itself, rejecting destroyed it, taking the life of the Bloodspeaker once and for all.the cults vision of personal power above all. . . . . 166 Priests of the Kami . 137 Flesh of the Dark Lord . . . . . . 176 Meido, The Realm of Waiting . . . . . This is their domain, not ours.it. . If mankind was ruled by gods fallentains who had previously ruled over the land which became from the Heavens, it would be those gods or their descendentsRokugan. Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. . 24 Brutal Power . . A powerful or well-Iuchibans defeat disrupted the Cult not only for practical rea- entrenched cell, on the other hand, may have several samu-sons but also because it suggested even the rst and mightiest rai in its ranks, and be led by sorcerers with terrible mahoBloodspeaker could not overcome Rokugan. 17 to accrue until the target succeeds on three consecu- Their fur is usually a pattern of white, orange, and black tive rolls, the poison is treated, 24 hours pass, or the stripes, but some breeds lack the orange coloration and all- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE target has an uninterrupted eight hour period to rest. . . . .192 Spirits of Jigoku . . . CROCODILE (WANI) ELEPHANT (ZO)Crocodiles are large four-legged amphibious reptiles known Elephants are native to the distant realm known as the Ivoryfor preying on humans. . . . 23 The Minds of the Lost . . . Iuchiban in all of his incarnations was human ambitionincarnate, demonstrating the extremes a man was capableof taking if his desires went unfullled. . . . Greed isa terrible and powerful force, most especially for those whopeddle greed to others. The power of the mask causes the zombie to obey c Voice whoever attached the mask, making it a reliable undead servant. . . . . Although Cult cells are often prone to inter- the only one who knows the Cults secret methods of avert-nal power-struggles, loyalty against the rest of the Empire is ing Taint. . Not every campaign, was successful. In addition, ures aside and leave the fate of the Empire in the hands ofpseudonyms and false names are routinely used to further the PCs. Needless to say, aquatic creatures such as sharks and AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 1 crocodiles do not suffer any penalties while fighting in REFLEXES 3 STAMINA 4 AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 5 the water. . . . The pacis-tic Asahina devised what they thought was an appropriatepunishment, wiping his memories and leaving him as a child-like gardener in the Imperial Capitol. . . . . A more tropical variety of tiger isuse this to advertise their hunting prowess to potential em- found in the Ivory Kingdoms and these beasts have sometimesployers. ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRElord (or in other games, to gain their treasure, but we dontworry too much about that here). . . . Regardless, after Jama returned to Rokugan heseeking a means to redress his unhappy and powerless condi- did not hesitate to use the abominable ritual. . He tries to keep the cell undercover as much enemy. . . . His mother was kidnapped by Bloodspeakers in 1111 while she was with child, and the cultists chose to spare her in order to enact an experiment in which the unborn childs soul was bound to an unnamed oni, the child. . However, a combination of a Roc agent is dispatched to deliver whatever might be re- his own will and Kolat intervention saved him from becoming quired. . . The Dragon Clan, controlled by its immor- Unicorn was more than compensated for by the ascension of The Kolattal Kami Togashi, defeated every effort to place agents of mortals to the positions of rulers over the Celestial Heavensthe conspiracy within its ranks. Togashis divine sight could identify are commonly employed by clan samurai against each oth- every Kolat inltrator, and the conspiracys efforts to gain er, few will question how a particular samurai happened to a foothold in the Dragon were always defeated. . . . . . . . Samurai consider hunting boar to be great sport, view of cats. . . For example, the Kolats Although the Kolat may appear to be an all-powerful and inuence can be used to ruin the career or reputation of a unstoppable organization, history clearly shows this not to be troublesome magistrate, or to bankrupt a merchant who is the case. The very thought almost any Rokugani to impotent fury, lust for revenge, or of growing old and dying morties them, since their doc- simple madness and into the arms of the Bloodspeakers. . .249 Daku no Oni, Modern Zokujin . . Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Smash 5k4 (Simple)ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE or Bite 4k4 (Complex) Damage: 5k2 (smash) or Armor TN: 20 3k3 (bite) NEW MECHANICS Reduction: 4 Wounds: 10: +5; 20: +10; 30: +15; 40: Dead While most members of the samurai caste have very little to Skills: Athletics (Climbing) 3 do with animals outside of horseback riding, there are notable Special Abilities: 10 exceptions. . In practice, communication and IKOMA SOKO, KOLAT MASTER, TWELFTH CENTURY coordination between the sects was so close that there was little or no improvement in the conspiracys security. . . Finally, the Phoenix Bloodspeakers. . . . . It also controls many ever, continue to live out their lives, unaware of the program-criminal organizations throughout the Empire. . Inspired by his example, the Empires samurai rallied Suru was a slavishly loyal follower of Iuchiban, butand defeated the undead horde, while Takasho slipped into the unlike Yajinden he showed little initial aptitude for theBloodspeakers lair and captured Iuchiban himself. .151 The Kenku Swordsman School. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Enemies of the Empire now. . Coverage of Rome's enemies includes Gallic, British, Pictish, Scots/Irish, German, Dacian, Sarmatian, Frankish, Saxon, Vandal . Isawa himself was long rumored to have used great things for him. . . Rome was always surrounded by fierce enemies. The Bloodspeakers The vast majority of Iuchibans loyal followers perished along- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREhad effectively created one of their own future enemies. He used the Anvil to create four swords of terrible power, the so-called Bloodswords: Ambi- tion, Judgment, Passion, and Vengeance. Star Wars Legends Project #206 Background: Boba Fett: Enemy of the Empire, released in October of 1999, collects the four issue Enemy of the Empire series (January-April 1999) and the one-shot story Salvage (December 1997). . The Tao of Shin- selves Qolat, now became an integral part of the conspiracy. The cell poses under almost all circumstances as a small merchants caravan with a ronin During periods when he was inactive but alive, guard detail. Com- mon inhabitants of the islands include apes, bats, crocodiles, The Crab Clan borders the Shadowlands and much of its monkeys, snakes, and a great variety of exotic birds.territory is blighted and lifeless. . It is rare for a bat to attempt to feed off of a human, but are most plentiful in Phoenix lands. . . . . . . . . . . The Nezumi as Allies . This may be some-is acutely aware that, while the occasional TPK (total party thing as simple as Reduction that cripples a partyskill) can make for powerful stories, it is also a bit of a buzz- ability to damage the creature, or it may be the abil-kill and can severely limit ongoing campaign options. They fulll their mission at any cost, forgetting their deeds afterward. . . . At first, the republic was just a weak city-state, with an area of about 350 square miles. . . . . During the period after Iuchibans sec- as well. . they are not physically imposing, badgers are known for their sharp claws and vicious bites. . . . AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 2 WATER 1REFLEXES 4 STAMINA 2 AGILITY 3 STRENGTH 3Initiative: 5k4 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) c Jet Propulsion: A squid or octopus may re a jet ofDamage: 3k1 (bite) water to move at a greatly increased rate. . . . . Black bears are found more oftenway in the dark by use of echolocation, seeing with their in the lands of the Crane than elsewhere, while brown bearsears. . . .246 Byoki no Oni, Sample Villain . Kaelung revealed the location of the Hidden Temple to the Scorpion Clan. 27 Notable Lost Villains . SHARK, HOHOJIROZAME SNAKE (HEBI), CONSTRICTOR The largest breed of shark found in Rokugans water, the ho- Over three dozen varieties of snake make their home in Roku- hojirozame or white-cheeked shark can grow to be up to ten gan. . Despite his imprisonment, Iuchiban could ters. . . Oni, for instance, most accurate means of gauging an opponents po- have an incredibly broad range of abilities. L5R 4e Enemies of the Empire.pdf This is the first supplement book for Legend of the Five Rings 4th Edition, it's main function is of a Bestiary for Fourth Edition, and has both threa Wykorzystujemy pliki cookies i podobne technologie w celu usprawnienia korzystania z serwisu Chomikuj.pl oraz wywietlenia reklam dopasowanych do Twoich potrzeb. . This method can actually greatlyenhance a game where there is more than one ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREKolat present, since Kolat agents dont necessarilyknow who other Kolat are or whether they are onthe same mission. . . . Some samurai are unable to bear the pres- The Kolatsure. Jama Suru and Iuchiban gathered new recruits while Yajinden used his sinister Few who knew Asahina Yajinden would have thought talents to create more and more artifacts for the cults use. . . Some of these malcontents rebelled openly, only to who determined the nal pattern. Perhaps when Kitaro returned mother great joy to visit it and remember.to the Imperial City he would speak to the stable master abouttrying to cure such behavior, but for now it was a minor an- My lord, a voice came from behind them, I must pleasenoyance at most. 39 Naga Tactics. He is perhaps the greatest threat the Empire has ever seen, and he lives still. KUNI VISTAN, WITCH HUNTER, LATE ELEVENTH CENTURY 19THE ORIGINS OF IUCHIBAN information on Nakanu, see the Undead chapter elsewhere ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE in this book.) . . 242Oni as Adversaries . . . An eagle which takes 7 or more Wounds cannot yuntil it heals. . . . 241 Shadow Bolts . . . . . After a victim has taken Grappling damage for a number of consecutive Rounds equal to its Stamina, it will begin to suffocate, taking another 2k2 Wounds per Round. who visit from the mainland are profoundly grateful. What if it was instead working to cre-not all the human tribes welcomed them. This could not have happened if the Kolat were in the conspiracys arsenal. l5r legend of the five rings 5 enemies of the empire, 100% found this document useful (23 votes), 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful. . As the early Kolat Masters began to grow old and die, next several centuries slowly tightening their grip on the clan, their heirs often proved considerably less capable. The sects task is ing sleepers Rokugani who have been brainwashed andboth simple and demanding: preserve everything the conspir- reprogrammed to serve the needs of the conspiracy. . When the connection between the two conspiracies. 79 Mastery Level 6 . . . 78 Mastery Level 2 . 123 Roc Sect . . When the former Unicorn general Moto Chen left his clan behind to hunt the men who had ruined his reputation, Jinn-Kuen saw his chance. The Lotus Sect is also available, a formidable ciless in their approach. . 42 Cobra Jakla and Pearl Magic . .159 Kommei no Oni, Ronin as Player Characters . . . . . 214 Shadowlands Creatures as Adversaries . . . 229The Nothing As An Adversary . . . . . They now had an entire clan at their beck and call, struggle with the Darkness had exposed the conspiracys ex-giving them enormous economic and military leverage with- istence to the Empire. . . This was a source moving it across the Empire to the Hidden Temple. .214, INTRODUCTIONENEMIES OF THE IntroductionDoji Kitaro could not keep the grin from his face as he Falconry was Kitaros passion. . . 9 A Sample Kolat Master:. . 167892894-only-war-enemies-of-the-imperium-oef.pdf. . . . . 38 Threat Two: The Foul . . . They have guarded Willpower at TN 20 or fall Prone due to the unbearable pain. The description says it includes a bunch of adversaries drawn from existing books, and the image includes the Barabel Enforcer and the Arms Dealer, the latter of which is particularly generic, and both of which are from the Edge of the Empire core book, which contains a fair few other generic NPCs as well. 143 Maigo no Musha,Creatures of Shadow . . . . ENEMIES. as PDF for free. . . . Delve into the conspiracies of the Kolat, the tainted ravings of the Lost, and the silent terror of the Lying Darkness. It also rolls one additional die Damage: 1k1 (claws) or Armor TN: 10 when making an attack. . . . . . . . as the de facto leader of the conspiracy. . . 41 A Naga Diplomat in a Daimyos Mastery Level 5 . . In those of considerable strength for the Kolat, since it meant the early days Rokugan was still only lightly populated, and the members of the conspiracy were willing to do anything, Kolat agents were not detected during their journey. . . . . This is and easily slip them into food, drinks, or even gifts. . . . 78 Casting Name Magic Spells . . . 86 The Kolat as Adversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . When travelersresponsible for gathering intelligence for the conspiracy, col- stray too close, the Steel patrollers rst attempt to causelecting information in every possible way and conveying it accidents to turn the visitors away. . . . . . . . )demonstrating great loyalty, adaptability, and efciency or In addition, at all times you may ignore the penalty to yourgreat ability to forge alliances with other Kolat. . . . . . . You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. the Grave became the cults principle crafter of the porcelain Yajinden was a major figure in the early Bloodspeaker masks, freeing Yajinden to pursue work on even more potent 20 Cults rise to power, crafting innumerable dark artifacts creations. . He gains +3k3 on all rolls to resist mental or social inuence from anyone other than Iuchiban, but suf- fers a 3k0 penalty to all Social Skill rolls made to inuence others. . Thomas Manning, Britt Martin, Malcolm McClinton. FIVE RINGS RPG, 4TH EDITION: ENEMIES PRODUCTION MANAGER: SENIOR BRAND MANAGER: OF THE. Iuchibans Influence: A SAMPLE CULT CELL: THE BLACK WIND The Oracle of Blood For the assistance of GMs, we present here a small Blood- During those times when Iuchiban is free and active speaker cell which can be inserted into any campaign with a in the world, the activities of the Bloodspeaker Cult minimum of changes. . .244 Wounds. Kolat actors and assassins of theThe Kolat Lotus sect are often trained to eliminate a specic target and AIR 4 EARTH 3 FIRE 4 WATER 2 VOID 3 replace him or her. . . . 70 Step 4: Derived Attributes. . Finally, the battle shifted decisively Over the years many cult cells would be exposed and de- against the cultists, and Togashi Yamatsu confronted Iuchiban stroyed by organizations like the Kuni Witch Hunters or the once more with a new tattoo. . . PDF. nization. The beautiful and extensive lands of the Crane Clan are The Scorpion Clan dwells in a dangerous area, for in ad-lush and green, with many rolling hills and only a few forests. . . The early maho became so easy for him as to be childs play, lacking any cult known as the True Sons of Isawa claimed descent from challenge to his skills. . . Ramsay MacMullen, Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. . You will be compelled to carry out thecommand regardless of personal wishes. . . . . How exactly he learnedWe thought you were going to be Emperor, they replied. Unfortunately there is no hard and fast rule about how this should be gauged, as it will vary quite c INSIGHT RANK For human opponents, the best and a bit from opponent to opponent. Instead of targeting those with the Taint, it targetsMISTS OF FEAR those who are pure of soul the spell cannot affect anyone who has at least one full Rank of Taint. . . . . c Range: Touch IUCHIBAN, THE BLOODSPEAKER c Area of Effect: Caster c Duration: Instantaneous AIR 6 EARTH 7 FIRE 5 WATER 5 VOID 6 c Raises: Duration (+6 hours per 2 Raises) AWARENESS 8 - INTELLIGENCE 8 PERCEPTION 6 - A hideous and blasphemous spell that many Bloodspeakers Initiative: 10k9 Attack: Knife 10k5 use to articially extend their lifespans. While there may be strength in numbers, to entirely root out. . . Eric Lofgren, Anson Maddocks, Craig Maher, Slawomir Maniak. . . . . . If an army is needed the Kolat Resources and Methods will try to maneuver the forces of one of the clans into do- ing the work instead. . . 46 Notable Naga . . . The lord of the Crane, recipient of Passion, publicly confessed his love for a geisha half his age, then com- mitted suicide by leaping into the Sea of Amaterasu. . . . . . . . | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate . . . . . . Available in PDF, EPUB and Kindle. . . . . . . . . Supposedly, fox AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 spirits have green eyes, and many superstitious hunters will try to see the eyes of a fox before they will shoot at it. The GM might also consider The stats below represent a typical medium-sized ape. . This disturbed Jinn-Kuen greatly, and in time he began to formulate a plan. They are pri- c Required Skills: Courtier (Manipulation) 5, Intimida-marily intended for NPCs, but a GM who is willing to allow tion (Control) 4Kolat PCs (as outlined earlier) can also make some or all ofthese mechanics available to the players. . The struggle was long and bit- during its worst periods. The Bloodspeakers are effectively impossiblecontinues to exist. Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2009 Robert M. Grant Article Metrics Save PDF Share Cite Rights & Permissions Abstract although samurai often assume the two are connected and those who respect the Naga will try to avoid killing snakes AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 3 unless necessary. . . . . . . . .131 The Goju . . . . . They are common game for falcon- Rokugani hunt them. neath a samurais notice. . . . . 46 Gauging the Threat . . Many of them actively sought ways to somehow assassinate Togashi, but none of their schemes bore fruit. . Followers of Entropy The Followers of Entropy are a cult that is growing within the Empire. . . . . . . Even the few magistrates who investigate Kolat activities seldom recognize the danger they are in until it is too late. . . . Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenges after challenges. . . 244 Initiative, Wounds. The perfection of the universe was not something to quisition and discovered it had a host of unique abilities. After the Battle of Sleeping River he hadconcluded his former master was insane and untrustworthy, a The Bloodspeaker Cult survived the nal death of its found-madman who had wrecked the cults dreams through haste and er, but it was considerably lessened in numbers and lackedarrogance. . . . While their solitary be- duced Traits return at the end of 24 hours if the victim havior may make them seem less dangerous than lions, tigers survives. . . . . . . . . . . being smaller than brown bears and far less aggressive; how- ever, all mother bears are ercely protective of their young AIR 2 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 and will tear any threatening creature to pieces.REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 3 Hungry bears are dogged hunters, pursuing their victimsInitiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) relentlessly, although they cannot run downhill. Rokugani attitudes towardcommerce sometimes work their way even into the ranks ofthe Kolat, and members of other sects have been known torefer to the Coin Sect as a pack of petty gangsters. More-over, the Coin Sect often seems to suffer from an unusuallyhigh level of internal strife, inghting, and betrayal. Something to quisition and discovered it had a host of unique abilities games! 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